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The liberal media


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Its been a real shock to me that after all The Washington Redskins have accomplished this year that we dont get the credit or the media attention we deserve.I for one,dont need the media to validate The Redskins,but for a team that had to beat the odds and win the last five games {3 on the road,1 against division champs,1 against a team many had going to the playoffs ]you would think that any true fan of football would ,without a biased heart,would without a doubt make light of our accomplishments.Not the case.Show after show,commentator after commentator,dismass it as luck,smoke and mirrors,frauds etc.........Then it hit me .

I thought back to Pat Tillman.And if memory serves me correctly The NFL wouldnt allow teams to wear his number on their helmets for the rest of the year.Just an example.

What Im getting at is The media is liberal.Whether it be the news,or sports.And I really think the reason The Washington Redskins are not getting the credit or media attention we deserve is because we are The Nations Capitol.We represent D.C .during a contraversial time in our nations history.And they are all waiting for us to fall .

If the mods think that this was a waste of a thread,or any fans for that matter I apologise.But this is something I truly believe .Hopefully Im not alone in my thinking and if I am thanks for reading anyway.

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I believe that they refuse to root for the Redskins for historical reasons. Lets face it fellas, Native Americans have not fared particularly well in battle over the last few centuries. The analysts know their history, forget that Joe Gibbs has won 3 superbowls with three different QBs, that ignores the big picture that Indians have lost approximately 99.99999% of their land (asides from a few casinos where those theiving bas--- took all my money). Historically the media is on point.

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what insult, I didn't call you asinine, just that conspiracy theory nonsense.

and yes no Political views in this forum, take it to tailgate.

1.Yeah,maybe your right.Maybe they are all pissed that its not gonna be a Manning on Manning Super Bowl.

2.I dont know how to move threads from one forum to another

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Its been a real shock to me that after all The Washington Redskins have accomplished this year that we dont get the credit or the media attention we deserve.I for one,dont need the media to validate The Redskins,but for a team that had to beat the odds and win the last five games {3 on the road,1 against division champs,1 against a team many had going to the playoffs ]you would think that any true fan of football would ,without a biased heart,would without a doubt make light of our accomplishments.Not the case.Show after show,commentator after commentator,dismass it as luck,smoke and mirrors,frauds etc.........Then it hit me .

I thought back to Pat Tillman.And if memory serves me correctly The NFL wouldnt allow teams to wear his number on their helmets for the rest of the year.Just an example.

What Im getting at is The media is liberal.Whether it be the news,or sports.And I really think the reason The Washington Redskins are not getting the credit or media attention we deserve is because we are The Nations Capitol.We represent D.C .during a contraversial time in our nations history.And they are all waiting for us to fall .

If the mods think that this was a waste of a thread,or any fans for that matter I apologise.But this is something I truly believe .Hopefully Im not alone in my thinking and if I am thanks for reading anyway.

I dont see it as far fetched as some may. I actually think its got some truth to it. Regardless of how real football fans love, and drive the game of football, the media lies, covers up their lies, makes things bigger than they are, and makes big thing smaller. They target a specific group, tell them what they want to hear, then repeat, repeat, repeat. I draw a comparison, the way the media handled the president, they handle the redskins in the same way. They overlook or belittle accomplishments, they tear down and degrade, Its what they do, Its the media. I'm not so sure if its the Liberal media, but it very well could be.

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Does this mean that Fox Sports loves the Redskins?

exactly, Foxsports will show everybody what the MSM refuses to admit about the Skins. That they are getting better, and aren't actually selling poisoned milk to School Children like those jerks a CNNSI, CBSsportsline and etc would like you to believe.

Al Franken is a Dallas Fan....and ummmmmm, if you root for other teams. Then the terrorists have already won.

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I dont see it as far fetched as some may. I actually think its got some truth to it. Regardless of how real football fans love, and drive the game of football, the media lies, covers up their lies, makes things bigger than they are, and makes big thing smaller. They target a specific group, tell them what they want to hear, then repeat, repeat, repeat. I draw a comparison, the way the media handled the president, they handle the redskins in the same way. They overlook or belittle accomplishments, they tear down and degrade, Its what they do, Its the media. I'm not so sure if its the Liberal media, but it very well could be.

If you are the seahawks or any other team in the NFC with the exception of the Bears you have the same compliant. The trouble is in the past few years that conference has blown big time. How can the media get up hype for a team thats just going to win a conference only to get loss the superbowl. Thats like doing revisionist history trying to make the Bufflo Bills look great via advertising consecutive confrence champions Woo hoo and ignore the SB losses.

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I dont see it as far fetched as some may. I actually think its got some truth to it. Regardless of how real football fans love, and drive the game of football, the media lies, covers up their lies, makes things bigger than they are, and makes big thing smaller. They target a specific group, tell them what they want to hear, then repeat, repeat, repeat. I draw a comparison, the way the media handled the president, they handle the redskins in the same way. They overlook or belittle accomplishments, they tear down and degrade, Its what they do, Its the media. I'm not so sure if its the Liberal media, but it very well could be.

:applause: :notworthy

In fact, :notworthy :applause: to redphoenix.

There is a reason so many Americans resent the REAL America's team.

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:applause: :notworthy

In fact, :notworthy :applause: to redphoenix.

There is a reason so many Americans resent the REAL America's team.

The skins have nothing to do with conservative vs liberal media, the reason they don't get the press is because nobody expected them to be here. Hell, 2/3rds of this board were calling for Gibbs head 5 weeks ago :doh:

In all seriousness folks, this is the time you should be ENJOYING yourselves instead of complaining about not getting props. Hell, I think half the problem with people is that they can't actually go through life without hating someone or something, instead of just enjoying the moment. I am so freakin happy I am not one of those people, and I know how to enjoy the good times. (Not to say I don't b!tch) but come on now, the Skins are two games from the SB and this guy is complaining about not getting props? Talk about going through life with a sour face.

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The skins have nothing to do with conservative vs liberal media, the reason they don't get the press is because nobody expected them to be here. Hell, 2/3rds of this board were calling for Gibbs head 5 weeks ago :doh:

In all seriousness folks, this is the time you should be ENJOYING yourselves instead of complaining about not getting props. Hell, I think half the problem with people is that they can't actually go through life without hating someone or something, instead of just enjoying the moment. I am so freakin happy I am not one of those people, and I know how to enjoy the good times. (Not to say I don't b!tch) but come on now, the Skins are two games from the SB and this guy is complaining about not getting props? Talk about going through life with a sour face.

Thinking about something doesn't mean you have a sour grape face. I am more thinking about how "America's team" is the Cowboys, yet our own DC team gets no respect. Over the years. Maybe it seems futile to bring it up now, but it just seems there are so many anti-Redskin fans out there as there are anti-everything else in this country. Anti-God, anti-war, anti-yadda yadda yadda.

Or maybe it's late and I haven't slept much this whole week. Gotta stop thinkin'......... :(

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The skins have nothing to do with conservative vs liberal media, the reason they don't get the press is because nobody expected them to be here. Hell, 2/3rds of this board were calling for Gibbs head 5 weeks ago :doh:

Hell, I think half the problem with people is that they can't actually go through life without hating someone or something, instead of just enjoying the moment. I am so freakin happy I am not one of those people, and I know how to enjoy the good times. (Not to say I don't b!tch)

I nominate this post as the mother lode of BS. Come on, really? I can't believe you'd post that in this forum! Not hating,You ? You of all people are be the one person that consistently & constantly spews hate on this board. Get real. Thanks for the laugh though.

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I nominate this post as the mother lode of BS. Come on, really? I can't believe you'd post that in this forum! Not hating,You ? You of all people are be the one person that consistently & constantly spews hate on this board. Get real. Thanks for the laugh though.

Funny how folks like you always pop in to fire off a few insults and cry about something.....and you call him the hater?

Put down the haterade.

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