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Who Else Cried?


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Man, you guys are reeal tough. Fact is, I didn't cry out of dissapointment. I did because of how memorable this season was. The extreme lows, and the extreme highs. I loved this team. I don't remember the old Superbowl champions. This was the closest I've felt to having the Skinners go all the way. And it was shoved down our throats yesterday in quite heartbreaking fashion. What got me was watching Ray Brown. It was obvious he'd been crying before his interview. It got me. For dude that said hate to see me after my dog died? Let me just tighten the leash so your wife chokes and you'll see.

Fact is, crying in front of your girlfriend makes her feel sorry for you...and I feel sorry for yall that make 50,000 posts on here while I'm wiping away tears off of my girl's back. Get it? :hump: Your wife. :hump: Your boyfriends. :ahhhhh:

Life is too short not to be passionate about the things you love. And I love the skins. F Mortgage, F Bills. Yeah, they really suck, but I have too little time to let that get to me. Love is way more important to me than anything. So eat my asscheek. Take that to your mother.

Redskins for life.

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I balled tonight. I was able to take with my girlfriend until late night. QUOTE]

I can't resist any longer. I hope you were meaning to say "bawled". I really don't care what you did with your girl friend.:smooch::laugh: :silly::D:) :yes: :rotflmao: LOL

I meant boweled. Like sh*t. You know, the stuff that comes out of your twink's A when you poke him with your thimble?

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I balled tonight. I was able to take with my girlfriend until late night. But then I broke down like a little boy and cried in front of her. I don't care. Who else is with me?

She's gonna leave you in the next couple weeks.

Come on MAN! It's a game, that you have NOTHING to do with other than being a FAN!

You're 22 years old!!!

On top of all that, it was a great season. We exceeded our own expectations. We made the playoffs, we won the wildcard round, and we damn near beat the #1 seed.

Don't be sad cause it's over. Be glad that it happened! :helmet:

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Man, you guys are reeal tough. Fact is, I didn't cry out of dissapointment. I did because of how memorable this season was. The extreme lows, and the extreme highs. I loved this team. I don't remember the old Superbowl champions. This was the closest I've felt to having the Skinners go all the way. And it was shoved down our throats yesterday in quite heartbreaking fashion. What got me was watching Ray Brown. It was obvious he'd been crying before his interview. It got me. For dude that said hate to see me after my dog died? Let me just tighten the leash so your wife chokes and you'll see.

Fact is, crying in front of your girlfriend makes her feel sorry for you...and I feel sorry for yall that make 50,000 posts on here while I'm wiping away tears off of my girl's back. Get it? :hump: Your wife. :hump: Your boyfriends. :ahhhhh:

Life is too short not to be passionate about the things you love. And I love the skins. F Mortgage, F Bills. Yeah, they really suck, but I have too little time to let that get to me. Love is way more important to me than anything. So eat my asscheek. Take that to your mother.

Redskins for life.

And that second post just showed how much of a douchebag you really are.

Right, crying in front of your girlfriend makes her feel sorry for you. Last time i checked, feeling sorry for someone wasn't a good thing.

And honestly, which is more sad? Posting on a message board, or "wiping tears off your girls back". WTF is that about?

Passion? Be passionate about something that matters. You're passionate about watching football. That doesn't fly. Now I feel sorry for you too.

"F mortgage"? Sure, but if you're gonna F the mortgage, F it for something noble and worthwhile. Travel the world, save the homeless, help sick babies in Africa. Do something to enrich yourself.

You're "F'ing" everything to watch the football game, then cry about it afterwards...

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Yeh, I felt the same way. I'm tired of Brunell. I can't wait till he's gone. Character my @ss.

Yea we should definitely get rid of that Brunell guy. All he did was lead us to the playoffs for the first time in six years and was quite possibly our teams MVP. What a bum. How ungrateful can you get? Unbelievable.

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i didn't cry and didn't feel like i should -- i'm so proud of seeing how far this TEAM has come in such a short time that the loss did not hurt as much as in some years past -- i can't wait until we can see some off season action as far as who we'll be getting and who will leave -- i believe Gibbs will make the best decisions he can with the salary cap he has to work with and we'll come back next season much stronger

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I swear, we haven't been to the playoffs since 1999. We went on a fantastic 6-0 streak and got to the second round of the playoffs this year. I'm happy and satisfied with how this season has gone and I'm not going to be down about it.

However, my list of the players who don't need to be here next year are as follows:

1.) Brunell

2.) Brown

3.) Frost

4.) Jacobs

Draft? We need a WR to compliment Moss, or at least fish the Free Agent waters. All we have is Moss, imo.

Seattle was better than us yesterday guys. I saw one team that came to win and move on to the next level and a team that did not.

But you know what? We'll be there again next year. Gibbs has this team on the right track.

So, stop crying; Pick yourselves up and put a smile on your faces.


what about Harris?

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its gonna be great seeing Sean Taylor and Carlos Rogers in the secondary making plays next season.
sorry but it's highly unlikely and unfortuanately that sean won't be in the secondary next season; he is probably going to be found guilty* and will serve a year or two, so look forward to these two in the secondary in 2009:laugh: .

*i really hope he gets off with a fine!!!

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I cry when they do well, I cry when they lose. When you play sports and give it your all you know how it feels to lose. Some players, it doesn't bother them, and they're joking about it later on. Others get pissed, and don't want to talk to anyone. I choke up.

So yah, I cried but I'm damn proud that we're back. Joe Gibbs has saved this team, even if they don't make another super bowl, they are on the right track.

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I was mostly frustrated and pissed. We are as good as, if not better than, ANY team left in the playoffs. We simply squandered golden opportunities such as the missed FG, the dropped INT and Moss' PI/drop. You just can't do those things on the road, in the playoffs, and expect to win against a good team.

It may have started with Gibbs not challenging the 3rd down spot at the Seattle 36 on their first touchdown drive. Darrell Jackson was coming back toward the ball and clearly did NOT have the first down by the time he was touched. The ref gave him progress to where the ball was caught and not where he was actually downed by contact, which was almost at the 35. I understand that timeouts and challenges become even more golden in the playoffs but I just knew, at that time, that play would come back to haunt us. If Seattle punts on 4th an 1, who knows what happens.

No tears....just jaw-clenching frustration at what SHOULD HAVE BEEN.

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