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Are the Seahawks soft?


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I've been reading through the threads, and there have been several people saying they still think the Seahawks are soft, or not for real, or something to that effect. I can understand that critique going into the game, since our schedule was relatively light. But I thought todays game was a very physical game by both teams on both sides of the ball. So I'm scratching my head, wondering if these people were watching the same game I was.

If you are one of those people who think the Seahawks are soft, could you please explain why you think that?

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I don't think the seahawks will beat either the bears or panthers....

the question of being soft?... I don't think they are soft, but I do think they are overally talented on either side of the ball. I think they are a good team in a bad division, and that helped their record without doubt.

You guys have better pass rush than us.

Better Oline.

Jackson is a good wr, but not great... our secondary is suspect.


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Their DL and linebacking corps played well, but I think the secondary is suspect. If our OL would have played worth a sh!# today, then I think the outcome would have been different. Even with double coverage most of the game, Moss still came away w/ 114 yards and a TD. Carolina's OL will perform better and Smith should have a big day.

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No Sir, you have a great QB who can throw just as acurate on the run. You have all your WR and a very good chance to hit the SuperBowl. We just didnt have enough with only 1 reciever and 1 h-back but Im 100% proud of what Joe Gibbs has brought back to this team. Hopefully see ya next year in the Playoffs at our house and with all our recievers. Good luck next week, your only 1 game away from the show brotha :cheers:

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I think the perception that seattle is soft comes from alexander. He always disappears in high profile high contact games. As for your line they looked pretty physical to me.

I just think the whole team kind of gets branded that because of 1 player.

Jackson impressed me coming back form the big hit in the back to have the game he did, that kid is tough.

By the way congrats you guys won it fair and square. Good luck next week.

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The Seahawks remind me right now of the Colts before Dungy got there. They are explosive when they are clicking, but if you have a defense that can punch them in the mouth, they will wilter.

You saw today how many times they fumbled, I mean not JUST the times the Redskins' recovered the ball, but a few other times also where they were lucky enough to recover it.

If I am a Seahawk's fan I count my blessings that they don't play another physical defense. Of course, HOSTING the NFC Champ. Game is going to be a huge advantage either way.

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I don't think they're "soft," whatever that means.

Offensively, they have the balance and talent to compete at the highest level.

My only real question about them at this point is whether or not their defense can hold up against a balanced, playoff-caliber offense. Today, the Skins were not a good test for them given that our downfield passing threat was simply not there, allowing you to swarm Portis, play the underneath stuff aggressively and attack Brunell.

Even given that, there were a few times your secondary seemed to break down ... heading into next week, that would be my only real concern for your team.

That and holding on to the ball, that is. Not sure what the deal was today with fumbleitis, but you'll want to clear that up and quick.

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No, you guys aren't soft. I was very impressed by your D today.

Your Oline is insanely good.

I had doubts about Darrell Jackson, I remember him being notorious for dropping passes and being soft, but he really stepped up today.

I still have my doubts about Alexander. I know he got knocked out early in the game, but personally, I was more impressed with Sammy Morris's ability to plow through tackles than I was with Alexander.

Then again, Portis didn't exactly light it up either.

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Shawn Alexander is softer than Charmin, you can take that to the bank. I've said all along he beat up on the sisters of the poor this year. Don't get me wrong, I think he is a good running back but his heart is lacking. The Bears or the Panthers D will bust him up again and I guarantee you he won't break 60 yards on the ground. That guy does not like to pound at all and that's what it takes in the playoffs.

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Our secondary has certainly been one of those areas where we'd kind of hold our breath and see what happens. It's been a constant juggle keeping guys in there, as they've been swapping injuries all season long it seems. And our linebackers are young. I can't expect perfection from anyone, but mistakes in this area are very visible and can be very expensive.

Today, we fumbled the ball, and that certainly needs to be addressed. (I have every confidence that Holmgren will light up the appropriate players as much as necessary.)

I think it's a bit unfair to use Alexander as a basis for saying the Seahawks are soft -- at least not based on his injury-truncated performance today. (If losing players due to injury makes a team soft, then every team in the league is soft -- which makes it meaningless as a descriptive term.) If he has a reputation for being soft in some circles, I don't know about that -- but I do know that he went for a whole bunch of short yardage situations this year, and running into the teeth of a short yardage defense isn't the sort of thing I think of when I think "soft".

NoCalMike, you said we're not going to play another physical defense. ??? Do you not consider the Bears D or even the Panthers D to be physical?

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I'm not saying the whole team is soft, but when your MVP does not like to smash when it's money time you got big problems. Alexander does not like physical football. He could have come back after that concussion as he seemed unaffected cheering on the sideline. No heart. He wanted no part of that Redskin defense and the Panthers or Bears are even more physical.

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I've been reading through the threads, and there have been several people saying they still think the Seahawks are soft, or not for real, or something to that effect. I can understand that critique going into the game, since our schedule was relatively light. But I thought todays game was a very physical game by both teams on both sides of the ball. So I'm scratching my head, wondering if these people were watching the same game I was.

If you are one of those people who think the Seahawks are soft, could you please explain why you think that?

Well seeing as how Denver once called the Indianapolis WR's "soft" abd then the Colts destorying them in the playoffs(last year) I think that statement has about as much credibility as this one...which is to say none, they are def. not soft

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For God's sake, this is RIDICULOUS. Shaun Alexander is the furthest thing from soft. 1800 yards! 28 touchdowns! The guy got hurt on a fluke play Saturday. It happens. Randy Thomas broke his leg. Is he soft for not playing on it? That's just dumb.

There are about 30 teams that would mortgage the franchise to have a guy like Shaun Alexander. And, although I like Portis, I CERTAINLY would not have been disappointed to get Alexander instead.

That being said, I was impressed with the job the Redskins did against him (and the O-line) early -- 6 carries for 9 yards. But a workhorse back takes time to get into a rhythm, and I think SA would have at some point. I think SA going down actually HURT us because Morris is a quicker, shiftier back (a la Tatum Bell, sort of) and that type of back has hurt us all year.

The Seattle run defense was awesome. But I expected that, being they were #5 in the league this year. But we did not exploit what I think is a less than stellar secondary. That was a three-fold problem: Seattle played a great game, Brunell's knee is hindering his accuracy like his hammy did last year, and our play calling wasn't great. (Sorry Joe.)

BT, you guys are not soft...at all. The only thing I questioned prior to the game was your schedule. You played 11 sub-.500 teams. We played five. I thought that may have over-inflated your record a little. Clearly, it didn't.

I think Seattle will beat Chicago if they get them, but I think Carolina has the edge if it goes that way. Regardless, I'm a full-fledged believer that the Seattle Seahawks are a damn fine football team.

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For God's sake, this is RIDICULOUS. Shaun Alexander is the furthest thing from soft. 1800 yards! 28 touchdowns! The guy got hurt on a fluke play Saturday. It happens. Randy Thomas broke his leg. Is he soft for not playing on it? That's just dumb.

There are about 30 teams that would mortgage the franchise to have a guy like Shaun Alexander. And, although I like Portis, I CERTAINLY would not have been disappointed to get Alexander instead.

:laugh: just scroll through the standings to see how he got those 1800 yds and 28 TDs. He got 139 and 3 vs. the Junior Varsity Colts.

Here are his 100 yard games, yes all of them:

vs. Atlanta 144

vs. Arizona 140

vs. St. Louis 119

vs. Houston 141

vs. Arizona 173

vs. St. Louis 165

vs. San Fran 115

vs. New York G. 110

vs. San Fran 108

vs. Tenn. 172

vs. Colts 139 *starters didn't play

What a tough guy. I'll let you look up what he did vs. tough physical defenses. I don't just make comments on this board without researching it myself. The guy doesn't like contact and this is not the first time he's been rocked and threw in the towel.

Also 30 teams would not mortgage the franchise for Alexander because they could have did it last season when all the Seahawks wanted was a 2nd round pick and no one jumped. Alexander is not a guy you hang your franchise on even the Seahawks know it that's why they haven't signed him long term. Ladanian, Larry Johnson, Edgerrin James, those are tough running backs they run on anybody. Alexander disappears when it's time to rock for 60 minutes, watch and see what he does next week vs. the Panthers or Bears.

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Two things impressed me about Seattle.

1. Matt Hasselbeck.

-Yes, he is the real deal.

2. Their run defense.

-They went into the game knowing that if they stopped Portis, they would win the game. They brought 8 and 9 guys into the box and they took him out of the game early. We had been accustomed to 8 man fronts and we had managed to move the ball regardless... but not against Tampa or Seattle. Kudos to their defense there.

My overall impression of Seattle's D is that they did what they had to do to win. They matched our Oline physically. Take this for what it is worth, BT... but I really think that Seattle will have problems on defense when they face a team that can actually throw the football, i.e. Jake Delhomme and Steve Smith. :2cents:

They will not be able to make the Panthers one dimensional... simply because Carolina is equally good on the ground and thru the air. That is why I think Carolina will ultimately win next week.

To answer the original question of the thread... going into the game I DID think that their defense could be pushed off the ball. Coming away from the game I know that is not true. So NO, they are not a soft team. But yes, they will lose to the Panthers next weekend.

But of course, I could be wrong. :)

Congratulations on the win, and good luck in the NFC Championship game!

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Our secondary has certainly been one of those areas where we'd kind of hold our breath and see what happens. It's been a constant juggle keeping guys in there, as they've been swapping injuries all season long it seems. And our linebackers are young. I can't expect perfection from anyone, but mistakes in this area are very visible and can be very expensive.

Today, we fumbled the ball, and that certainly needs to be addressed. (I have every confidence that Holmgren will light up the appropriate players as much as necessary.)

I think it's a bit unfair to use Alexander as a basis for saying the Seahawks are soft -- at least not based on his injury-truncated performance today. (If losing players due to injury makes a team soft, then every team in the league is soft -- which makes it meaningless as a descriptive term.) If he has a reputation for being soft in some circles, I don't know about that -- but I do know that he went for a whole bunch of short yardage situations this year, and running into the teeth of a short yardage defense isn't the sort of thing I think of when I think "soft".

NoCalMike, you said we're not going to play another physical defense. ??? Do you not consider the Bears D or even the Panthers D to be physical?

I think finding out about Alexander will be the key to how far you go. If he steps up and you guys keep the ball out of the panthers hands thus taking pressure off your d you should win. If he shows up small yet again in a big game, if I was a seattle fan I'd be questioning his heart and toughness. I also think it costs you the game if he's a no show.

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