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The liberal media


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Thinking about something doesn't mean you have a sour grape face. I am more thinking about how "America's team" is the Cowboys, yet our own DC team gets no respect. Over the years. Maybe it seems futile to bring it up now, but it just seems there are so many anti-Redskin fans out there as there are anti-everything else in this country. Anti-God, anti-war, anti-yadda yadda yadda.

Or maybe it's late and I haven't slept much this whole week. Gotta stop thinkin'......... :(

First of all, while I don't believe that the Cowboys should have the moniker "America's Team," I wouldn't expect anyone to root for the Redskins just because we play in the capital. I don't watch a whole lot of TV (imagine that for a college student) but from what I've seen our coverage hasn't been as overwhelmingly negative as some would say.

The second part of your post is baffling to me. Anti-Redskins fans? What exactly is that? I don't know many people who hate the Redskins, with the exception of other NFC East teams. Even if I did, I know far more people who hate the Patriots. I also fail to see how there's anything wrong with being anti-war, but that's a matter for another thread.

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I nominate this post as the mother lode of BS. Come on, really? I can't believe you'd post that in this forum! Not hating,You ? You of all people are be the one person that consistently & constantly spews hate on this board. Get real. Thanks for the laugh though.

Yeah Chom!

God forbid anyone should ever come in and attempt to counter the right wing circle jerk that passes for debate on this forum. Why do you hate freedom you pinko ****? :mad:

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Yeah Chom!

God forbid anyone should ever come in and attempt to counter the right wing circle jerk that passes for debate on this forum. Why do you hate freedom you pinko ****? :mad:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I know, right? Come on conservatives, the "woe is me" card is getting old. It doesn't really have the same effect when you control all aspects of government.

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there is ZERO doubt that the mainstream media is overwhelmingly liberal in that 90% of the Washington press corps votes Democratic.

however, I don't think this has anything to do with sports or even Tillman. the NFL made that decision based on their rules, and sports is pretty apolitical..

Zero doubt on your part. To the typical conservative, everyone is against them unless they agree 100% with their rhetoric. I mean honestly, by that logic, it's a miracle you guys control anything in this country, let alone everything.

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I nominate this post as the mother lode of BS. Come on, really? I can't believe you'd post that in this forum! Not hating,You ? You of all people are be the one person that consistently & constantly spews hate on this board. Get real. Thanks for the laugh though.

Thanks for proving my point and being a great example of what I was talking about.

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there is ZERO doubt that the mainstream media is overwhelmingly liberal in that 90% of the Washington press corps votes Democratic.

In your eyes there is zero doubt, because 95% of America liberal to you. you come from the far far right, and almost EVERYONE is a liberal when compared to your ideology. The media in this country is right wing funded, and it has transformed since the advent of Fox News. You may have been right 25 years ag, but you are nowhere near right today.

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I think he's right about the bias, but wrong about the reason. I don't think it's because of the city or the President. I think it's:

1. The team name.

2. 40 years ago, when segregation was still the law, the Redskins had no black players. Despite the fact that 20 years later they were the first team to start a black quarterback in the Super Bowl, they will never let the team off the hook for the past.

3. Dan Snyder is a "capitalist pig".

4. The head coach is a Christian and is not afraid to talk about it.

In short, I think in the pathological minds of some individuals in places like say, Connecticut, where ESPN originates, the Redskins represent everything they hate: the Republican Party, conservatism, the South, etc. As much as the liberal wing nuts in DC who call themselves football fans might not want to accept it, the Redskins are basically the Republican Party of the NFL. Hence the treatment by the media.

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I think he's right about the bias, but wrong about the reason. I don't think it's because of the city or the President. I think it's:

1. The team name.

2. 40 years ago, when segregation was still the law, the Redskins had no black players. Despite the fact that 20 years later they were the first team to start a black quarterback in the Super Bowl, they will never let the team off the hook for the past.

3. Dan Snyder is a "capitalist pig".

4. The head coach is a Christian and is not afraid to talk about it.

In short, I think in the pathological minds of some individuals in places like say, Connecticut, where ESPN originates, the Redskins represent everything they hate: the Republican Party, conservatism, the South, etc. As much as the liberal wing nuts in DC who call themselves football fans might not want to accept it, the Redskins are basically the Republican Party of the NFL. Hence the treatment by the media.

First of all, the notion that the Redskins are the Republican Party of the NFL disgusts me. It's a stupid conclusion based on irrelevent premises. The Redskins don't represent the South, the Republicans, conservativism, Christianity, or any of that. The Redskins are a football team.

Additionally, even if the idiotic notion that the Skins do represent any of that were true, it's paranoid and laughable to think a news organization would be biased against them because of it, especially when your reasoning is simply that said news organization is located in Connecticut.

I don't disagree that ESPN is against the Skins. Hell, I don't disagree that most media outlets are against the Skins. But politicizing it is just stupid partisan hackery. And while the left is sometimes guilty of it, the right specializes in it. I mean, come on, if you guys are so badly victimized by the almighty left, then how come you've tricked the country into letting you take over all aspects of it?

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First of all, the notion that the Redskins are the Republican Party of the NFL disgusts me. It's a stupid conclusion based on irrelevent premises.

It's a metaphor. The point is, that's how these sports reporters view the team.

The Redskins don't represent the South,

Here you're displaying your total ignorance of the history of the team. For decades, the Redskins were the southernmost team in the NFL, and they marketed themselves as the "team of the south". They had the "Redskins Radio Network" that broadcast the games throughout the southeast, and Redskins games were televised locally at least as far south as Atlanta. Up until the league started adding expansion franchises in the region, pretty much everybody in the southeast was a Redskins fan.

the Republicans,

Dan Snyder is rich and he looks like a yuppie. That's all they need to know.

conservativism, Christianity, or any of that. The Redskins are a football team.

While I think the sports media reluctantly accepts the fact that many players and coaches in the NFL are people of faith, they also wish they would shut up about it. Gibbs makes them uncomfortable.

Additionally, even if the idiotic notion that the Skins do represent any of that were true, it's paranoid and laughable to think a news organization would be biased against them because of it, especially when your reasoning is simply that said news organization is located in Connecticut.

Now that is naive.

I don't disagree that ESPN is against the Skins. Hell, I don't disagree that most media outlets are against the Skins. But politicizing it is just stupid partisan hackery. And while the left is sometimes guilty of it, the right specializes in it. I mean, come on, if you guys are so badly victimized by the almighty left, then how come you've tricked the country into letting you take over all aspects of it?

Because the truth always wins out in the end. :cool:

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It's a metaphor. The point is, that's how these sports reporters view the team.

Here you're displaying your total ignorance of the history of the team. For decades, the Redskins were the southernmost team in the NFL, and they marketed themselves as the "team of the south". They had the "Redskins Radio Network" that broadcast the games throughout the southeast, and Redskins games were televised locally at least as far south as Atlanta. Up until the league started adding expansion franchises in the region, pretty much everybody in the southeast was a Redskins fan.

Dan Snyder is rich and he looks like a yuppie. That's all they need to know.

While I think the sports media reluctantly accepts the fact that many players and coaches in the NFL are people of faith, they also wish they would shut up about it. Gibbs makes them uncomfortable.

Now that is naive.

Because the truth always wins out in the end. :cool:

Damn, conservative, arrogant, AND snooty? Wow.

Your metaphor, as I said, is based on false premises. Also, I know plenty about the history of the team. Probably more than you do. I understand that we had/have a fairly strong fanbase in the South. That doesn't mean we represent them. That doesn't mean we have anything to do with them. It just means some people in the South like the Redskins. Although I'd venture that more Redskins fans don't live in the South than do.

I do agree that Snyder is probably a major cause of the media bias. His politics (which I'd actually probably think would be liberal, given that he's Jewish and from suburban DC) have nothing to do with it, though.

Gibbs is a religious guy. So are most people in the NFL. Hell, just this week Pat Robertson came out in favor of the Seahawks because Alexander is a "man of God." If you really think our coach, who's current term, BTW, is preceded by this media bias, thus rendering your point moot anyway, being religious has anything to do with the media not liking us, then you're clearly just looking for excuses to blame the "liberal media."

Please, AJ, spare us all the bull****. You're supporting something baseless, pointless, and stupid. The media doesn't like the Redskins. Fine. But that's due to a million other reasons beside this one. The difference is none of them promote your anti-liberal agenda.

And if you really think the truth wins out in politics, you're kidding yourself. No party stands for the truth, especially not the Republican party of late.

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Your metaphor, as I said, is based on false premises. Also, I know plenty about the history of the team. Probably more than you do. I understand that we had/have a fairly strong fanbase in the South. That doesn't mean we represent them. That doesn't mean we have anything to do with them. It just means some people in the South like the Redskins. Although I'd venture that more Redskins fans don't live in the South than do.


You dont remember the "old fight song" do you ..We always didnt fight for old D.C. If you do need to know what we were fighting for Ill let ya know.

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I think he's right about the bias, but wrong about the reason. I don't think it's because of the city or the President. I think it's:

1. The team name.

2. 40 years ago, when segregation was still the law, the Redskins had no black players. Despite the fact that 20 years later they were the first team to start a black quarterback in the Super Bowl, they will never let the team off the hook for the past.

3. Dan Snyder is a "capitalist pig".

4. The head coach is a Christian and is not afraid to talk about it.

In short, I think in the pathological minds of some individuals in places like say, Connecticut, where ESPN originates, the Redskins represent everything they hate: the Republican Party, conservatism, the South, etc. As much as the liberal wing nuts in DC who call themselves football fans might not want to accept it, the Redskins are basically the Republican Party of the NFL. Hence the treatment by the media.

1. I dont see any Anti Cleveland Indians Bias

2. George Preston Marshall is the man that earns the dislike not the skins themsleves. You know that man would hate Snyder and Cooke for being a big spenders both.( He was noteriously frugal in Players Salareis) I dont see the media equating him with the skins.

3. As opposed to who? Which Owner do you think is not ?

I see by this logic the Greenbay Packers are a bunch of Farve loving Commies.

Modell tried to mover his personal property in order to Maxmize profits and what do people do they critize him for his capitalism. You Commie jerks. Thats what we ravens fans call people who hate on Modell a commie. :mad:

Screw the USSR of Cleveland.

5. And the hate for Jon Kitna and Kurt Warners teams are where?....

Modell praises God all the time for being alive. Ray and Dieion lead the team prayers in practice and on the field. where is the ravens hate ?

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I'd like to counter the notion that redskins equate to republicans of the NFL with something more reasonable and less sickening. The Redskins aren't liked by the media because of Dan Snyder. The media doesn't like him, they don't even hide this fact. Is it because he looks like a yuppy? IMO no, I think that theory is laughable. I'd say it has more to do with personal battles he's had with members of the press, and his "buy a superbowl" wreckless attitude he had in his early years.

This wingnut victim of the press attitude is just sad.

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You dont remember the "old fight song" do you ..We always didnt fight for old D.C. If you do need to know what we were fighting for Ill let ya know.

Point being?

I don't think something that was written by someone not associated with the team in 1938, something that has been changed not so recently, really plays much of a factor into what this team represents. Given that most of the teams fanbase doesn't live in Dixie, given that many of those who do live in so-called Dixie despise anything related to the Old South (i.e. myself), your point is, well, pointless, for that reason amongst many others.

Of course, I doubt anything I say can stop you from thinking the vast liberal conspiracy is out to stop you from doing whatever it is that you do.

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If the Skins represent Dixie, then what do the Falcons, Panthers, Jaguars, Bucs, Titans and Saints represent? Does the evil liberal media hate all of them too?

this is a joke that would be funny if so many of you didn't actually believe it to be true.

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When you're dealing with people who don't think the Redskins are/were the team of the south, there's not much point in continuing the discussion. Likewise, if you don't think there are people who have animosity towards the team for the name and because of Snyder, you're nuts. People having a problem with Gibbs is more subtle, but if you're aware enough to recognize it, it's there.

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When you're dealing with people who don't think the Redskins are/were the team of the south, and that this can never change even after 75 years there's not much point in continuing the discussion. Likewise, if you don't think there are people who have animosity towards the team for the name and because of Snyder, you're nuts. People having a problem with Gibbs is more subtle, but if you're paranoid enough to imagine, it's there.

I edited your typos.

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I'm so sick of politics but since you're talking about the "liberal media" I would like to add something. I've been reading "All the President's Men" by Woodward and Bernstein for the last week or two. Here is one part that I found ammusing.

"Do you know why we're NOT uptight about the press and the espionage business?" one White House aide--not Mr. Ziegler--asked rehtorically the other day. "Because we believe that the public believes the Eastern press really is what Agnew said it was--elitist, anti-Nixon and ultimately pro-McGovern."

Switch Nixon with Bush and McGovern with Kerry, liberal, or whatever. What a joke. People will never learn.

P.S. I'm not some huge Democrat. What are they doing for us?

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When you're dealing with people who don't think the Redskins are/were the team of the south, there's not much point in continuing the discussion. Likewise, if you don't think there are people who have animosity towards the team for the name and because of Snyder, you're nuts. People having a problem with Gibbs is more subtle, but if you're aware enough to recognize it, it's there.

Past versus present. What once was will not always be, like it or not. The skins were a team of the south, only because they happened to be the southern most franchise. This is no longer the case. The south today is filled with teams. Times have changed.

Your points about Snyder and the name are valid. However none of that comes close to making the skins a republican like team facing the evil liberal media. That's fantasy. It stems from the need to be a good guy victim and believe that all villains are of the opposite political spectrum.

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When you're dealing with people who don't think the Redskins are/were the team of the south, and that this can never change even after 75 years there's not much point in continuing the discussion.

Why would they want it to change? It's true that expansion has cut into their territory, and now they're basically only the "home team" to Virginia and whatever parts of Maryland don't root for the Ravens, but there are still large numbers of Redskins fans in the Carolinas and Georgia.

Likewise, if you don't think there are people who have animosity towards the team for the name and because of Snyder, you're nuts.

Glad we agree on these two points.

People having a problem with Gibbs is more subtle, but if you're paranoid enough to imagine, it's there.

Nope, it's definitely real.

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