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Wishing you guys luck this week........

Tom [Giants fan]

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Some have questioned my sentiments regarding the Redskins and my wishing them well in the playoffs. There are those (newbies) here who think that division rivals just naturally hate the other teams in the division. I can honestly say I have no hatred towards the Redskins. I'm not going to lie, I root against them if it helps the Giants. The Redskins losing this week does not help the Giants. And there are a lot of fans here who I would love to be able to see their team go to the NFC Championship Game. The Eagles and Cowboys? Now those are two teams I hate. Especially the Eagles. But the Redskins I root for on the side because of the people here.

So, good luck this weekend and I really hope you beat Seattle. It would be very funny if the two wildcard teams went to the NFC Championship game. And I think this year is the best chance we've ever seen of that.

P.S. NO!!!!! I'm not a closet Redskin fan and NO!!!! I won't wear the B&G!!!! So don't ask!!!!!

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Hey Tom--you know you are the man!!! Sorry about the Gints performance on Sunday--I know that must have hurt...if you don't mind me asking, what were your thoughts on the game, specifically, Eli's performance and Tiki's post-game interview where he said they were "outcoached?"

Thanks for the well-wishes this against the chicken-of-the-sea

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Tom, I think doth protest too much...? Just joking, thanks for the kind words and congrats on the Giants season, I know it did not end on a great note but you have to be encouraged from what you have seen over the season with Tiki and Eli. I am sure the Giants will be a powerhouse next year and we will have some great battles in NY and at Fed Ex.

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To be honest, I had a bad feeling about that game before it ever happened. I had that feeling inside when you know your team is going to lose. I just didn't think it was going to be that bad. Eli has maturing to do and he has to get better. Luckily, that is what he is planning to do according to giants.com.

As far as the game, I don't know if it was coaching or the players or more likely, both. The Giants just didn't look like they knew what to do. And not to make excuses but the Giants didn't have any of their starting LB'ers in the game. I don't see Foster having 150 yards with Emmons, Pierce, and Torbor in the game. Moe, Larry, and Curly were not able to tackle on the few plays when Greisen was in. And Greisen couldn't do it alone when he could barely move from the stinger. Again, not to make excuses. Everyone has injuries but picture the Redskins without their three starting LB'ers and an ineffective fourth because he is playing with an injury that is hampering him.

The offense was just pitiful. Had nothing to do with the LB'ers being out. The offense just did not show up. And Burress showed some of what was warned about in big games. But the whole offense did.

Tiki should not have made those comments in public or private. The whole team stunk it up, not just the coaches.

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Thanks Tom,and as far a reference to newbies (which i am) bashing you without insight,dont mind them they do not represent the greater majority. Im hoping the mods will create a proverbial woodshed and paddle stick to deal with it,i have read many of your posts and your a good contributor of an opposing team's outlook without all the senseless "you suck".Look forward to the rivalry next year,Eli will only get better ergo the rivalry.

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Thanks Tom.

Believe it or not, The Giants are the NFC team I hate the least after The Cowpies and The Songbirds.

I only hate the Giants when we play you.

Or when you win and keep us from getting the division title. LOL!

Thanks for your support.

The Seachickens must go down!



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Thanks Tom and you are true class brotha, we know ya cant go for the skins if it hurts your own team but thats what the games about. At least ya come in and wish us luck and to be honest I was hoping NY sent the Panthers home last week. As far as these new fans and there trolling and trash talking good people, they wont be around here too much longer with there p*ss poor attitudes.

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Thanks for the nice post Tom. I was getting tired all the Seahawk Troll posts!

Watched the entire Giants game and it was painful watching you get run against w/o your starting LB corps.

With a young dallas team and a maturing Eli the NFC East next year is going to be insane!

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Remember too brotha, your Giants are brand new just like our Redskins are, you guys played a team in its full growth just like we are this Saturday. Our teams are growing up fast in only 2 years and already a big time threat in the NFC, just think when we have 4 or 5 years under our belts. We will be back to the NFC Championship and maybe a few times.

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Thanks for the wishes Tom. Only sad part about this time of year (even with the Skins still in the playoffs) is the realization that in a few weeks the season will be history, and we'll have to wait seven months until the games count again. We'll at least have to wait until April when the schedule comes out to give you crap when the league decides NOT to move the Giants-Saints game to the Superdome! :silly:

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SeaHawks fans should take note of this thread, this is a TRUE fan in every sense of the word. Classy and well respected as ever. This thread should be stickied and pm'ed to all rival trolls coming to this board during game weeks.

P.s Tom, youre in that river again mate... de nile.... (Denial hehe)

Props as ever.

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']skins4eva' date='

To be honest, I had a bad feeling about that game before it ever happened. I had that feeling inside when you know your team is going to lose. I just didn't think it was going to be that bad. Eli has maturing to do and he has to get better. Luckily, that is what he is planning to do according to giants.com.


Thanks Tom...in terms of Eli--I was having this conversation with my cousin (huge Giants fan) and I was saying that I find Eli's lack of emotion to be troubling...being cool under pressure is one thing, but Eli just doesn't strike me as a leader at all--I have trouble imagining him in the huddle--do Giants fans have any concern over that?

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