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The liberal media


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Best advice for you is vote Republican.I love messin with you democRATS,its too damn easy.

Dont blindly vote for any party is my Advice otherwise you would have voted for Kilgore who couldnt run a campaign so how was he suppose to run a state in toto.

Or you could vote blindly for a Rino like McCain.

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First of all, while I don't believe that the Cowboys should have the moniker "America's Team," I wouldn't expect anyone to root for the Redskins just because we play in the capital. I don't watch a whole lot of TV (imagine that for a college student) but from what I've seen our coverage hasn't been as overwhelmingly negative as some would say.

The second part of your post is baffling to me. Anti-Redskins fans? What exactly is that? I don't know many people who hate the Redskins, with the exception of other NFC East teams. Even if I did, I know far more people who hate the Patriots. I also fail to see how there's anything wrong with being anti-war, but that's a matter for another thread.

1) I don't expect people to root for the Redskins b/c they are the capitol's team. Just why the dang Cowboys as "America's team". A little backwards.

2) I know MANY people who are admittedly anti-Redskin because of one reason: can you guess it? They intensely dislike Dan Snyder. However, some of those admitted anti-Redskins admit that Joe Gibbs' return has also returned most of their respect for our team.

BTW: 1) I didn't watch a lot of TV as a college student either, and don't now--Redskins/Football, and now that 24 is starting again I'll watch that.

2) I truly have never met anyone who hated the Patriots.

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You guys are right...there's no liberal bias in any of the media at all...no way. None. :insane:

AJ, what you perceive as a liberal bias in not bias to the rest of the country. Thre is a strong conservative bias in the media, yet you can't see it. Shows like Chris Matthews constantly pushes a conservative viewpoint, Joe Scarboro, the entire Fox News Channel, Pat Robertson, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Michell Malkin, Bill O'Reilly, where are all the "liberal pundits"?

THink about the amount of attention blatent conservative lies get, then think of the amount of liberal lies that get said in mainstream media. Does the Swift Boats ring a bell? You have just been duped, that's allright though, we're here to show you the light, the only problem is it's really hard to see the light when you are blind.

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I'd like to counter the notion that redskins equate to republicans of the NFL with something more reasonable and less sickening. The Redskins aren't liked by the media because of Dan Snyder. The media doesn't like him, they don't even hide this fact.

Completely true, and I hated Dan Snyder. I thought he was by FAR the worst owner in the league, kind of like a Steinbrenner in the 80's without Cashman to bail him out. I couldn't STAND Snyder because he thought the SB was won in April, not Janurary, and that was what I honestly thought. Since he hired Gibbs, and took a back seat to the FA spree, he's gone up a few notches in my book. He is no longer on my hate list, just on my annoying list.

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It's the fact that the Democrats misunderstand so badly why they're losing that's making them bigger losers every year. People cannot vote for them because their views on national security and social issues are repulsive, and stand in direct opposition to the views of the overwhelming majority of the American people. The old Democrat tactic of dangling government handouts in front of people still has some appeal, but the new Democrat aversion to God, Family and Country totally overrides people's desire for freebies.

If any party appeals to greed, it's the Democrats with their promises of taking money from other people that you haven't earned and giving it to you. It worked big for FDR after the depression, but the Democratic Party was taken over in the 60s by anti-war activists, feminists, etc. and it's been dying ever since as a national party. It's going to continue too, because almost all of their money is coming from far-left elements. Their base is rich white urban liberals, and that's it. They've still got black voters on the federal plantation, but that vote is starting to show sgins of cracking too, and when it does you can pack up the tent and go home, because the Democratic Party is finished.

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

Democratic debates have revolved around verbal attack of the Republican candidate and attempted defamation, rather than introducing actual, logical and feasible ideas. I have to say I enjoyed the Clinton debates better simply because he blew so much smoke up every person's ass with promises he would never fulfill, but at least it wasn't AS defamatory. And don't forget to mention the liberal's idea of aborting a baby as birth control rather than preventing conception. It has a heartbeat, but it is not a life, right? But SAVE THE RAINFORESTS AND THE BABY SEALS!!!!!!!!

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AJ, what you perceive as a liberal bias in not bias to the rest of the country. Thre is a strong conservative bias in the media, yet you can't see it. Shows like Chris Matthews constantly pushes a conservative viewpoint, Joe Scarboro, the entire Fox News Channel, Pat Robertson, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Michell Malkin, Bill O'Reilly, where are all the "liberal pundits"?

THink about the amount of attention blatent conservative lies get, then think of the amount of liberal lies that get said in mainstream media. Does the Swift Boats ring a bell? You have just been duped, that's allright though, we're here to show you the light, the only problem is it's really hard to see the light when you are blind.

So, FNC and the one sporadic Christian show is conservative....THAT'S IT. What's your point? Yeah, a total swarm of conservative news channels overwhelm the TV.

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Although I dont see how this relates to the skins, yes the liberal media screws everything up. Just read Misinformation 22 myths on the War on Terror, and you will see what a horrible picture the LIBERAL media is painting on pretty much everything.

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