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Ann Coulter may have committed voter fraud


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I dont care what they say about me as long as they spell my name right.

How many books is she selling?

Liberals never learn.

Kilmer, whats your point? I don't care about her publicity, I don't care how many books she sells, what I care about is mocking the people that buy her books and think she says anything of value.

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Kilmer, whats your point? I don't care about her publicity, I don't care how many books she sells, what I care about is mocking the people that buy her books and think she says anything of value.

My point is that every time people mock her or the people that support her, it only plays right into her hands.

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My point is that every time people mock her or the people that support her, it only plays right into her hands.

She becomes rich... so what? And I do think that is her main goal. There are a lot of people that get rich yet contribute no real value to humanity, you can't spend your time dwelling on it and getting mad. It is obvious that right wing extremism is a very profitable area, but at the very least we can try to point out the obvious and allow people to understand that she is a nut. If she attracts a few more wing nuts and makes a ton of money, but in the end more people in general realize that her fascist tendencies don't deserve anything more than mockery from decent people then I think it is victory.

Also, portraying conservatives in general as other Ann Coulters is in general helpful to the liberal cause. Just like you say elitist snob liberals hurt their election chances, then so do hateful modern day fascists to the conservative cause.

Yeah she personally will win, but who cares, there is a larger picture here.

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This is what I understand when folks talk about Coulter: "She's pretty and pisses off the Left." I never hear about her intelligence, insight into subject matter, or honesty in her actions. But that she's nice looking (which is debatable) and angers folks. I just don't understand any such attraction to Coulter: She lacks wit, decorum, lies and creates facts when attempting to appear expert, is rude, racist, and now, possibly fraudulent. But, somehow, she is hero to some or "likable" because she riles up the "Left" or liberals? So, some of her fans are saying that they really don't care about what she says or how she says it, as long it angers someone else, even if she is incompetent or untruthful?

Some folks are silly and shallow, and this is the reason why Ann is popular.

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That's such an ignorant comment.

Well, considering how often she lies, then the comparision isn't totally off mark, Nelms - maybe a little over the top, but you get the point. Let me ask you - other then her "pissing off liberals," why do you like Ann Coulter? Can you think of some wisdom that Coulter has passed off which you can share with us? Does she add a spark and indepth thinking to the debates of the day? I am not trying to put you on the spot, I am just honestly curious what attraction, other then blonde hair, that she holds for some folks.

I do not know why you can continue to defend such a dishonest person. If you don't believe me, then simply Google "ann coulter lies," and you can see for yourself. There are tons of pages that discusses her issues with the truth.

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Well, considering how often she lies, then the comparision isn't totally off mark, Nelms - maybe a little over the top, but you get the point. Let me ask you - other then her "pissing off liberals," why do you like Ann Coulter? Can you think of some wisdom that Coulter has passed off which you can share with us? Does she add a spark and indepth thinking to the debates of the day? I am not trying to put you on the spot, I am just honestly curious what attraction, other then blonde hair, that she holds for some folks.

I do not know why you can continue to defend such a dishonest person. If you don't believe me, then simply Google "ann coulter lies," and you can see for yourself. There are tons of pages that discusses her issues with the truth.

Yeah, let's compare her to a Nazi who supported the killing of millions of Jews. :rolleyes:

And yes, I do find it hilarious how she pisses off the liberals. Do I support or believe half of what she says? No, but I don't think she believes half of what she says either. You have your Michael Moore, we have our Ann Coulter.

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That's such an ignorant comment.

She has chosen her group to demonize, she uses her words to viciously attack them, saying anything, really. She manipulates and utilizes the mass media to spread a message contrived of hate. She slanders, she lies, she has written and expressed her desire for the violent deaths of people who fit her label and particularly draw her ire, (The NY Times building is full of them.) and she wraps herself in the flag to do it.

She says these things, so if she had any real power, do you think she'd follow thru on them, or say,, umm, i was only trying to sell books?

What is the difference? Fantacisim is fanaticism isn't it? Or is it only fanaticism when you disagree with it?


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Yeah, let's compare her to a Nazi who supported the killing of millions of Jews.

What's funny, Nelms, is that you are commenting on the Goebbels comment, but this is the exact type of hyperbole that Ann uses. And such irony is complete lost upon you. What a shame, and I am not being facetious when I say that, Nelms. Why do you hold Bang to standards that you seem to ignore for Ms. Coulter?

I really wonder how much of her material you've read, Nelms. After all, she's advocated killing other Americans; I guess this is the sort of debate that you enjoy which "angers Liberals"? "We'll threaten to kill them - that's hilarious!"

Hardy har har? I guess I just miss the supposed humor in her words - I guess I just don't understand her deep witicisms.

And yes, I do find it hilarious how she pisses off the liberals. Do I support or believe half of what she says? No, but I don't think she believes half of what she says either. You have your Michael Moore, we have our Ann Coulter.

So "pissing" off someone is enough - you don't care about honesty in action or words, or what she says? And who is "we" - do you assume that I am a huge Michael Moore fan because I do not like Ann Coulter?

So waht you are saying is that Ann is all fluff with an attempt to provoke an emotional response - Is that what you are inferring, Nelms? How can we take your own words and opinion seriously if this is the standards that you have, Nelms? Why spend the time to listen to someone that only half-believes their own B.S.?

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Oh, BTW, here is a statement that Ann made about some blogs that were urging their readers to call CNN to keep Coulter off that channel: "After mentioning Media Matters President and CEO David Brock, Coulter attacked such websites, calling them "little Nazi block watchers," stating: "They tattle on their parents, turn them in to the Nazis."

How dare Ann compare supposed Left-wing blogs to a movement that killed millions of Jews. What an ignorant statement on her behalf!


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WalMart has them at a good price, so I'll get mine today. Gotta give her a profit motive so that she'll write more books. (The aftermath of an Ann Coulter book release is quite entertaining!)

You should get the audio versions of her books. She's the reader on them. She doesn't have as much bite as she does in interviews but it add to the enjoyment.

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By the way, Ann was fired from National Review Online, and this article talks about some of her characteristics.

" As many of you may have heard, we've dropped Ann Coulter's column from NRO. This has sparked varying amounts of protest, support, and, most of all, curiosity from our readers. We owe you an explanation.

Of course, we would explain our decision to Ann, but the reality is that she's called the shots from the get-go. It was Ann who decided to sever her ties with National Review — not the other way around.

This is what happened.

L’Affaire Coulter

Goodbye to all that.

By Jonah Goldberg, NRO Editor

October 3, 2001 2:20 p.m.

In the wake of her invade-and-Christianize-them column, Coulter wrote a long, rambling rant of a response to her critics that was barely coherent. She's a smart and funny person, but this was Ann at her worst — emoting rather than thinking, and badly needing editing and some self-censorship, or what is commonly referred to as "judgment."

Running this "piece" would have been an embarrassment to Ann, and to NRO. Rich Lowry pointed this out to her in an e-mail (I was returning from my honeymoon). She wrote back an angry response, defending herself from the charge that she hates Muslims and wants to convert them at gunpoint.

But this was not the point. It was NEVER the point. The problem with Ann's first column was its sloppiness of expression and thought. Ann didn't fail as a person — as all her critics on the Left say — she failed as WRITER, which for us is almost as bad."


Now, it is a free country, and if you guys and gals want to spend money for just "I hate Liberal" lectures, then by all means, that's your perogative. But I imagine that there are probably better conservative writers, and funnier authors, who may deserve your money a bit more.

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I was thinking of Will and O'Rourke when I wrote my previous words. Good examples of better conservative writers. Or read something such as Conscious of a Conservative by Barry Goldwater. And while these are not my favorite authors, per se, they are more insightful or entertaining then the person who is the subject of this thread.

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What's funny, Nelms, is that you are commenting on the Goebbels comment, but this is the exact type of hyperbole that Ann uses. And such irony is complete lost upon you. What a shame, and I am not being facetious when I say that, Nelms. Why do you hold Bang to standards that you seem to ignore for Ms. Coulter?

I really wonder how much of her material you've read, Nelms. After all, she's advocated killing other Americans; I guess this is the sort of debate that you enjoy which "angers Liberals"? "We'll threaten to kill them - that's hilarious!"

Hardy har har? I guess I just miss the supposed humor in her words - I guess I just don't understand her deep witicisms.

So "pissing" off someone is enough - you don't care about honesty in action or words, or what she says? And who is "we" - do you assume that I am a huge Michael Moore fan because I do not like Ann Coulter?

So waht you are saying is that Ann is all fluff with an attempt to provoke an emotional response - Is that what you are inferring, Nelms? How can we take your own words and opinion seriously if this is the standards that you have, Nelms? Why spend the time to listen to someone that only half-believes their own B.S.?

Yes, most of it is fluff and you shouldn't take it too seriously. There was a Democrat strategist on CNN last night who is a friend of Coulter's and he says that she is basically laughing all the way to the bank and that these extreme statements of hers are just to illicit a response and help her sell the book.

I personally don't like anyone of these political pundits, because they are all entertainers. I don't like Rush or any of the other radio personalities either. They are just a bunch of hypocritical blowhards. I do find Michael Savage hilarious and the responses that Coulter is getting for this latest book are simply hilarious.

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Yes, most of it is fluff and you shouldn't take it too seriously. There was a Democrat strategist on CNN last night who is a friend of Coulter's and he says that she is basically laughing all the way to the bank and that these extreme statements of hers are just to illicit a response and help her sell the book.

I personally don't like anyone of these political pundits, because they are all entertainers. I don't like Rush or any of the other radio personalities either. They are just a bunch of hypocritical blowhards. I do find Michael Savage hilarious and the responses that Coulter is getting for this latest book are simply hilarious.

This is something that she said: ""We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed too."

Ok...I am waiting for the punchline. I am sometimes a stick in the mud, but I am missing the humor in these words. A lot the articles I have read seem more so like diatribes than anything else.

Part of the issue is that some folks do indeed take her seriously, and there are those who "ditto" her, the same as Rush Limbaugh. After all, we are not talking about a mere comedian who identifies herself as a comedian: We are talking about a person who you say indeed is mostly fluff, and yet she seems to demand attention, as in a serious person, from some on the Right. And that is part of the issue - a lot of folks do not indeed see her as being "fluff" and a comedian, and that she really believes a lot of what she says in her writing and public commentaries.

After all, you find her musings funny for their content, so you have to agree with some of what she says, correct? So where do you separate the "fluff" from her real feelings?

I think they are one and the same, and while she has a lot of "fluff," it is only because she has little idea of what she is talking about in her rantings.

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After all, you find her musings funny for their content, so you have to agree with some of what she says, correct? So where do you separate the "fluff" from her real feelings?

I think they are one and the same, and while she has a lot of "fluff," it is only because she has little idea of what she is talking about in her rantings.

No, that is NOT what I said. What I said that I find funny is the RESPONSES from the left from Coulter's statements.

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No, that is NOT what I said. What I said that I find funny is the RESPONSES from the left from Coulter's statements.

Keep in mind that everyone who dislikes Ann is not a leftie as well - everyone does not fall neatly into the Left-Right paradigm. And I believe some of the responses are reasonable as well and not mere reactions; after all, how else are folks supposed to respond to sheer idiocy or rubbish? Some of her statements are so ridiculous, how else are reasonable folks supposed to question and respond?

But you did seem to like her enough to defend her, so I figured that you agreed with her enough to defend her perspective on matters.

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