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Who Else Cried?


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I was shaking my head the whole time, its pathetic when you can only put 10 points up, have their star running back and league MVP along with numerous injuries to your opponent with 3 turnovers and still lose the game.

But if Carlos Rogers cought that interception he would have taken it to the house and i garuantee you that would of changed the total outcome. But hes a rookie oh well, its gonna be great seeing Sean Taylor and Carlos Rogers in the secondary making plays next season. Carlos has some great potential in himself.

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I was shaking my head the whole time, its pathetic when you can only put 10 points up, have their star running back and league MVP along with numerous injuries to your opponent with 3 turnovers and still lose the game.

But if Carlos Rogers cought that interception he would have taken it to the house and i garuantee you that would of changed the total outcome. But hes a rookie oh well, its gonna be great seeing Sean Taylor and Carlos Rogers in the secondary making plays next season. Carlos has some great potential in himself.

We would have won If he had the mindset of intercepting It instead of batting it down.He's gonna be a great corner. I can let that one slide, but Hall's miss pissed me the hell off. Did'nt cry, but it sure gave me heartburn.

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We would have won If he had the mindset of intercepting It instead of batting it down.He's gonna be a great corner. I can let that one slide, but Hall's miss pissed me the hell off. Did'nt cry, but it sure gave me heartburn.

He didn't try to bat it down. He tried to intercept it. I was a missed opportunity.

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I swear, we haven't been to the playoffs since 1999. We went on a fantastic 6-0 streak and got to the second round of the playoffs this year. I'm happy and satisfied with how this season has gone and I'm not going to be down about it.

However, my list of the players who don't need to be here next year are as follows:

1.) Brunell

2.) Brown

3.) Frost

4.) Jacobs

Draft? We need a WR to compliment Moss, or at least fish the Free Agent waters. All we have is Moss, imo.

Seattle was better than us yesterday guys. I saw one team that came to win and move on to the next level and a team that did not.

But you know what? We'll be there again next year. Gibbs has this team on the right track.

So, stop crying; Pick yourselves up and put a smile on your faces.


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Brunell did not seem to mind the loss.Laughing it up with Hassleback after the game.Santana ,who kindly turned a Brunell pass to Seattle in the endzone into our only touchdown,looked like loosing actually bothered him.Character,huh?

Yeh, I felt the same way. I'm tired of Brunell. I can't wait till he's gone. Character my @ss.

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Actually as my uncle pointed out at the time it looked like Carlos didn't think he could get there in time for the interception and was clearly intent on laying the wood up until the last second when he realized he had a shot at the ball. All he could do at that point was just get his hands up.

Anywayz, No tears for me either. I would have loved to have gone farther but I was also keenly aware of we'd already accomplished.I got my hope back. Makes it hard to get too sad. I felt bad for my little cousin though. At about 12 this is really the first time he's had a chance to see our skins really do well and you could see it really hurt him to see the skins lose thos one. For his sake I hope that this season was just a harbinger of great things to come.

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Not me. CHRIST ALMIGHTY PEOPLE! We made it to the 2nd round of the GODDAMN playoffs! The last time we were even in the playoffs was 1999....before that?

Give me a break. I'm happy.

I have to agree...Like Brunell said, only one team ends the season without frustration. Yes I was sad...who wouldn't be--it was a hell of a run. But I am so proud to be a REdskin Fan. I am proud of the players and the organization. Now we know where we need to improve and what we need to do to get further next season.


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Not me. CHRIST ALMIGHTY PEOPLE! We made it to the 2nd round of the GODDAMN playoffs! The last time we were even in the playoffs was 1999....before that?

Give me a break. I'm happy.

Same here, Im happy and proud of our team as well. And believe me I am the first one to carry losses well into the week with crabbiness...

However when this game was over, I was more thankful for the ride we had this season and to finally..

A) have a winning regular season record

B) make the playoffs..let alone the second round

C) sweep the Eagles


E) Happy knowing Gibbs and Williams will be back next year.

F) See team chemistry

Here is to next year...its only going to get better!!! :point2sky

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I'm usually pissed after a loss, but this is the third time this year I was not down. The other two times were the losses in Denver and KC. I'm damn proud of this team and unlike 1999 we will only get better next year. The big dilema is the QB situation. What to do??? They will address the WR situation they will add a DE and another CB.

I think we need to start Campbell and a great cast around him.

Mark my words this team will be back next year!!!!

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Same here, Im happy and proud of our team as well. And believe me I am the first one to carry losses well into the week with crabbiness...

However when this game was over, I was more thankful for the ride we had this season and to finally..

A) have a winning regular season record

B) make the playoffs..let alone the second round

C) sweep the Eagles


E) Happy knowing Gibbs and Williams will be back next year.

F) See team chemistry

Here is to next year...its only going to get better!!! :point2sky

great post, man. no tears for me either and fully agree on all your bullets. May I add one or two:

G) played meaningful football in December at Fed Ex

H) attended two of the most exciting Skins games (Dallas/NYG) back to back that I have ever seen...

I) lasted longer than the Giants in the playoffs.

can't wait for next year. hoping that we don't throw away games like the 3 game stretch during the middle of the year and get a home playoff game next season.

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No crying here. I picked the Skins to be 8-8 or 9-7 and miss the playoffs. For them to:

- win out their last 5 games and make the 2nd round of the playoffs

- go 5-1 in the division

- sweep Dallas and then be the team who knocked them out of the post-season with a win over Philly

We have NOTHING to be crying about.

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I think this was the best feeling I've ever had after a Skins loss. We proved everyone wrong and made it to the second round of the playoffs. Believe me, I keep replaying that Rogers possible interception in my head, but what can you do? I know we had a great season and I'm not going to be down about it.

I will make one point though. I think we had a better chance with Alexander playing the whole game. He is soft and I think he would have coughed the ball up a few more times. Not only that, but I think Seattle would not have taken so many chances deep which of course seemed to work for them every time.

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Of course I'm sad that the ride is over, but what a ride it was! Our season lasted 'til

the middle of January instead of the middle of October; we won five in a row when

anything else would have killed us; we ran over Dallas, NY, and Philly in the process;

and kicked the Bucs out of the playoffs (extra important for us fans in Florida!).



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Oh dude, I know just what you're talking about. You know, that feeling when you're so overcome by joy that you can't hold back the tears, right? I cried those tears of joy as well, so you're not alone. I mean, a bunch of pretenders getting run out of the playoffs, probably never to return, whose coach isn't in this thing for the long haul. Yeah, it was pretty sweet. Enjoy the rest of the playoffs and maybe don't talk so much **** the next time you make it and it won't sting so bad when your season ends.

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no cryin goin on here.........Gibbs did great this year......and who wouldve thought brunell wouldve done this good after last year when he didnt even play the second half of the season...........next year will be a whole lot different(cough cough 16-0 cough cough LOL)

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