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possible NFL rule change: the banning of low blows to QBs

Fifty Gut

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Horrible idea. QBs are players too. If a lineman is lunging at him and the QB steps up creating a hit to the lower leg, that's called football. If we don't want QBs hit, let's put them in a red jersey and change the game entirely.

You obviously never tore an ACL from a hit at the knees. I agree there should be some descretion by the ref on how the QB gets hit, but I agree with outlawing diving at the knees.

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Obviously, this rule only applies to NFL darling QBs like Palmer and Manning. If your name is Mark Brunell and/or you play for the Redskins, you can pretty much treat a QB however you like. (see 2nd Giants game)

stop with the lies, griesen was tripped at the LOS and fell forward, he was not lunging for brunells leg. It was purely accidental.

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"All defenders at all times must carry a No.3 Nike Air Pillow with them at all times. In any case where the QB is being sacked, hit, hurried, or may loose his footing, the pillow must be laid down under threat of ejection, and 53.5 yard penalty."

Thats what they want to say.

What if a QB is running away from a linemen, who is just close enough to dive and grab his feet, and save a first down? Is he then not allowed to play football? I can see some cases where I agree its probobly a good idea, but only the extreme case, where the QB lets it go, and the linemen hits him in the knee directly from the front. But outside of that, its not even going to protect the QB.

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I understand that, but a blow below the knees doesn't make sense

defenders should hit the thigh pads, or body, or atleast just pull the legs out from under a QB

diving straight into a QB's lower legs, I don't see why that should be allowed

right, but how often do you see a lineman DIVE into a QBs knees / legs? you can't legislate against chance injuries that come about, similar to what put down carson palmer in the playoffs.

all this will do is stir up controversy on the field because refs will be subjective as hell about it and it'll just bother coaches, fans, and even players.

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Personally i dont care what they choose to do, but here are the things i would imagine would happen. If the rule does go through then i think that they are doing it because good QBs are rare, and the effect of this rule would be more franchise QBs like Payton who are extremely good, meaning all the QBs in the NFL would probably be pretty good. Basically what the Dolphins went through last season, doing well with a QB who is average at best, and still having a good season would be compromised. If it doesnt go through and they let QBs get hurt then you will see more of the dolphins situation arise. I would prefer the league consist of average, good and bad QBs and teams be successful regardless of the quality of their QBs, but seeing great QBs last longer because they are protected wouldnt be bad. who doesnt appreciate the way payton or brady slices defenses apart?

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Horrible idea. QBs are players too. If a lineman is lunging at him and the QB steps up creating a hit to the lower leg, that's called football. If we don't want QBs hit, let's put them in a red jersey and change the game entirely.

They aren't talking about instances when a player is blocked into a QBs knees, they just want to have defensive players avoid it if possible. Mike Perara (sp?) was on NFL network last night talking about it. They had a really good example of the kind of thing they're talking about involving Drew Bledsoe. A D lineman got blocked to the ground and then proceeded to roll over 3 times until he rolled into Bledsoe's leg (which buckled, suprised he wasn't hurt) essentially tripping him with his torso. That's the kind of thing they're talking about. That could've been avoided.

I don't think this rule would have applied to the Carson Palmer situation because he was pushed down by an O-lineman and his momentum carried him into Palmer. They just want people to avoid it if the can.

He stated the main reason for the rules is that when a QB has his feet planted he's completely vulnerable and a shot the knees in that situation is more often than not devastating (especially because they often don't see it coming) so I'm in favor of this rule. It's way too easy to get legs broken when you're standing still and people are crashing into your knees.

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Horrible idea. QBs are players too. If a lineman is lunging at him and the QB steps up creating a hit to the lower leg, that's called football. If we don't want QBs hit, let's put them in a red jersey and change the game entirely.

Agreed.. This is football not ballet.. wtf

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The problem I think the NFL has is certain tackling methods produce more injuries, and severe ones, than they would like to see. I think the penalty coul be good, but only if they enforce no hitting at the knees in instances where it was clearly intentional. If a lineman is being dragged down and hits the QB, it is legit. If he beats his guy and nails the QB like that on purpose, that should be penalized. Injuries happen, but I think the NFL is trying to eliminate "dirty plays." This is why they are also voting on whether or not to expand the horse-collar rule to include pull downs by the top of the jersey, not just shoulder pads. I like the idea of a D player w/ a headset, b/c it gives the D the same advantage in shifting players around that the QB has.

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Horrible idea. QBs are players too. If a lineman is lunging at him and the QB steps up creating a hit to the lower leg, that's called football. If we don't want QBs hit, let's put them in a red jersey and change the game entirely.


This really is getting ridiculous. Let's just outlaw tackling outright and put two flags in players' britches. :doh:

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Soon there is going to be the strike zone rule: Can hit above the knee and below the shoulders.

The rule doesnt make much sense, if there is proof that the guy hit the QB below the knee, isnt that some kind of penatly anyway like unnecessary roughness?

The penalty isnt going to change anything. Its not done purposefully anyway and if it is, it probably falls under some sort of rule. Its similar to facemask (although it is easier to purposefully grab it), in the way that people still do it, not because they 'want' to, but because they are trying to bring the guy down. Its not the best of analogies, but it just shows that certain things are going to happen on the field in the heat of the game.

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New Rule: Teach QBs how to evade, take a hit (and how to take a fall).

Palmer, Leftwhich, and other QBs have gotten their knees knocked around a lot, but eventually it seems as if defensive units will have to count "one-one-thousand, two-one-thousand, three-one-thousand, four-one-thousand, five-one-thousand" before they can even think about blitzing the QB.

Every team has atleast one backup QB. Yea, they're not the starter for a reason but they're the answer to QB protection. If one goes down, theres one to replace them, just like any other position. Why have them if you don't believe in them, too?

They're players. Accept it, dammit!

Then again, I'm not the guy who could lose millions by tearing some tendons in my lower legs.

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I understand that, but a blow below the knees doesn't make sense

defenders should hit the thigh pads, or body, or atleast just pull the legs out from under a QB

diving straight into a QB's lower legs, I don't see why that should be allowed

They've already made the NFL a much softer game this decade do we need to worsen it any more.....

Horrible idea...

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This rule is more about the intention to hurt a QB than pursuit of the QB. If you are able to avoid hitting the QB below the knee then you must or be penalized. Its the same as roughing a QB in that if you can stop after the ball is thrown then you must or be penalized. This rule addresses the intent of the defender. I think its a good idea.

The modern game of football is being played by amazing athletes at speeds never before seen. Defenders are out there tackling with forces never before thought of. To compensate for the level of physical play rules have evolved.

Equipment has evolved as well. Are y'all suggesting that players should go back to wearing leather helmets? Should we move the goalpost back to the front of the endzone? This rule is just another way to help ensure the safety of a player in a defenseless position. With the amount of money spent on QBs I think it a prudent rule.

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This rule is un-realistic at best. No player on teh feild can predict exactly when you will hit the QB. While it would be nice if they didnt hit them low...there is no way to control this. All this would do is create stupid penalties on players who didnt try to hit the QB below the knees.

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Horrible idea. QBs are players too. If a lineman is lunging at him and the QB steps up creating a hit to the lower leg, that's called football. If we don't want QBs hit, let's put them in a red jersey and change the game entirely.

Art, your old school, and so am I. Unfortunately, the NFL is about money, and ratings. This is about Carson Palmer, Leftwich, and other marquee players. This is going to be a rule, like it or not. I don't think the step up into a throw play is what they are talking about. You guys hammered me for the thread I started last season when Palmer was hurt, but I knew it was coming. That was a late hit, sure it was legal, but it could have been avoided. No one will convince me otherwise. The ball had long been thrown, and caught.

The networks are paying 5 billion dollars a year to televise football games, and they don't want to see second string quarterbacks. The other thing is, it doesn't happen that often. If they can implement a " horse collar" rule, why would it bother you if they implement a low hit rule? It's evolution of the game. We have our opinions, but we don't have to write the checks do we?

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