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NFL says Super Bowl 'properly officiated'


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In denial, and taking a defensive posture, the league says everything was Copacetic:

"The game was properly officiated, including, as in most NFL games, some tight plays that produced disagreement about the calls made by the officials," NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said in a statement.


I was hoping they would revamp the officiating system, so teams wouldn't be screwed as we have a time or two!

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In denial, and taking a defensive posture, the league says everything was Copacetic:

"The game was properly officiated, including, as in most NFL games, some tight plays that produced disagreement about the calls made by the officials," NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said in a statement.


I was hoping they would revamp the officiating system, so teams wouldn't be screwed as we have a time or two!

I think he pretty much has to say that.

I dont think any of us really thought that they would come out and say that thier "All-Star" officiating crew blew the biggest game of the season.

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Yeah I agree. What do you expect them to say. But someone has got to get it to the officials attention of how horrible they been this season.

Well, I was hoping that they'd own up to their mistakes, like the ACC did yesterday, and take some positive action. Hire more officials. Make them full-timers. Bring Hi-Tech into the equation. I can't be asking too much? It's a multi-billion dollar industry, with multi-million dollar repercussions. And millions of pissed off fans. It happens to every team in the league. Except the daily game favorite.

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Yeah I agree. What do you expect them to say. But someone has got to get it to the officials attention of how horrible they been this season.

Imagine if it were truly undisputed (this is as close as I've seen in my memory as far as nationwide coverage/repsonse goes). I mean, imagine if it was really agreed upon by everyone that there were a handful of questionable calls that dramatically slanted the outcome of a Superbowl.

Do you really think they would say something like: "Yes, as unfortunate and unwanted as it is, we deeply regret but acknowledge that problematic calls created an unfair and definite game-changing effect at certain points during the game."

They couldn't do that even if they believed it. Really. The best they could do would be a behind-the-scenes housecleaning as subtle as possible. If it were a regular season game they could possibly admit to an error (or maybe even, gasp, two) but no way could they acknowledge a let-down in officiating quality in their premium showcase product.

One way I'm tempted to couch this whole deal, is just as PIT & SEA brought generally inferior efforts to the Big Dance than to their play-off wins, so too did the officials.

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In denial, and taking a defensive posture, the league says everything was Copacetic:

"The game was properly officiated, including, as in most NFL games, some tight plays that produced disagreement about the calls made by the officials," NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said in a statement.


I was hoping they would revamp the officiating system, so teams wouldn't be screwed as we have a time or two!

I agree that they couldn't say anything else.

But I also agree with the statement that the game was pretty well officiated. If everyone in this country actually knew and understood the rules of the NFL there was probably only 2 plays that were truly controversial (and each team benefitted from one). Otherwise everything went the way it could have...

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I agree that they couldn't say anything else.

But I also agree with the statement that the game was pretty well officiated. If everyone in this country actually knew and understood the rules of the NFL there was probably only 2 plays that were truly controversial (and each team benefitted from one). Otherwise everything went the way it could have...

Correction, and with respect, forget the "everyone in the country" stuff.

In actual fact, even among many people who know the rules there is substanial, if not dominat to the eye to date, sentiment that the game was called poorly. Though not soley referring to outright errors, but also in terms of judgement in what kind of calls were made at what times and what calls of the same type were not made.

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ugh. i've seen the plays. i've seen the calls. Ben was in, the non fumbles were correct to the rules, only thing that i disagreed on was the holding call that was later followed by a intereception. There will always be mistakes, it's football. This subject is getting overworked. Just like when the skins lost to Tampa with that crappy Alscott call, it happens... but calls cant be perfect 100% of the time.

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Ben was not in, and he even said so on david letterman. this year as a whole was the worst officated season that i have ever seen. the superbowl included.seattle still could have won but they choked . but those crucial calls were bad.the nfl's luster is beginning to fade.i hope they at least quietly deal with this issue.

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Ben was in (even if he wasn't they would have gone and made it on forth down)

The push off had to be called (he did it right in front of the ref)

The holding had to be called (Madden is an idiot)

The only 2 I think weren't legit were the Hasselbeck penalty and the delay of game that they didn't call against Pittsburgh that would have made it 3rd and 11 instead of 3rd and 6.

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Ben was not in, and he even said so on david letterman. this year as a whole was the worst officated season that i have ever seen. the superbowl included.seattle still could have won but they choked . but those crucial calls were bad.the nfl's luster is beginning to fade.i hope they at least quietly deal with this issue.

Why would Ben say he was not in? He obviously didn't watch the video of that play. The replay clearly shows the nose of the ball over the white of the goal line. Remember, the goal line is actually in the end zone, so it was a touchdown.

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Why not move to a 3-man replay system? Two guys in the booth, ref on the field reviewing challenged plays. Let the three vote (can't discuss with each other - they would have to vote independently), majority wins. Keep the 1.5 minute time limit in place. That would greatly reduce the amount of criticism against calls like the one on the Rothlesberger touchdown. It would also insulate the officials on the field making them less hesitant to call plays as they see them. Besides the larger the number of eyes on a play the better.

Next step would be to greatly simplify the rules - let these guys play. The refs should be encouraged to ignore infractions that don't have an impact on a play. Just a thought.

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the play that still leaves me scratching my head is the interception return in which Hasselbeck was flagged for an illegal block below the waist,, when he made the tackle.

See, I am willing to concede that the refs had a bad day and made a few ticky tacks or missed a few calls, but this one play throws all of the NFL's explanation out the window.

That was COMPLETELY the improper call, and was as obvious as the day is long to anyone who knows the rule. Hasselback made the tackle, in no way can he be penalized for an illegal block upon taking down the ballcarrier, especially since he didn't even really touch the guy he supposedly cut.

I am also willing to say that yes, in the bang-bang of live play, they may throw that flag in thinking hasselbeck was attempting to cut the blocker, which is illegal, but when it became apparent that he, and ONLY he, made the tackle, they have GOT to pick that flag up.

To tack on fifteen yards at that point is an utter JOKE, and shows either a deep disregard or a deep ignorance of the rule.

there is no way ever that they can adequately explain away that bit of total BS as a correct call. Not a snowball's chance in hell.

I'm not one who thinks there was a fix, but if I did, that would be the call I'd point to above all others. It had absolutely no logical explanation to it at all. At the very BEST, that play indicated to me that they just plain didn't know what the rule was and how to apply it.

And this in a Super Bowl.

For shame,, it's time to change how the officiating is run, and it can start by hiring them full time.


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