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Just Failed a Final


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WOW south dakota never met anyone from there

spent the first 25 years of my life here...


roughly 420 people now...we've boomed the last 7 years or so :cool:

main methods of entertainment...drinking, cow-tipping, inbred sex at family reunions, counting teeth - sometimes we get people with more than 10, so we panic once we run out of fingers for counting. Its really quite crazy, our eyes just kinda roll back in our head and we pass out for a few hours. Sometimes we don't even get to 10 though. My cousin Billy Bob Joe Doug lost 3 fingers to a combine and 2 other fingers to a horse - so we could only count 4 of Sally-Jo Beth's teeth that night up in the barn.



actually...only 18 years there. The next 7 were in Sioux Falls which is on the big map ;) "moved into the 'city'" (city = 120,000 ppl in this case)

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Looks like i just blew an A in my easiest class. which is gonna kill my gpa this year. Someone tell me something good like TO retired

You can actually do something about this if you act right away, show a little guts, and employ a little dishonesty. Report at once to a Doc in a box or emergency room, say your trouble started the morning of your exam when you slipped on your stair.

During the course of the exam you had trouble reading and writing and concentrating on the test. At one point you wet your pants and on the way to the bathroom your legs became very heavy and your feet seemed nailed to the floor. Back in the classroom, you sort of gave up on the test because you were dizzy and accomplishing nothing and falling asleep. Since that time, you have been dizzy, heavy in the legs, incontinent every now and then and unable to read.

Your physician will suspect your fall to have damaged your spine at the brain stem, C1. and will probably refer you to a neurologist.

Go to a chiropractor with your story and symptoms instead. Even if he doesn't find a subluxation at C1, he will undoubtably adjust your whole back for a small charge and take credit for your cure.

With documentation from your physician and your chiropractor have a conference with your professor and request a re-examination. If he refuses, go over his head.

A C1 subluxation cause problems with eyes, bladder, legs, feet. Do not under any circumstance go to anyone who will test your bladder (unless you want to know what unbearable pain feels like).

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You can actually do something about this if you act right away, show a little guts, and employ a little dishonesty. Report at once to a Doc in a box or emergency room, say your trouble started the morning of your exam when you slipped on your stair.

During the course of the exam you had trouble reading and writing and concentrating on the text. At one point you wet your pants and on the way to the bathroom your legs became very heavy and your feet seemed nailed to the floor. Back in the classroom, you sort of gave up on the test because your were dizzy and accomplishing nothing and falling asleep. Since that time, you have been dizzy, heavy in the legs, incontinent every now and unable to read.

Your physician will suspect your fall to have damaged your spine at the brain stem, C1. and will probably refer you to a neurologist.

Go to a chiropractor with your story and symptoms instead. Even if he doesn't find a subluxation at C1, he will undoubtably adjust your whole back anyway for a small charge and take credit for your cure.

With documentation from your physician and your chiropractor have a conference with your professor and request a re-examination. If he refuses, go over his head.

A C1 subluxation cause problems with eyes, bladder, legs, feet. Do not under any circumstance go to anyone who will test your bladder (unless you want to know what unbearable pain feels like).

Wow, talking from experiance?


that's fairly ingenius.

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You can actually do something about this if you act right away, show a little guts, and employ a little dishonesty. Report at once to a Doc in a box or emergency room, say your trouble started the morning of your exam when you slipped on your stair.

During the course of the exam you had trouble reading and writing and concentrating on the test. At one point you wet your pants and on the way to the bathroom your legs became very heavy and your feet seemed nailed to the floor. Back in the classroom, you sort of gave up on the test because you were dizzy and accomplishing nothing and falling asleep. Since that time, you have been dizzy, heavy in the legs, incontinent every now and then and unable to read.

Your physician will suspect your fall to have damaged your spine at the brain stem, C1. and will probably refer you to a neurologist.

Go to a chiropractor with your story and symptoms instead. Even if he doesn't find a subluxation at C1, he will undoubtably adjust your whole back for a small charge and take credit for your cure.

With documentation from your physician and your chiropractor have a conference with your professor and request a re-examination. If he refuses, go over his head.

A C1 subluxation cause problems with eyes, bladder, legs, feet. Do not under any circumstance go to anyone who will test your bladder (unless you want to know what unbearable pain feels like).

That's an elaborate plan to retake the test. But I guess desperate times call for desperate measures. I probably would've done that if I failed an exam last week.

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yeah i got 2 exams today!...i havent studies for ****...i cant seem to focus. i keep ending up on this site or pwning someone on counter strike.

aight thats enuff...time to crack open "the brief american pageant" and then "the princinples accounting". **** this is gonna be a long night.

alrite thats it...im turning the comp offf...

see yall later...

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I blanked on a final once. I knew I blew it before I stood. I went to the prof. and discussed it with her. I had been active in the class, got A's on all the previous assignments and the midterm. She agreed that my performance on the final was not reflective of what I had learned and my performance and threw it out. If you were active in the class asking questions, answering and making suggestions... talk to your teacher. S/he may be understanding. Everyone's brain has a short circuit now and then.

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