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The liberal media


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Past versus present. What once was will not always be, like it or not. The skins were a team of the south, only because they happened to be the southern most franchise. This is no longer the case. The south today is filled with teams. Times have changed.

Your points about Snyder and the name are valid. However none of that comes close to making the skins a republican like team facing the evil liberal media. That's fantasy. It stems from the need to be a good guy victim and believe that all villains are of the opposite political spectrum.

Like I said in my original post, liberals will not want to accept it. Like many other things, they will choose to remain in denial of reality, because that's the only way they can function. I'm just throwing it out there. People can decide for themselves whether they think it's accurate. No need for the histrionic denials.

Besides I agree...who gives a crap what these media losers say? Let them. It just gives the team more inspiration.

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When you're dealing with people who don't think the Redskins are/were the team of the south, there's not much point in continuing the discussion. Likewise, if you don't think there are people who have animosity towards the team for the name and because of Snyder, you're nuts. People having a problem with Gibbs is more subtle, but if you're aware enough to recognize it, it's there.


You just pick and choose what you read, don't you?

I never denied that Snyder is central to the media bias. Logic points to, however, that it has nothing to do with his politics, as they're most likely very liberal.

This team was once part of the South. Since then, upwards of ten teams have been established in the South. Where's the media bias against them? Hell, ESPN is all over Vick's ****, and he plays for a team in Georgia.

And honestly, if you can show me this subtle bias against Gibbs due to his religion, then do it. Because sure, if you're looking for something to justify what you believe, you'll surely find it. That doesn't necessarily mean it's there.

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Like I said in my original post, liberals will not want to accept it. Like many other things, they will choose to remain in denial of reality, because that's the only way they can function. I'm just throwing it out there. People can decide for themselves whether they think it's accurate. No need for the histrionic denials.

Besides I agree...who gives a crap what these media losers say? Let them. It just gives the team more inspiration.

Liberals won't accept it because it isn't there. Conservatives who believe in the grand liberal media conspiracy will believe it because they want to. It's not like that bunch hasn't shown a willingness to justify their backward beliefs with nothing in the past.

And while I agree that it doesn't matter what the media says, you're the one who's pushing this theory, so obviously you do care.

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I agree with you about Snyder. The media hates Snyder, and he has brought much of that upon himself.

The rest of it is just a fantasy. I do not understand why conservatives today need to feel like they are an oppressed struggling minority in this country, but clearly they do.

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I agree with you about Snyder. The media hates Snyder, and he has brought much of that upon himself.

The rest of it is just a fantasy. I do not understand why conservatives today need to feel like they are an oppressed struggling minority in this country, but clearly they do.

Right? And you know, I wouldn't be so quick to jump on them if it weren't for the fact that they control everything in this country. What the hell kind of conspiracy lets that kind of thing happen? But that's the conservative MO; someone's always out to get them. Nixon set a pretty clear example, I guess.

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probably the only time in my life I will ever agree with chopper dave and predicto on anything.

there is a huge liberal media bias in the mainstream media which has begun to shatter due to new technology.

however, this has nothing to do with sports coverage of the Redskins. if anything the local media bends over backwards for this franchise for the last 13 years..

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I do not understand why conservatives today need to feel like they are an oppressed struggling minority in this country, but clearly they do.
Either they do, or want to pretend they are to frame the debate in their favor.

It was a tough sell before. So now they aren't "the man" anymore that was known for it's lock step (as opposed to big tent) thinking....no no no, they are the little guy and the entire media and the whole of academia are out to destroy them and their beloved country.

They are "real men" that don't do girly things like smell nice, but instead busy themselves with the dirty work.....like freaking out over a dropped towel exposing a naked shoulder before a football game. They fight for freedom....by expanding government and it's powers. They stand for moral values....which clearly is entirely determined by sex or reproduction. Greed is good, poor people deserve it, and prisoners should be treated as bad as possible...HELL YEAH!

The GOP of today is like an action movie star, full of good one liners and poorly thought out but terribly thrilling plans for action.....and not at all conservative economically (another idea tossed out in favor of a easier sell).

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You guys are right...there's no liberal bias in any of the media at all...no way. None. :insane:

Just as much liberal bias as there is conservative bias. Besides, regardless of how I feel on THAT subject, this has nothing to do with it. You're stating that there is a factual basis to the claim that the media is against the Redskins because of a liberal bias. Now, the existence of that liberal bias isn't in question, even though I personally think it's greatly exaggerated. What is in question is whether or not, assuming the bias does exist, the liberal bias is the same as the bias against the Redskins. And there isn't any evidence to show that. The only evidence you're producing is the product of your own conservative paranoia. Of course, you wouldn't possibly be able to see that, would you?

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Either they do, or want to pretend they are to frame the debate in their favor.

It was a tough sell before. So now they aren't "the man" anymore that was known for it's lock step (as opposed to big tent) thinking....no no no, they are the little guy and the entire media and the whole of academia are out to destroy them and their beloved country.

They are "real men" that don't do girly things like smell nice, but instead busy themselves with the dirty work.....like freaking out over a dropped towel exposing a naked shoulder before a football game. They fight for freedom....by expanding government and it's powers. They stand for moral values....which clearly is entirely determined by sex or reproduction. Greed is good, poor people deserve it, and prisoners should be treated as bad as possible.

The GOP of today is like an action movie star, full of good one liners and poorly thought out but terribly thrilling plans for action.....and not at all conservative economically (another idea tossed out in favor of a easier sell).

:applause: :applause: :applause:

Perfectly said.

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:applause: :applause: :applause:

Perfectly said.

Thanks, but sadly democrats have let themselves be entirely defined by their chosen roles as political contrarians. Doing some good only because their strict determination to oppose any and all things to come out of the bad idea factory on the right. While the GOP went for the easy sell the Dems are trying to move a case of "we aren't them!" buttons, and no one is buying.

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probably the only time in my life I will ever agree with chopper dave and predicto on anything.

there is a huge liberal media bias in the mainstream media which has begun to shatter due to new technology.

however, this has nothing to do with sports coverage of the Redskins. if anything the local media bends over backwards for this franchise for the last 13 years..

That's the local media...although the Washington Post wavers around, because it's the major liberal mouthpiece. They don't want to be favorable to the team, but they have to try because otherwise the few people who still pay attention to their Redskins coverage would jump ship.

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Just as much liberal bias as there is conservative bias. Besides, regardless of how I feel on THAT subject, this has nothing to do with it. You're stating that there is a factual basis to the claim that the media is against the Redskins because of a liberal bias. Now, the existence of that liberal bias isn't in question, even though I personally think it's greatly exaggerated. What is in question is whether or not, assuming the bias does exist, the liberal bias is the same as the bias against the Redskins. And there isn't any evidence to show that. The only evidence you're producing is the product of your own conservative paranoia. Of course, you wouldn't possibly be able to see that, would you?

I'm just suggesting a theory. My opinion. I stated it as such. I predicted when I posted it that liberal wing nuts would be disturbed by it, and you've proved me right quite nicely.

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Either they do, or want to pretend they are to frame the debate in their favor.

It was a tough sell before. So now they aren't "the man" anymore that was known for it's lock step (as opposed to big tent) thinking....no no no, they are the little guy and the entire media and the whole of academia are out to destroy them and their beloved country.

They are "real men" that don't do girly things like smell nice, but instead busy themselves with the dirty work.....like freaking out over a dropped towel exposing a naked shoulder before a football game. They fight for freedom....by expanding government and it's powers. They stand for moral values....which clearly is entirely determined by sex or reproduction. Greed is good, poor people deserve it, and prisoners should be treated as bad as possible...HELL YEAH!

The GOP of today is like an action movie star, full of good one liners and poorly thought out but terribly thrilling plans for action.....and not at all conservative economically (another idea tossed out in favor of a easier sell).

It's the fact that the Democrats misunderstand so badly why they're losing that's making them bigger losers every year. People cannot vote for them because their views on national security and social issues are repulsive, and stand in direct opposition to the views of the overwhelming majority of the American people. The old Democrat tactic of dangling government handouts in front of people still has some appeal, but the new Democrat aversion to God, Family and Country totally overrides people's desire for freebies.

If any party appeals to greed, it's the Democrats with their promises of taking money from other people that you haven't earned and giving it to you. It worked big for FDR after the depression, but the Democratic Party was taken over in the 60s by anti-war activists, feminists, etc. and it's been dying ever since as a national party. It's going to continue too, because almost all of their money is coming from far-left elements. Their base is rich white urban liberals, and that's it. They've still got black voters on the federal plantation, but that vote is starting to show sgins of cracking too, and when it does you can pack up the tent and go home, because the Democratic Party is finished.

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It's the fact that the Democrats misunderstand so badly why they're losing that's making them bigger losers every year. People cannot vote for them because their views on national security and social issues are repulsive, and stand in direct opposition to the views of the overwhelming majority of the American people. The old Democrat tactic of dangling government handouts in front of people still has some appeal, but the new Democrat aversion to God, Family and Country totally overrides people's desire for freebies.

If any party appeals to greed, it's the Democrats with their promises of taking money from other people that you haven't earned and giving it to you. It worked big for FDR after the depression, but the Democratic Party was taken over in the 60s by anti-war activists, feminists, etc. and it's been dying ever since as a national party. It's going to continue too, because almost all of their money is coming from far-left elements. Their base is rich white urban liberals, and that's it. They've still got black voters on the federal plantation, but that vote is starting to show sgins of cracking too, and when it does you can pack up the tent and go home, because the Democratic Party is finished.

I have a few problems with that.

1 - You confuse giving to the poor with "greed." Protecting drug money profits by preserving an anti-competitive market is greed.

2 - The last thing the dems did on a national stage having to do with hand outs was welfare reform. Last thing the GOP did was issue empty promises about SS reform while giving us the drug benefit plan to fix the situation caused by their anti-free market support for drug companies.

3 - The GOP loves to spend money every bit as much as Dems do. You live in VA so you know all about this.....blue NoVA pays for red southern virginia.

I know exactly why the Democrats lose....it's because they allow radical leftists to serve as the mouthpiece of the party. It's stupid and it send moderate voters running like their pants are on fire. The leadership in the democratic party is pathetic and the GOP will continue to win despite their failings because of it.

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Point being?

I don't think something that was written by someone not associated with the team in 1938, something that has been changed not so recently, really plays much of a factor into what this team represents. Given that most of the teams fanbase doesn't live in Dixie, given that many of those who do live in so-called Dixie despise anything related to the Old South (i.e. myself), your point is, well, pointless, for that reason amongst many others.

Of course, I doubt anything I say can stop you from thinking the vast liberal conspiracy is out to stop you from doing whatever it is that you do.


Hey if you think that the inventor of The WAshington Redskins and what he was about plays no part in how the media treats us today then we disagree.If you think the media isnt ruled and owned by DemocRATS and Liberals then Id have to say your blind.If you think the Liberal media 's long arm stops when it comes to sports then your brainwashed.Other than that GO SKINS>:logo:

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I have a few problems with that.

1 - You confuse giving to the poor with "greed."

I think it's greed to expect and/or demand something you haven't earned.

You want to talk about god, pick up a bible and show me where taking from the haves, and giving to the have nots, is considered greedy.

The Bible is not in favor of taking from anybody. It's in favor of giving, voluntarily, because it's the right thing to do. Having the government confiscate your property and give it to someone else whether you like it or not is not freely giving.

Compare this to the GOP continued protection of drug companies anti-competitive market that outlaws foreign produced prescriptions, allowing these companies to make huge profits by over charging sick americans.

The reason why nearly all of the world's new drugs are developed in America is that there is profit in doing so. If you take away the profit, you take away the ability to sepnd on research and development. Furthermore, the more the government tries to interfere with the market, the less efficient the economy becomes, and everybody gets dragged down together. That's not to say there shouldn't be reasonable regulation to prevent abuses, but the liberal instinct to treat business as the enemy ends up destroying jobs and income for average people.

That is greed, plain and simple, then again I also think crying about free child care given to poor people because it cost you less then a nickel in tax money is greedy too.

I don't know what program you're talking about.

2 - The last thing the dems did on a national stage having to do with hand outs was welfare reform. This reduced hand outs and aimed to lessen abuse. Contrast this to the GOPs massive drug benefits hand out that makes anything the dems have done in the last several decades look like couch cushion munchies money.

Conservatives don't like the Medicare bill.

Of course they also wrote in rules stopping the fed from collectively bargaining to further increase drug company profits.

Whatever purpose unions may once have served, they are nothing but an impediment to the economy and society at large at this point. The primary reason our education system isn't better than it is is the teacher's unions.

3 - The GOP loves to spend money every bit as much as Dems do. The difference is dems are willing to pay the higher taxes while red states are only willing to use money from blue states, never ever willing to actually pay their own way. You want to talk welfare? Look at the unemployment rates of red states and contrast it to blue ones. Who is footing the bill? You live in VA so you know all about this.....blue NoVA pays for red southern virginia.

Footing the bill for what? If the Republicans stand for cutting taxes and (SUPPPOSEDLY) reducing government spending, and the people you're complaining about vote for them, they are voting for "blue states" to have lower taxes. Meanwhile, the blue states complain because Bush wants to cut their taxes. Your thinking on this point is so tangled that it's come out nutty. If that was the way people saw it, the blue states would be voting for low taxes and the red states would be voting for high ones.

As for Virginia, the problem is that NOVA views itself as part of DC, not Virginia. It is increasingly disconnected from the rest of the state culturally, and more than ever is developing an animosity that the "hayseeds down south" don't give them everything they want want because they just don't understand how "important" NOVA is and how much the entire rest of the state needs to bow down and follow their commands. Richmond has a whole state to think about. NOVA only cares about itself.

The real problem is there are simply too many people who have moved into the area. It's not the state government that's failing to support them, it's the landscape. There is flat-out not enough room for all the people. There's nothing that can be done by any government to change that.

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It's the fact that the Democrats misunderstand so badly why they're losing that's making them bigger losers every year. People cannot vote for them because their views on national security and social issues are repulsive, and stand in direct opposition to the views of the overwhelming majority of the American people. The old Democrat tactic of dangling government handouts in front of people still has some appeal, but the new Democrat aversion to God, Family and Country totally overrides people's desire for freebies.

If any party appeals to greed, it's the Democrats with their promises of taking money from other people that you haven't earned and giving it to you. It worked big for FDR after the depression, but the Democratic Party was taken over in the 60s by anti-war activists, feminists, etc. and it's been dying ever since as a national party. It's going to continue too, because almost all of their money is coming from far-left elements. Their base is rich white urban liberals, and that's it. They've still got black voters on the federal plantation, but that vote is starting to show sgins of cracking too, and when it does you can pack up the tent and go home, because the Democratic Party is finished.

:applause: :applause: Theyll never get it.History has always proven them wrong.

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I'm just suggesting a theory. My opinion. I stated it as such. I predicted when I posted it that liberal wing nuts would be disturbed by it, and you've proved me right quite nicely.

I'm not disturbed by it. I'm laughing at you. I think it's truly funny that you actually believe this drivel. I could suggest a theory that bacon comes from Mars; it'd just be stupid and baseless. Much like this theory is.

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Hey if you think that the inventor of The WAshington Redskins and what he was about plays no part in how the media treats us today then we disagree.If you think the media isnt ruled and owned by DemocRATS and Liberals then Id have to say your blind.If you think the Liberal media 's long arm stops when it comes to sports then your brainwashed.Other than that GO SKINS>:logo:

Everyone is out to get you. Have fun with your tinfoil hat.

You've truly proven yourself to be a highly deluded individual.

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