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Ann Coulter may have committed voter fraud


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It's taken five months, but the traditional media are reporting on the dispute that Palm Beach County has had with Ann Coulter's vote since February. The KRT wire has picked up the story from the New York Daily News:

Election officials in Palm Beach County, Fla., are reportedly investigating why Coulter voted in the wrong precinct in a local election in February - even though a poll worker tried to stop her.

Knowingly voting in the wrong precinct is a felony in Florida, and Coulter has hired a former U.S. attorney to defend her there.

Moving the story into the mainstream was Alan Colmes on Wednesday's Hannity & Colmes. Excuse me for editorializing if I call the exchange disingenuous:

COLMES: You're talking about godless liberals not having values, not being values people. In light of that you've been in the news a little bit lately, accused by election supervisor Arthur Anderson in Palm Beach of voting in the wrong district and not answering a registered letter that they sent to you. And they say that you might have committed a felony. So could you address those charges and tell us what happened?

COULTER: I think the syphilis has gone to their brains.

COLMES: Is that what it is?


COLMES: Did you knowingly vote in the wrong district?

COULTER: No..... No. I live in New York. And I'm not going to tell you anymore about where I live, Alan. ....

COLMES: You didn't knowingly walk into the wrong district?

COULTER: Correct.

COLMES: And did you -- is there a reason you didn't respond to the authorities when they sent you a registered letter?

COULTER: This is all false, I'm telling you. You've got -- I mean, the "Treason Times" may hate America, but they're at least accurate. When you go to the bush-league newspapers, you get all the venom of the New York Times, but they're all retarded.

Blurting that out on a national TV show has finally got the rest of the media's attention. Jose Lambiet at the Palm Beach Post, who's been on the story from the very beginning, reported on the registered letter and retaining the lawyer last week. There's no shortage of documentation to back up the "bush league" newspaper: Ms. Coulter's sworn voter's registration form and appraisal of her Palm Beach property, retained on line by the BradBlog, which has also been tenacious on the story.

So far, the alleged crimes are that Ms. Coulter knowingly swore to a false statement (giving her real estate agent's address as her own), knowingly voting in the wrong precinct and, if her legal address isn't Palm Beach, improperly taking a homestead exemption in Florida to pay a cheaper tax rate. The Daily News supplies another one:

Meanwhile, Coulter is also registered to vote in New Canaan, Conn. - though the local registrar told the Daily News yesterday it's illegal to be registered in two places at once.

Coulter cast an absentee ballot in New Canaan in the 2004 election. She also owns a $1.5 million condo on Manhattan's East Side but has never registered to vote there.

Editor & Publisher, which has also been following the story, adds this update: "Universal syndicates Coulter's column. A spokesman there told E&P it had no response to the latest firestorm."

Thanks to Brad Friedman for the tip on this update.

NOTE ON COMMENTS: Please stick to the topic, and note that transgender jokes will be deleted. Ms. Coulter, an alleged lawyer, may choose to use sexual slurs to smear Florida voting officials, but that doesn't mean that the Huffington Post has to sink to her level. Thank you.

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I know little about her but I just can't see why anyone cares or listens to her. She seems to be one of the most grumpy, "their out to get me" people on the planet. Just do not get it and in this case really only care that the same law which applies to you and me applies to her (don't make and example but don't let her get away with a real crime).

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I would put money on liberals caring more about her bull**** than conservatives.

You would lose. Liberals that can't look away from a train wreck aren't putting Coulter at the top of the best seller. She's got a lot of fans on the right and Hannity, Drudge, and Fox News just love her to death.

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OMG, you guys are missing some obvious stuff!!! I'll call it the "Coulter blindness syndrome" and then hopefully I can make a few million on it later.

Forget who she is for a moment. Can you imagine if she was black or hispanic and was trying to vote and the words "a poll worker tried to stop her" appeared in the paper concerning the event? The $h*tstorm that would follow that would register on the richter scale!

But back to who she is. Those of you who think she's stupid are quite wrong, (nobody yet has said that in this thread, but eventually someone probably will), and she's not grumpy. What she is is cuastic, and purposefully so. By doing that, she gets most on the left and some one the right so spun up that they can't think straight. Then they go off on her and anyone who they think supports her... She serves as a lightning rod, and she succeeds at getting people to light up, and somehow in the process sells millions of books. And while those on the left are distracted by her person, the actual topic sort of comes up under the radar and gets discussed by cooler heads, and the end result is that the topic is now in the public discourse. (The other end result, of course, is a whole bunch of spun up liberals.)

Regarding the voter fraud thing -- I am open to see what eventually happens, but in the mean time I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt. Military mambers usually have two legal addresses, and that can cause some confusion sometimes, so my first impulse is to assume this is probably much ado about nothing.

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Nothing is going to happen to Coulter (unfortunately). Stuff like this NEVER has a real outcome. Its going to end up being good for her. Why? Because any publicity is good publicity.

So to all the people that are on the opposite side of the fence of this dumbass lady: Making a big deal out of this is NOT a smart idea.

PS. Ann Coulter calling anyone retarded should be a crime in and of itself. :laugh:

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Regarding the voter fraud thing -- I am open to see what eventually happens, but in the mean time I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt. Military mambers usually have two legal addresses, and that can cause some confusion sometimes, so my first impulse is to assume this is probably much ado about nothing.

letting your party do the thinking for you again I see :doh:

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OMG, you guys are missing some obvious stuff!!! I'll call it the "Coulter blindness syndrome" and then hopefully I can make a few million on it later.

Forget who she is for a moment. Can you imagine if she was black or hispanic and was trying to vote and the words "a poll worker tried to stop her" appeared in the paper concerning the event? The $h*tstorm that would follow that would register on the richter scale!

But back to who she is. Those of you who think she's stupid are quite wrong, (nobody yet has said that in this thread, but eventually someone probably will), and she's not grumpy. What she is is cuastic, and purposefully so. By doing that, she gets most on the left and some one the right so spun up that they can't think straight. Then they go off on her and anyone who they think supports her... She serves as a lightning rod, and she succeeds at getting people to light up, and somehow in the process sells millions of books. And while those on the left are distracted by her person, the actual topic sort of comes up under the radar and gets discussed by cooler heads, and the end result is that the topic is now in the public discourse. (The other end result, of course, is a whole bunch of spun up liberals.)

Regarding the voter fraud thing -- I am open to see what eventually happens, but in the mean time I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt. Military mambers usually have two legal addresses, and that can cause some confusion sometimes, so my first impulse is to assume this is probably much ado about nothing.

If she did do this, then she is in fact somewhat stupid and I don't think you can argue otherwise, or at least incredibly arrogant. I think the latter is probably the truth, I don't think she is that stupid however, I think she is taking advantage of the most simple minded conservatives, though that itself is probably an insult to most conservatives, fascist is probably a better word for her ilk.

The rest of your post doesn't even deserve a response.

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I can't believe so many pages on ES are dedicated to this horrific woman. Most of the people on the right even cringe when she starts to run her ballwasher.

you can take out "this horrific woman" and fill in the blank with just about any subject. Amazing the time spent here by some people.

Coulter is a nutjob, but she's funny as hell. Good entertainment value. That's about it.

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o.k. i've never taken up for what she says BUT:

Nowhere did it say if she actually voted more than once..

Nowhere did it say shes voted in the old location after voting in the new one..

Nowhere did it say anything other than she's registered... (I've never unregistered myself so I don't know how many states i could be in (Kansas, MD, Vir, D.C.)...

If she voted more than once, under the bus...

If she voted only once, and the big deal is what??

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o.k. i've never taken up for what she says BUT:

Nowhere did it say if she actually voted more than once..

Nowhere did it say shes voted in the old location after voting in the new one..

Nowhere did it say anything other than she's registered... (I've never unregistered myself so I don't know how many states i could be in (Kansas, MD, Vir, D.C.)...

If she voted more than once, under the bus...

If she voted only once, and the big deal is what??

I think it's somewhere in between those two extremes, but it's still not really that big a deal.

Registering in two places is technically a crime, but it doesn't seem particularly reprehensible - like jaywalking, speeding, or unlawful immigration ;).

She didn't try to vote in two places during the same election, so it's not like she's actively trying to defraud the voting system. However, it does say that she voted in Connecticut in 2004 and then in a local Florida election recently, and she said on TV that she lives in New York, so it's not quite like she is moving and just voting in the new place ... and she doesn't give the impression that she's planning on voting in Florida from now on.

So it's not as innocent as moving to a new place and not cancelling your voter registration, but it's not as bad as voting in two places at once. Sounds like a slap on the wrist kind of offense, but it's Ann Coulter - controversy is pretty much her job.

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I wonder why her first reaction to any kind of question regarding her or people she likes, is to viciously attack? If some kind of honest mistake happened, why not just get in touch with whoever and get it straightened out? By calling everyone names she just makes the simple solution difficult. I saw a clip of her on TV calling the wives of 9/11 victims all kinds of evil things and she's wearing a cross around her neck. She didn't quite paint the picture of a Christian.

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Regarding the voter fraud thing -- I am open to see what eventually happens, but in the mean time I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt. Military mambers usually have two legal addresses, and that can cause some confusion sometimes, so my first impulse is to assume this is probably much ado about nothing.

OTOH, I'd bet that very few military members are claiming homestead exemption in two states. And that even fewer voted in two states in the last election. And that even fewer registered to vote using their real estate agent's address.

(I seem to remember reading that the reason she supposedly did that, was because she wanted to vote in a congressional race where none of her houses were. But I may be thinking of someone else.)

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The Article

(Underlines: Larry)

Nowhere did it say if she actually voted more than once..

So far, the alleged crimes are that Ms. Coulter knowingly swore to a false statement (giving her real estate agent's address as her own), knowingly voting in the wrong precinct and, if her legal address isn't Palm Beach, improperly taking a homestead exemption in Florida to pay a cheaper tax rate. The Daily News supplies another one:

Meanwhile, Coulter is also registered to vote in New Canaan, Conn. - though the local registrar told the Daily News yesterday it's illegal to be registered in two places at once.

Coulter cast an absentee ballot in New Canaan in the 2004 election. She also owns a $1.5 million condo on Manhattan's East Side but has never registered to vote there.

Nowhere did it say shes voted in the old location after voting in the new one..


Oh, I think I've got what you were saying. Are you trying to say she registered to vote in a new location, and simply didn't cancel the registration in the old one? (Let's just ignore the whole "registered to vote using her real estate agent's address" thing.)

Nowhere did it say anything other than she's registered... (I've never unregistered myself so I don't know how many states i could be in (Kansas, MD, Vir, D.C.)...

Uh, did you miss the part about "voting (not "trying to vote") in the wrong precinct" in the same election in which she's cast an absentee ballot in another state?

(And seriously, when somebody's using their real estate agent's address so they can register to vote, that whole "benefit of the doubt" and "probably a simple mistake" thing goes bye-bye.)

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I think it's somewhere in between those two extremes, but it's still not really that big a deal.

when it comes to politics, its all about grabbing onto the short hairs and not letting go. So something like this is always gonna be a big deal to the other sides of the aisle. To me it just reinforces the national id card, at that point you just have to be a resitered voter and find a voting machine somewhere and vote. Doesnt matter where you vote, just vote and its tied to your id and in any national election the votes are tracked on a national level through the national id card.

Doesnt quite fix this particular situation where the vote was a local election or even if it was a state election, but states and localities will eventually catch on. I remember reading a story about something called "winter birds" or something, and it was about elites that had residences in florida and new york. and they would vote nationally in both places, vote in one place then fly and vote in annother. I think the reason they didnt vote absentee is cause the absentee vote is more scrutinized than the localities vote. So I think while the extremes love to stab each other over stories like these, neither side really wants to seal it up. The story said something like nearly 100k voters voted in both florida and new york, mostly dem, but there was a good number of repubs and assorted third parties types.

I think we need a federal code for voting, that tracks when(not who) people vote and for what locality.

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I think we need a federal code for voting, that tracks when(not who) people vote and for what locality.

I'd go with that. Plus, put people's names and addresses right on the ballots. We're long past the time when voting could be considered dangerous, and I for one don't have the least problem with people knowing how I voted. With names and addresses and signatures on the ballots, voter fraud would shrink to nothing.

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Nothing is going to happen to Coulter (unfortunately). Stuff like this NEVER has a real outcome. Its going to end up being good for her. Why? Because any publicity is good publicity.

So to all the people that are on the opposite side of the fence of this dumbass lady: Making a big deal out of this is NOT a smart idea.

PS. Ann Coulter calling anyone retarded should be a crime in and of itself. :laugh:

I liked a couple of speeches she made years ago, but I haven't heard her in years. I thought she was hot and then I got a better look at her and wasn't sure but I liked what she was saying. She seemed convicted and strong:applause: :applause: .
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