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Top 4 NFC East -- Head Coaches (2006)


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I haven't seen anyone say anything like that yet.

I certainly wouldn't say that.

I feel Gibbs is definitely the better coach.

IMO, Parcells is really good at X's and O's, so-so at game management, and he's average at best as a motivator.

Motivating players is where Gibbs really outshines Parcells IMO.

Transitory state of mind or not, this and your preceding post could serve as templates of non-homerism for every site of every nfl team in the league including ours :laugh:

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Well, when those plumbers and mailmen beat teams full of actual NFL players *cough cough* some credit should go to the coach maybe?

I love it when they walk into that one, That event was truly another testimonial to Gibbs as a great coach of players.

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I thought the question was who was better for 2006? You can post everything you want about compiled records and superbowls but you should look at the FACTS.

-FACT: Gibbs wasn't comfortable with his own performance over his first two years so he had to hire someone to rescue him on offense.

-FACT: Gibbs has problems with the new system of challenges and time management.

-FACT: Gibbs has nothing to do with the defense.

What are you left with? At least the other 3 coaches in the division actually hands on and not in just the mere managerial role that Gibbs has taken on.

Who's the better coach for 2006? You actualy have to ask that question!

I will give you a hint...His initials are JG so we can Eliminate Reid, Parcells and Coughlin from the mix!

Let me address your so called facts:

-FACT: Gibbs wasn't comfortable with his own performance over his first two years so he had to hire someone to rescue him on offense.

Joe Gibbs wants to win at all costs. always did and always will. He does not allow his EGO to stand in the way much like another coach(AR) that is going into the 2006 season with his #1 receiver being Reggie Brown?????

The hiring of Al Saunders was done because Joe Gibbs saw another way of improving our team and to add to an already impressive coaching staff. JG's 1st act as head coach was to seek out the best minds to surround himself with and that is what most of your great leaders do!!!!!

-FACT: Gibbs has problems with the new system of challenges and time management.

How would AR fare being gone from the game as long as Gibbs? I did not see many issues in year 2 and if memory serves in the 1st Eagles game against us this year it seemed that Reid was a little confused especially on that last drive when he forgot to put Westbrook in on a critical play near the end of the game. Gibbs seemed just fine!!!!, however here is a coach that gives the press half assed answers to their questions and in the SB who mis-managed the clock more than Reid!!! Patriot fans were staring in disbelief as the Eagles helped the Patriots milk the last 5 1/2 minutes of the 4th qtr. Reid than tries and onside kick when he did not need to do!!! That onside kick was assinine and if you counted the time left with your timeouts and stopped the Pats 3 and out, like u needed to anyway you would have had better field position in which to try and get a FG. I was sooooo glad that Reid deceided to go gfor the onside kick!!!! Your right JG is not up to an AR caliber coach and I say THANK GOD for that!!!

-FACT: Gibbs has nothing to do with the defense.

Really??? Well let's see he had Richie Pettibon who wasn't too bad and he hired Greg Williams and both build very good defense's. I guess e knows something!!!

Hey I didn't know that Andy Reid coached the Eagle defense. I always thought it was Jim Johnson.....Guess i'm not as smart as an Eagle fan!!!

SUM it all up and you have 3 Lombardi trophies and counting. Don't be scared Eagle fans, We will make the end and painless for you!!

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My adjective was open to interpretation, I apologize. I simply figured it was well-known that it was the worst offensive output of all time in a playoff win.

That's weak to me. Something tells me that wasn't exactly the plan.

Something tells me the plan wasn't for the Bucs to hand us 14 points in the first quarter. Given how weak the Bucs were on offense, it gave us the luxury of playing very conservatively.

Your 'weak playoff win' would have some merit if it weren't for the fact that Gibbs has historically been one of the best playoff coaches in the history of professional football. He simply knows how to win playoff games. It's not a coincidence that the last time Gibbs went to the playoffs(coindcidentally, on the road as the bottom seed) he won a playoff game.

Or the time before that.

Or the time before that.

Or the time before that.

Or the time before that.

See, your 'weak playoff win' kinda rings hollow when placed in proper context. It's a playoff win. It's what Gibbs does. It's what he did in the 80s and 90s when Dallas fans called it ancient history, except it isn't ancient history. He went on the road with a banged up, sixth place, underdog team and did it again. This year.

And you all are arguing style points. That is a laugh (ESPECIALLY from the Eagle fans, I might add.)

Under similar circumstances, Parcells and the Cowboys got pasted 29-10. Under far more favorable circumstances, Coughlin and the Giants got CRUSHED 23-0. But Gibbs is an inferior coach and we're all making too much of his accomplishments because the way we won wasn't to your liking.

You guys slay me. Really.

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Gibbs would have to go 23-47-1 and he would then have to forfeit 6 playoff victories and a Vince Lombardi trophy to equal the great Bill Parcells.

Speaking of Vince Lombardi, how do you think that Bill Parcells compares to Mr. Lombardi? Just wondering.

You still don't get it. The stats lie because Parcells has left good teams to go to bad teams. Thats why his winning percentage is lower, playoff percentage is lower, and why his SB rings are lower than Gibbs.

Gibbs did a fantastic job in his first run with the skins. But he hasn't done anything yet. One playoff win isn't enough to say "The skins are back" Its just not. Especially in todays NFL where a team can go from good, to bad quicker than you can blink.

Quit giving him credit for things he hasn't done yet.

As far as your second question on Lombardi.............I realize your trying to bait me into something, but I'm not biting.

I'm not comparing a coach of today to one 40 years ago. If I had to guess, I'd say thier styles are pretty similar.

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Under similar circumstances, Parcells and the Cowboys got pasted 29-10. Under far more favorable circumstances, Coughlin and the Giants got CRUSHED 23-0. But Gibbs is an inferior coach and we're all making too much of his accomplishments because the way we won wasn't to your liking.

You guys slay me. Really.

I would just like to add something here...after our defensive performance in 2004, many Cowboy tro...I mean fans said our defense was nothing but smoke and mirrors, and would be exposed in 2005, similar to their defense was exposed in 2004.

Pretty funny that it was our 9th ranked defense that won the playoff game....don't ya think?? :laugh:

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Gibbs did a fantastic job in his first run with the skins. But he hasn't done anything yet. One playoff win isn't enough to say "The skins are back" Its just not. Especially in todays NFL where a team can go from good, to bad quicker than you can blink.

Quit giving him credit for things he hasn't done yet.

But you continue to give Parcells credit for things he hasn't done.

1. He has an 82-70 record and a 3-4 playoff record and no rings since he left the Giants.

2. With the Jets and Cowboys he has 2 playoff appearances and 1 playoff victory in 6 seasons.

3. You keep saying that Gibbs has more work to do to prove he can do what Parcells has done but he has done exactly what Parcells did in his first two years in all three stops after the Giants.

4. If Gibbs misses the playoffs this year he will have done exactly what Parcells did at all three stops after he left the Giants.

5. If he makes the playoffs this year he will have outdone what Parcells did in the first three years in any of the three stops he has had since he left the Giants.

6. Gibbs has done this all after a 12 year layoff.

So tell me again what exactly is the difference between Bill Parcells and Marty Schottenheimer?

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One playoff win isn't enough to say "The skins are back" Its just not. Especially in todays NFL where a team can go from good, to bad quicker than you can blink.

And yet, NO playoff wins and a 25-23 record is enough for you to claim Parcells has turned around the Cowboys. Sorry, can't have it both ways. Does the man turn teams around or doesn't he?

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Of course they do.....when the judge and jury is the good posters of ExtremeSkins.com. :laugh:

These same arguments discussed on the Eagles board would result in Eagles fans asking them if they get tired of me making them look like absolute imbeciles.


Ah, yes the old they are only right because we're on a Redskin board excuse.....

because only Redskins are homers :jerk:

you know what they say.."excuses are made those who fail".

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And yet, NO playoff wins and a 25-23 record is enough for you to claim Parcells has turned around the Cowboys. Sorry, can't have it both ways. Does the man turn teams around or doesn't he?

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

"There, I've run circles around you logically." -- Monty Python

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Under similar circumstances, Parcells and the Cowboys got pasted 29-10. Under far more favorable circumstances, Coughlin and the Giants got CRUSHED 23-0. But Gibbs is an inferior coach and we're all making too much of his accomplishments because the way we won wasn't to your liking.

You guys slay me. Really.

But only Redskin fans are homers :laugh:

See when you have nothing you grab at straws... Except these guys are whiffing nothing but air :silly:

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Quit being Homers. Gibbs is an outstanding coach, but Bill has proven he can take over a joke of a franchise and turn it into a winner. He's done it to the Giants, Jets, and Pats.

All of you love to say "Gibbs 3 sb's, 3 qb's". Parcells won 2 superbowls with two different qb's, and went to a third with another. Give me a break. And had he stayed on with the Jets a little longer, It wouldn't shocked me if he took them to the superbowl.

I don't know if Gibbs could turn around 3 different franchises, Gibbs had a great 10-12 year run, then when he saw the cowboys getting very good, he bailed.

And he never left those teams in shambles. Think of many of those teams, they were jokes before he got there, got very good, then they were jokes when he left. Whats the one constant there????? Front office. If the front office is bad before parcells got there, what makes you think they won't be bad after he leaves? Making the same stupid decisions they made before Parcells showed up.

Went on to a third does not = WON a third. Give ME a break. You "don't know" if Gibbs could turn around 3 different franchises, but you have SEEN him turn two franchises into a winning team: the Redskins in the 80's and the Redskins in the 2000's. And it wasn't the Cowboys getting good that made Joe leave. Alot of teams were beating the Redskins at the end of Joe's first tenure, not just D. The team had lost alot of players and wasn't executing. I used to get so frustrated because the players looked so old and slow. But OF ALL PEOPLE, I trust Joe to examine and discern what went wrong and how to fix it. JG has listened to critics, and recognized (not ignored) problem areas, and when he does he OVERFILLS the position. Joe has added a Stellar group of coaches to take the players much farther than if they only had one or two really good coaches working with the team, as in Dallass. And JG will get the most out of his team, because the extraordinary expanse of knowledge of the coaching staff will humble the players and make them listen to the wisdom, and learn, and win together. HAIL!!
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Why would a strike shortened season filled with scab mailmen, plumbers, and stock boys taint a SB run within it? Do I have to answer that? :(

It was embarrassing for those scab plumbers and mailmen to beat picket line jumping players who happened to be dallas cowpokes.

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It was embarrassing for those scab plumbers and mailmen to beat picket line jumping players who happened to be dallas cowpokes.
I seem to remember a guy who was stocking shelves in a grocery store doing pretty well in the NFL too. I also seem to remember a SB that was pretty much secured by some questionable calls. Every SB has its own controversies, but you can't take it away once it's over.
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Alot of teams were beating the Redskins at the end of Joe's first tenure, not just D.

I wouldn't characterize it like that at all. The Skins made the playoffs and beat an 11-5 Minnesota Vikings team soundly on the road before losing a tight one to the 49ers the week after that. And Dallas wasn't "beating" the Skins that year either. They split that year, with Joe Gibbs last regular season victory coming against the Cowboys at RFK.

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Didn't Gibbs win 11 games last year?

Reid is a fat slob who opportunistically dominated a weak division for a few seasons. The competition is back, and Philly will be back in the gutter where it belongs! Just typing the name of that city makes me feel dirty!


Here-Here-I can't stand the philly fans-they're obnoXious bozos-always looking for a fight-I should know, I attended a game at Veterans Stadium in 1986-a game against the visiting Redskins. I had my Redskin colors on, surrounded by these eagle heathens, constantly being threaten with bodily harm. The Redskins went into halftime trailing and with Coach Gibbs brilliant halftime adjustment, the Redskins came back and won the game. The eagle fan is an idiot, they're poor sports- big, fat, beer swilling, foul-mouth spewing spittle--and thats just the women.

Hail Redskins-Hail Yes!! :eaglesuck

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It was embarrassing for those scab plumbers and mailmen to beat picket line jumping players who happened to be dallas cowpokes.

I can't say that I remember everything about those strike shortened seasons. So the redskins were the only team with scabs? Your scabs were going against full NFL player rosters? Somebody refresh my memory.

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The 1982 NFL season was the 63rd regular season of the National Football League. Before the season, a verdict was handed down against the league in the trial brought by the Los Angeles Coliseum and the Oakland Raiders. The jury ruled that the NFL violated antitrust laws when it declined to approve the proposed move by the Raiders from Oakland, California to Los Angeles. Thus, the league was forced to let the team play in the second largest city in the United States.

The league faced another problem when a 57-day long players' strike reduced the 1982 season from a 16-game schedule to 9. Because of the shortened season, the NFL adopted a special 16-team playoff tournament. Division standings were ignored. Eight teams from each conference were seeded 1-8 based on their regular season records.

The season ended with Super Bowl XVII when the Washington Redskins defeated the Miami Dolphins.

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I can't say that I remember everything about those strike shortened seasons. So the redskins were the only team with scabs? Your scabs were going against full NFL player rosters? Somebody refresh my memory.

:laugh: I am sure many Poke fans black out that game from there memory.

The only team that had no players cross the line was the Redskins. The last replacement game, the scab Redskins played the Dallas Cowboys... when the week before the entire Dallas team crossed the line to play in the game. And the Replacement beat the heavily favored regular cowboys.

It was the game the movie the replacements was loosely based on... the funny thing is Keenana(?) Reeves doesn't look anything like Skins scab QB Tony Robinson... the former UT QB.. who happened to be black :D

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The 1987 NFL season was the 68th regular season of the National Football League. A 24-day players' strike reduced the 16-game season to 15. The games that were scheduled for the third week of the season were cancelled, but the games for weeks 4-6 were played with replacement players.

Starting on November 8, 1987, ESPN debuted ESPN Sunday Night Football, in which the cable network started to broadcast NFL Sunday night games primarily during the second half of the season.

Due to Game 7 of the 1987 World Series, the Denver Broncos - Minnesota Vikings game at the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome was moved back one day to Monday, October 26.

The season ended with Super Bowl XXII when the Washington Redskins defeated the Denver Broncos.

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While the Redskins' regular players stayed off the field in solidarity, the Redskins' replacements played the Cowpokes who had most of thier regulars cross the picket line. Do not remember the final score but our Scabs walked out with a win. If you are still in doubt then I suggest that you watch "The Replacements" a movie based on these players. The next time one of you Brokeback fans logs on to this forum you had better be a lot more prepared than this guy was!!!!:dallasuck

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:laugh: I am sure many Poke fans black out that game from there memory.

The only team that had no players cross the line was the Redskins. The last replacement game, the scab Redskins played the Dallas Cowboys... when the week before the entire Dallas team crossed the line to play in the game. And the Replacement beat the heavily favored regular cowboys.

It was the game the movie the replacements was loosely based on... the funny thing is Keenana(?) Reeves doesn't look anything like Skins scab QB Tony Robinson... the former UT QB.. who happened to be black :D

I had truly forgotten that game. Oddly enough, I'll never forget when we beating Doug Williams and the skins at RFK was our sole win for the '89 season. Selective memory? I guess. :laugh: O.K., you made your point but still an odd and maybe tainted season nonetheless.

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