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Give me Cooley, Grant, and Danny from 7a until 8p lol. Just one group, all day.


I used to like Danny Rouhier a lot, but I'm the type of  person that it takes one ill timed rant to lose forever. He said something during the bountygate scandal that made me completely turn him off. Cant even remember what it was.

This certainly was a emoticon that did not fit the most frequent user of it...







Isn't that the pimpinainteasy smiley? 


The most annoying had to be ACW's excessive use of the humping smiley. I swear, I loved that dude to death (and still miss him), but you'd think he never saw a pair of breasts before


*Edit, now I remember, the pimpin' smiley was the one with the crown and staff

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The only sports talk i listened to on a regular basis was The morning drive show on NFL sirius radio. Much more in the way of X/O's than 99% of sports talk about there. Once I gve up my Satellite radio, I couldn't stomach the rest of sports talk.

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The only sports talk i listened to on a regular basis was The morning drive show on NFL sirius radio. Much more in the way of X/O's than 99% of sports talk about there. Once I gve up my Satellite radio, I couldn't stomach the rest of sports talk.


I wish I could afford Sirius. The sports stations and Liquid Metal are absolutely fantastic.

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That is the Pimp smiley. ACW is not who I was referring to however.


ACW had a smiley in 97% of his posts it was exceedingly annoying. I don't think he ever did see a pair unless it was on the internet, in a movie, or perhaps magazine.


Likely a 97% chance that he never saw any.

I wish I could afford Sirius. The sports stations and Liquid Metal are absolutely fantastic.


It's cheap. How much do you think it costs ?

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I like it more than Saving Private Ryan, TBH. Just so artful, love the feel of the movie. 



Deep down inside, I agree.  I think TRL has a lot more rewatchability.  As you said, very artistic movie, and to be about something so dark and depressing, Thin Red Line is a beautiful movie.  The music is what really got to me, though.  I'm really vulnerable to those emotional, new age vibe orchestra songs (last of the mohicans theme, Lady in the Water soundtrack, The Fountain theme, anything Hans Zimmer, etc).   Thin Red Line is one of my all-time favorite soundtracks.


Also, the kids choir for the opening score of Thin Red Line really did it for me.  Absolutely blown away.  Songs like this make me feel so much hope and joy LOL.




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I've never seen Thin Red Line


:(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(




It's a genuinely epic ciné-poem that essentially sidesteps history, politics and conventional ethics to deal with war as an absolute, inevitable and eternal facet of existence.




Lyrical, meditative and original, Malick's WWII film is one of the best war films ever made.



A haunting, scattered reminiscence piece, where the mind is allowed to drift through its memories, and retrieve impressions of the beautiful and the hideous, the serene and the hysterical, the banal and the profound


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Now I feel bad...

You should. Lol

Really good flick, gotta be one of the best war movies of the last 20 years. I just checked, it's not on netflix so I couldn't even tell 6 out how to see it. Its on IFC a lot I think, or Sundance

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I only listen to sports radio when I'm stuck in the car. Which is often, since I work in Chantilly yet live in Upper Marlboro. All of it is bad, but I get tired of listening to music sometimes.


Andy Pollin was terrible, he never EVER has anything positive to say. He didn't even mention our Wizards until they started struggling. He only wanted to complain about stuff. No wonder they took him off. I can't stand Mike & Mike, mostly because I find Golic to be so fake. I've made opinion on The Hypocrites known already. The only local show I can listen to, sometimes, is The Drive. But only when Cooley is talking football. 


I actually really enjoy SIrius/XM NBA radio. They have a lot of former players who host shows. All of their hosts are pretty knowledgeable, and they don't pretend like they know the sport but obviously don't know what the hell they're talking about like our local guys. Everytime I turn it on, it's a very good discussion going about just about any team in the league, not just a Lebron lovefest. I recommend it to all bball fans who have satellite radio. 

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That's cool though, yall have a great war flick to watch.

Chewclear bomb, I'm so addicted to epic orchestral music now, I can say it's taken over prog rock as my favorite type of music. Gets me amped, feel it through my veins. THEE ULTIMATE WARRIOR, IS TOTALLY, OUT OF CONTROLLLLLLLLLLLL.

The first Star Wars trilogy spawned it I think. John Williams is the godfather of my addiction to symphony & orchestra. I still listen to that soundtrack, it's beyond awesome. Battle of Hoth is probably my favorite track.

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You should. Lol

Really good flick, gotta be one of the best war movies of the last 20 years. I just checked, it's not on netflix so I couldn't even tell 6 out how to see it. Its on IFC a lot I think, or Sundance


Looks like I'll have to find a torrent

That's cool though, yall have a great war flick to watch.

Chewclear bomb, I'm so addicted to epic orchestral music now, I can say it's taken over prog rock as my favorite type of music. Gets me amped, feel it through my veins. THEE ULTIMATE WARRIOR, IS TOTALLY, OUT OF CONTROLLLLLLLLLLLL.

The first Star Wars trilogy spawned it I think. John Williams is the godfather of my addiction to symphony & orchestra. I still listen to that soundtrack, it's beyond awesome. Battle of Hoth is probably my favorite track.


Love love love classical. Then again, i pretty much love everything. And yes, you can get hyped off of classical. O Fortuna was probably the Master of Puppets of the 13th century

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Kosh, I know it isn't terribly expensive, just with the wedding, an upcoming move next year, and my regular bills (Damn you Sallie Mae), getting a receiver, and the subscription just isn't in the cards right this minute. It will happen at some point. I'm just in lockdown mode on any new unnecessary expenses. Yeah, I'll go get a decent dinner, or go to a Caps game every now and again to kinda break the monotony and keep myself from going crazy. But I'm trying to keep my budget as tight as I can for the moment. So maybe I misspoke. I should've said, I wish getting XM was in the cards right now, but just like my ps4, it has to wait.



Oh, and Gamebreaker's post reminds me of something else I get really annoyed by on local radio. It's completely obvious that the Junkies know virtually nothing about hockey, NASCAR, or soccer. At least not more than average Joe sports fan. But for some reason you always get some caller to call in and want to talk about them. They'll claim United or the Caps don't get enough coverage. So they'll spend about 30 seconds stumbling through trying to appease the topic and then move on. I for the life of me, will never understand that. What's the point of calling and asking people who have no more knowledge if not less than you on the subject? What does that do?

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Oh, and Gamebreaker's post reminds me of something else I get really annoyed by on local radio. It's completely obvious that the Junkies know virtually nothing about hockey, NASCAR, or soccer. At least not more than average Joe sports fan. But for some reason you always get some caller to call in and want to talk about them. They'll claim United or the Caps don't get enough coverage. So they'll spend about 30 seconds stumbling through trying to appease the topic and then move on. I for the life of me, will never understand that. What's the point of calling and asking people who have no more knowledge if not less than you on the subject? What does that do?

They get giddy hearing themselves on the radio?

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Branch Ave to 495. 495 to 66. 66 to 50. Takes me on average between 50 minutes to an hour to get to work. Between 1:15 to 1:30 to get home. It's my first IT position with no exp, so options were limited. 


Feel you man. Dumfries to Reston every day here. Around 40 miles.

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They get giddy hearing themselves on the radio?


I could see that maybe. But it's always like "I'm really interested to hear what you guys think of United's new strategy..." or "What are your thoughts on the relegation race in the BPL...?" etc. Knowing full damn well those clowns have absolutely ZERO insight. None. You probably know more about the topic than they do BY FAR. Why waste the air time you so preciously wanted asking about something you know they have no idea about? Just seems dumb to me. I'm not gonna call Microsoft tech support for help with my new coffee pot.

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Chewclear bomb, I'm so addicted to epic orchestral music now, I can say it's taken over prog rock as my favorite type of music. Gets me amped, feel it through my veins. THEE ULTIMATE WARRIOR, IS TOTALLY, OUT OF CONTROLLLLLLLLLLLL.



yes!  Yessss!


when I used to drag race my back in the early 2000s, i'd pull up to the staging area BLASTING the last of the mohicans theme lol. do my burnout and I'd open the door to fan some of the smoke out, I know everybody heard me playing classical music LOL.  between Yanni stroking the fiddle and the rawr of the V8, i'd get goosebumps from head to toe and a headrush from hell.  I'd usually still have the  gas pedal floored well past the 1/4 mile marker lol. 

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yes! Yessss!

when I used to drag race my back in the early 2000s, i'd pull up to the staging area BLASTING the last of the mohicans theme lol. do my burnout and I'd open the door to fan some of the smoke out, I know everybody heard me playing classical music LOL. between Yanni stroking the fiddle and the rawr of the V8, i'd get goosebumps from head to toe and a headrush from hell. I'd usually still have the gas pedal floored well past the 1/4 mile marker lol.

Yanni? Maybe I should give him a chance. Always got the sense that he was the Michael Bolton of classical music. Soft, romantic n ****.

I really started to get in to epic orchestra when all these dudes started making highlight videos of legendary athletes on youtube. Especially MMA fighters. Highlight vids set to that music are usually my favorite. Then the song gets in my head and I download it. Before you know it, it's my workout music.

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