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Disrespectfull Cowboy hat taken care of


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you're only kissing his butt because it's "my favorite" team..... if the same was said about the skins you'd be flaming mad........ He puts a story out there like this and we are supposed to become cheerleaders? Put the shoe on the other foot and you will see what I'm saying! This story would have NO substance if the guy would have been wearing any other cap..... go ahead and admit it.

I'll admit it. You are completly missing the bigger picture here. The star on the hat doesn't mean a thing (although it did make the story more enjoyable).

The real issue is the lack of upbringing and awareness this person displayed in a place of honor. So, you feel there was no disrespect shown by the clown who left his hat on at a national shrine during the NA and taps? It really doesn't matter what team the a-hole rooted for. The story to me meant more about the fact that the person was absolutely clueless and needed a strong reminder of his surroundings. :2cents:

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you're only kissing his butt because it's "my favorite" team..... if the same was said about the skins you'd be flaming mad........ He puts a story out there like this and we are supposed to become cheerleaders? Put the shoe on the other foot and you will see what I'm saying! This story would have NO substance if the guy would have been wearing any other cap..... go ahead and admit it.

To be honest with you the team on the hat has no relavance. Disrespect, to the country you live in in front of Soldiers who put their lives on the line so YOU can have a safe and secure place to live, is an ENTIRELY different animal.

The man was a retired ARMY officer NOT a police officer.

To make everything clear, the "Cowgirls" part of the story is just icing on the cake. The real reason why I enjoyed the story is that a person being disrespectful to EVERYONE in attendance got what he deserved. Dude was a POS plain and simple if dude were a Skins fan, he'd still be a POS!

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you're only kissing his butt because it's "my favorite" team..... if the same was said about the skins you'd be flaming mad........ He puts a story out there like this and we are supposed to become cheerleaders? Put the shoe on the other foot and you will see what I'm saying! This story would have NO substance if the guy would have been wearing any other cap..... go ahead and admit it.

You think he did it BECAUSE it was a cowgirls fan? Maybe this is beyond your ability to understand but there are certain places and times that you show respect or don't go there at all.Arlington National Cemetary at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is one of those places. If you are there during the playing of the national anthem and you are asked to take of your hat you do it. No ifs, no ands, no buts. Got it? Boy got what he deserved. If anything it's just because he was a girls fan that your boo hooing about it. That fact was just a bonus for the Ranger and the rest of us for that matter.

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That is awesome! One of my very best friends used to be 1st Relief Commander at the Tomb...


He's a Vikings fan, but we'll forgive him being from Minnesota and all

The last time he was in town, he took my wife and I to the Tomb and got the current commander to get one of the newer guys to give us a tour. I got a great pic of my wife "experimenting" with the training rifle.....


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you're only kissing his butt because it's "my favorite" team..... if the same was said about the skins you'd be flaming mad........ He puts a story out there like this and we are supposed to become cheerleaders? Put the shoe on the other foot and you will see what I'm saying! This story would have NO substance if the guy would have been wearing any other cap..... go ahead and admit it.

You're sorely mistaken! I would have enjoyed this story ALMOST as much if it had been a disrespectful REDSKINS fan! That guy got what was coming to him. Like everyone else said, the fact that it was a Cowboys fan was simply icing on the cake. But we would have enjoyed that story no matter what team's hat he wore!

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I think you miss the point it was more that the guy wouldnt take off his hat than it was the cowboys hat..It just sweetens the story that it was a cowbo fan

nah.... I think the colored glasses have most of the posters here missing the point..... throw the "cowgirl" cap out of the equation and this thread takes a whole different turn..............

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You think he did it BECAUSE it was a cowgirls fan? Maybe this is beyond your ability to understand but there are certain places and times that you show respect or don't go there at all.Arlington National Cemetary at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is one of those places. If you are there during the playing of the national anthem and you are asked to take of your hat you do it. No ifs, no ands, no buts. Got it? Boy got what he deserved. If anything it's just because he was a girls fan that your boo hooing about it. That fact was just a bonus for the Ranger and the rest of us for that matter.

It is not beyond my ability to understand...... this thread would not have been 4 pages long if it had been say, a plain old cap! You know it and I know it!

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You're sorely mistaken! I would have enjoyed this story ALMOST as much if it had been a disrespectful REDSKINS fan! That guy got what was coming to him. Like everyone else said, the fact that it was a Cowboys fan was simply icing on the cake. But we would have enjoyed that story no matter what team's hat he wore!

I agree... I would have enjoyed hearing this story even if it were a skins hat being knocked off. And Im a diehard skins fan! I would have just said 'well now we know that not all skins fans are playing with full ones'. Its just funny that bigbass took it so personally like it happened to his own brother and that this story represents all cowgirl fans...although it does show a pretty good "big picture" of them if I do sat so myself. ;)


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nah.... I think the colored glasses have most of the posters here missing the point..... throw the "cowgirl" cap out of the equation and this thread takes a whole different turn..............
It is not beyond my ability to understand...... this thread would not have been 4 pages long if it had been say, a plain old cap! You know it and I know it!

Okay, I get it. You're trying to be funny, right?

Well, while that's better than the alternative---that you're really as thick as your take on this story and where you're reading it seem to indicate---truth is it's still not working out so well for ya.

Or, maybe we found the cap's owner. :)

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nah....I think the colored glasses have most of the posters here missing the point DAGNABBIT..... You THAR YELLER BELLIED SKINS LOVERS throw the "cowgirl" cRap out of the equation and this thread takes a whole different turn..............GOSH DARNIT!

There! Just needed to edit your post for ya cause I knew what you were trying to say ;)


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Okay, I get it. You're trying to be funny, right?

Well, while that's better than the alternative---that you're really as thick as your take on this story and where you're reading it seem to indicate---truth is it's still not working out so well for ya.

Or, maybe we found the cap's owner. :)

no homer..... I'm not the caps owner and not the biggest pom pon waiver of our favorite team! I'll stick to my guns...... If it had been a plain old cap this thing would not be 5 pages long! Correct??????

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no homer..... I'm not the caps owner and not the biggest pom pon waiver of our favorite team! I'll stick to my guns...... If it had been a plain old cap this thing would not be 5 pages long! Correct??????

No, it's getting longer at this point because what appears to be an alarmingly narrow-minded troll of a Cowboy fan has landed in this thread, and is busy making a semi-amusing spectacle of himself, through which, at least for a few minutes, a few semi-amused Redskins fans can keep their minds off the fact that it's still only June and we still have over a month to go before preseason starts.

Feel free to keep bumping it though.

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no homer..... I'm not the caps owner and not the biggest pom pon waiver of our favorite team! I'll stick to my guns...... If it had been a plain old cap this thing would not be 5 pages long! Correct??????

You're either John Madden who got bored on the madden cruiser and started to do some "trolling" or the new alter ego for Captain Obvious:obvious:.

News flash, if it would have been a plain old cap this thread wouldn't have been created here at all. Yup and all those Dallas trolls wouldn't have found your...I mean their... way here either.

And what happened to the part where 'skins fans are just treating the guy like he's crap because hes a boys fan?' That was a big part of your defense earlier. Did you just drop that as a part of your evidence? Just trying to help your sliding case along here.


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Guest NebraSKIN

Nice post. Leave it to a cowpie fan. "America's Team" eh. What a frig'n looser. I'm glad he got smacked.

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You're either John Madden who got bored on the madden cruiser and started to do some "trolling" or the new alter ego for Captain Obvious:obvious:.

News flash, if it would have been a plain old cap this thread wouldn't have been created here at all. Yup and all those Dallas trolls wouldn't have found your...I mean their... way here either.

And what happened to the part where 'skins fans are just treating the guy like he's crap because hes a boys fan?' That was a big part of your defense earlier. Did you just drop that as a part of your evidence? Just trying to help your sliding case along here.


blah.... blah....blah.... take your glasses off..... call it trolling if you like. You call me troll... i'll call you cheerleader... Waive you pom pons big guy! If the title of his thread hadn' t been "disrespectfull cowgirl cap taken care of"... your pom pons would have been picked up! Truth? of course it is! Shake em now big guy!!!!!:laugh: :laugh:

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No, it's getting longer at this point because what appears to be an alarmingly narrow-minded troll of a Cowboy fan has landed in this thread, and is busy making a semi-amusing spectacle of himself, through which, at least for a few minutes, a few semi-amused Redskins fans can keep their minds off the fact that it's still only June and we still have over a month to go before preseason starts.

Feel free to keep bumping it though.

why does a person have to be a troll when he calls it like he sees it..... What if the thread title had been disrectful person taken care of...... Leave team colors out of it and see what happens! not too many of you cheerleaders would have touched it.......

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That was an incredible story. I'm smiling wide right now.

Most stories this long I would have just glanced over.

But I LOVED it. What a great story.


And fish... thank you for serving this wonderful country. I truely appreciate what you and all our soldiers do.

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It drives me absolutely crazy at sporting events when there is always one knucklehead who doesn't take his hat off during the National Anthem. It would be multiplied if I was at such a place of honor as the TUS.

Awesome story. Thanks for that.

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It drives me absolutely crazy at sporting events when there is always one knucklehead who doesn't take his hat off during the National Anthem. It would be multiplied if I was at such a place of honor as the TUS.

Awesome story. Thanks for that.

this is the kind of response I was looking for!! no mention of team colors or the fact it's the opposition's cap that was knocked off.

good post tizzod!:applause:

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blah.... blah....blah.... take your glasses off..... call it trolling if you like. You call me troll... i'll call you cheerleader... Waive you pom pons big guy! If the title of his thread hadn' t been "disrespectfull cowgirl cap taken care of"... your pom pons would have been picked up! Truth? of course it is! Shake em now big guy!!!!!:laugh: :laugh:

Anyone who starts a reply with "blah, blah, blah" is (A) Immature (B) Mentally challenged © Trying not to address the topic at hand "wah wah wah, im not listening to you!" plain foolish (D) Not worth paying attention to any longer.

It's a shame how you laugh at your own unfunny jokes as well. You talk about pom poms yet it seems you are the one who carries them and waves them indefinitely, booty shorts and all. To actually go to another teams site and nitpick and troll your way through posts is sad man. A Dallas fan who lurks on a skins message board? Wow, what a totally original concept you are :rolleyes: :jerk:

You sure your name isn't Michael Irvin? If so, i'll give you a pass and just chalk all this up as a little crack moment that you are having.


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This cowgirl fan is polluting this thread with the same brand of disrespect and stupidity as his brokeback brethren of whom this story is about.

I guess they don't teach respect and patriotism in his trailer park.

that's very shallow of you. Talk about respect.... look at the last line of my original post! oh, and FYI, I don't live in a trailer park.

I'm just pointing out the fact that you're waiving you pom pons because it was a cowgirl fan who got their cap knocked off...... you wouldn't have chirped in if the thread title was different!;)

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