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Bears Pushing Hard For Randle-El


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"NFL free agency finally began late Friday, and the Bears zeroed in on their No. 1 target when they contacted the agent for Antwaan Randle El and discussed at length a long-term deal for the wide receiver/returner from Thornton High School."

"The extension of the collective bargaining agreement brought additional teams and dollars into the market. But Angelo and the Bears, in contact with agent Fletcher Smith as soon as the market opened, were seeking to avoid a protracted bidding war with teams that included the Dallas Cowboys, Philadelphia Eagles and Washington Redskins.

The two sides are discussing a deal of five or six years, believed to be valued in excess of $20 million. The Bears will have to wait until Randle El visits the Redskins, but they made a strong start to upgrade their offense.

"We still have a ways to go, but I'm optimistic," Smith said. "We'll have to wait and see, but I think we all know where the range is."


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5 or 6 years in excess of $20 million. Hmmmm.

My guess is that he'll demand a signing bonus between $7 and $9 million.

That's a lot of money for a third wideout. That's not far off from what Santana got last year and Randel El doesn't hold a candle to Moss as a wide receiver.

I'm wondering if the Redskins are pushing for Randel El simply to keep the 49ers honest in the negotiations for Lloyd. If they make them think they've got other options, the 49ers won't be able to demand as much.

But if they're actually pushing to get Lloyd and Randel El, I'd be shocked. That's a lot of money for 2nd and 3rd wideouts.

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[quote name=Throwin64

The two sides are discussing a deal of five or six years, believed to be valued in excess of $20 million. The Bears will have to wait until Randle El visits the Redskins, but they made a strong start to upgrade their offense.


Too much money for him - good player and I'd love to have him but not for that money.

Much rather have LLoyd who I would think would come a little cheaper in terms of money but would cost us draft pick(s). Just think he is a better pure receiver although not as versatile.



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Randle-El is only 5' 10". Don't the redskins already have 437 WRs on the team who are under six feet? What happened to the need for a big possession receiver?

I guess it would be nice to have him for special teams as well, but that strikes me as a helluvalotta cash for the type of role he's likely to have in DC.

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I'm wondering if the Redskins are pushing for Randel El simply to keep the 49ers honest in the negotiations for Lloyd. If they make them think they've got other options, the 49ers won't be able to demand as much.

Nah, the 49ers dont care what the Skins pay Brandon Lloyd. Because they tendered him $1.6 million, which is the most he will get from them this year, unless they offer a multi-year contract, which they dont have to do. The 49ers only care about the draft pick compensation.

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Randle-El is only 5' 10". Don't the redskins already have 437 WRs on the team who are under six feet? What happened to the need for a big possession receiver?

I guess it would be nice to have him for special teams as well, but that strikes me as a helluvalotta cash for the type of role he's likely to have in DC.

I'm not sure when everyone got caught up in the fact that we need a big receiver... We absolutely do not need a big guy out there. Doesn't matter how tall you are if you're burning everyone down field, which Santana Moss and Randel-El would be doing on a regular basis.

I love Lloyd's hands though. He's a great receiver. I'm quite honestly torn between the two. Lloyd is an absolute beast out on the field.

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I dotn think we need a big receiver at all... we can use cooley across the middle more to open that up.....

I do think that Lloyd is the better of the two for us though.... he would draw a lot of attention from defenses that would open the field way up for Portis and Moss... not to mention Cooley..... it works out good on paper....

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Any wide receiver that has a YPC over 10 yards is a possession receiver.

There is no prototypical wide receiver. It's the guy who catches footballs.

your right... look at the steve smith and mosses of the league.

Why is everyone so anti Randal El? Did you watch the superbowl at all? He could have easily been the MVP. He adds a lot of versatility to any offense with his abilities.

honestly he might not bring much as production here, but he will def open up the field for other guys. our offense will be very unpredicatable because of him

I'm not sure when everyone got caught up in the fact that we need a big receiver... We absolutely do not need a big guy out there. Doesn't matter how tall you are if you're burning everyone down field, which Santana Moss and Randel-El would be doing on a regular basis.

I love Lloyd's hands though. He's a great receiver. I'm quite honestly torn between the two. Lloyd is an absolute beast out on the field.

ever hear about the fun bunch.. i agree we dont need a possession reciever ala tall reciever. if u can catch 3rd down and slants ur fine.

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I have to think if those numbers being quoted are anywhere near true, it's too much to pay for him. I'd love him as a Redskins for the options he brings, but I don;t think the team should splash out big on another two receivers when they are paying Moss a good whack already.

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Just because the Bears have money doesn't mean that they will spend it. They are notoriously cheap and cautious in negotiations. Although that may be changing based on how they handled acquiring Mushin Mohammed last year.

I think Randle-El would take Chi over Was if everything was even because it is his hometown ... but he also has to figure that Chicago has one of the worst passing attacks in the league (only 1 WR with over 500 yards last year). Chicago only passed for 2002 yards in the reg season. So he would have a ton of pressure to perform in front of his home town and if they are not getting the ball to the receivers he could look like an overpaid bust quickly. A lot of fans in Chicago figured Mohammed was a bust last year having only 750 yards instead of getting at least 1,000 after a 1400 yard season in 2004.

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