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NFL says Super Bowl 'properly officiated'


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the play that still leaves me scratching my head is the interception return in which Hasselbeck was flagged for an illegal block below the waist,, when he made the tackle.

Watching in live action I thought he hit the blocker, remembering a simular play during the season, said out loud..... "that's another 15 yards". Not until the replay did I see Hasselbeck whiffed...

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Watching in live action I thought he hit the blocker, remembering a simular play during the season, said out loud..... "that's another 15 yards". Not until the replay did I see Hasselbeck whiffed...
I agree. Also, this was the one play that seemed completely wrong after looking at the replay, and while I can see how the refs got it wrong, how in the world can the NFL, after looking at replays, come out and say that that was a perfect call?
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Watching in live action I thought he hit the blocker, remembering a simular play during the season, said out loud..... "that's another 15 yards". Not until the replay did I see Hasselbeck whiffed...

Well, even if he had hit the blocker, the fact he made the tackle wipes out any "cut block" infraction. the fact he is the ONLY guy to make the tackle makes it even harder to understand why they wouldn't pick up the flag.


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It was properly officiated in the minds of those like me who was rooting for pittsburgh to win


Hopefully this topic is done after the weekend, cause I'm not shedding any tears for Seattle on them losing when they had the easiest schedule and weakest path to the superbowl

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ugh. i've seen the plays. i've seen the calls. Ben was in, the non fumbles were correct to the rules, only thing that i disagreed on was the holding call that was later followed by a intereception. There will always be mistakes, it's football. This subject is getting overworked. Just like when the skins lost to Tampa with that crappy Alscott call, it happens... but calls cant be perfect 100% of the time.

That is looser talk. We pay crazy amounts of money to see a game, and invest an incredible amount of time following teams and supporting the,. The league should have close to perfect officiating. If not, then the refs should not be able to influence a game. Holding is when the arms are on the outside of the pads, or the o-linemen blantanly pulled the defender down. The pass interference call should have went against the defender because you can't touch a player before the ball get there after the five year cushion. Refs get paid a nice sum of money for one game a week. Holding hem up to hight standards doesn't seem that far fetched.

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It was properly officiated in the minds of those like me who was rooting for pittsburgh to win


Hopefully this topic is done after the weekend, cause I'm not shedding any tears for Seattle on them losing when they had the easiest schedule and weakest path to the superbowl

Those facts are great, and I understand you not feeling sorry for Seattle. But the officiating was terrible all year. And it cost us a division championship. Seattle had an easy schedule, but they deserve to win the superbowl. I would hate for that to happen to us next year.

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the only bad calls in the game were the hasselbeck blocking call, he already threw the pick so that wasnt a big deal.

Also, the Stevens fumble that was ruled incomplete, PIT would have recovered that but no one talks about that call.

Also, as noted above, the ineligible downfield call.

Someone posted a pic on this board that clearly showed Ben getting in.

Also, it doesnt matter how hard you push someone off of you, its against the rules.

The seattle holding call was a little questionable, but their o-line holds so freaking much every game and it never gets called, so screw them.

in the skins game (and panthers), they were holding like a mofo on every other play but didnt get called because they were at home.

Also, Holmgren is a little girl for whining about the refs. Its his fault he manages the clock like a 6 yr old girl, or that his defense gave up a 76 yd run, or that when everyone knows that PIT runs trick plays near midfield that the safety bites on it hard. I hated both teams, but I at least respect the Steelers. I no longer have any respect for the Seahawks.


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I think the Stevens fumble/incompletion is consistent with how they've ruled it this year.

We had like 3 or 4 times where one of our DBs hit a receiver causing a fumble only to have it ruled incomplete. It's only a matter of time before a coach challenges the ruling on the field and gets a cheap completion out of it.

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That is looser talk. We pay crazy amounts of money to see a game, and invest an incredible amount of time following teams and supporting the,. The league should have close to perfect officiating. If not, then the refs should not be able to influence a game. Holding is when the arms are on the outside of the pads, or the o-linemen blantanly pulled the defender down. The pass interference call should have went against the defender because you can't touch a player before the ball get there after the five year cushion. Refs get paid a nice sum of money for one game a week. Holding hem up to hight standards doesn't seem that far fetched.

This is 100% correct. Football is a billions of dollar a year industry and no corner should be cut for officiating. There needs to be repricussions and some serious thought put into fixing the glaring problem.


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I actually agreed with many of the calls.

To me I've always seen officials call push offs as:

If an offensive player pushes a defensive player with his arm fully extended it is a penalty. Push offs where the arm does not extend are not penalties.

Is it a good rule? not neccesarily, but that's how I've always seen it called and by that defenition jackson deserved the penalty.

I also think the rothlesberger touchdown was good.

And I was rooting for seattle.

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Honestly i can careless about the bad calls in the Superbowl, I KNOW REDSKINS FANS, have seen their share BAD CALLS, and did the league apologize for those bad calls NO, Officiating has been bad all year long-

For Example that Offensive PI. call for pushing off, was the same exact call on David Patten against the Broncos- so I wasn't surprised, if you call it on us, then call it on them, The so called touchdown that ben ran in for- is the same way Alstot won a game against us with a two-point conversion-again I wasn't surprised (a phantom touchdown without enough evidence to over-turn)

Sorry Seattle, IT HAPPENS- LOTS of teams didn't make the playoffs because of bad calls, at least those bad calls didn't cost us or them SuperBowl

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ok i have done all that i could to not say anything about this subject but alas i am forced. football is a game of momentum and we all know that. now, first off i was at work trying to watch the game but from what i saw, how is it offensive pass interference when AFTER the defenseive player just pushed off on the rec beyond 5 yards? therefore would that not have been off setting penalties resulting in a TD? that would have put the game 10 - 0 and seattle would have had a major momentum swing and forced the steelers into a an alternate game plan.

ben was in? what were yall drinkin? do you think brunell would have ever been called in on that play? but then again i guess when you could be the youngest to ever win a SB ...............

all in all i thought the SB sucked and i could have cared less who won but the officiating this season was awful!!!

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ok i have done all that i could to not say anything about this subject but alas i am forced. football is a game of momentum and we all know that. now, first off i was at work trying to watch the game but from what i saw, how is it offensive pass interference when AFTER the defenseive player just pushed off on the rec beyond 5 yards? therefore would that not have been off setting penalties resulting in a TD? that would have put the game 10 - 0 and seattle would have had a major momentum swing and forced the steelers into a an alternate game plan.

ben was in? what were yall drinkin? do you think brunell would have ever been called in on that play? but then again i guess when you could be the youngest to ever win a SB ...............

all in all i thought the SB sucked and i could have cared less who won but the officiating this season was awful!!!

offsetting penalties result in replay of the down not a touchdown.

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Even if their were a few questionable calls in favor of the Steelers (here's looking at you Roethlisberger) Seattle was just plain sloppy. Pittsburg would have won regardless. What killed me the most was that the Skins at the end of the season (not the playoff version....or maybe) could have beat either team that day.


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The way I see it seattle had no problem getting away with huge holds in both playoff games..

Now the shoe is on the other foot...

that's still no excuse for the piss poor officiating in the second half..I thought the first half was pretty accurate although the PI was ticky tack..

People need to let the NFL know we are sick of this crap..

One sided officiating where one team gets nit picked while the other can hold all day long.

The friggin refs are there for one purpose "To make the game even in case one team is trying to cheat by doing illegal stuff and the other isn't."

Make the game a fair fight..Period!!!!!! That's their only job and they fail week in and week out.

Throwing wierd late flags after big plays looks like what it is "RIGGED".

Bad Spots all season long..this is rediculious..they act Like I haven't been watching the game for 36 years.

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