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Wishing you guys luck this week........

Tom [Giants fan]

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Thanks Tom. Although I can't stand the Eagles or star heads, I can live with the Giants success. In fact the last SB they were in I had no trouble rooting for the Giants and against the rat birds. You're a class act and we can use all the positive thoughts we can get this weekend.

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Kudos for the slap on the back. I'll state what everyone else has...Philly and Dallas have inferiority complexes. Next to the most powerful city in the world, and the most important city in the world, what have they got? It's ok to pull for an NFC East rival...kinda like it's ok to beat up your kid brother, but God help the guy who should mess with him!

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Tom -- you're one of the pillars of the community here! ES doesn't work without intelligent opinions about other teams, and you definitely provide those about the GMen. I can't say I would ever root for the GMen...you are a big man!! Oh, and that "feeling" you had about the Panthers game? I have the opposite feeling about the Seahawk game! :)

Brown Hornet -- what exactly are you a fan of? I've seen you troll, then post something positive about the Skins. I just can't figure you out. If you're a Giants fan, you should look to Tom for inspiration. He's the epitome of what an opposing-team fan should be. He has definitely earned the respected-opponent avatar...

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Thanks Tom...in terms of Eli--I was having this conversation with my cousin (huge Giants fan) and I was saying that I find Eli's lack of emotion to be troubling...being cool under pressure is one thing, but Eli just doesn't strike me as a leader at all--I have trouble imagining him in the huddle--do Giants fans have any concern over that?[/Quote]

Actually, not worried about it at all. Go to giants.com. The main article will show you why Giant fans are at ease.

Here is a little of what Eli had to say:

Getting Better

Eli Manning insists that what you saw at the end of the 2005 season is not what you’ll get in 2006. “I’m going to get better,” Manning said. “I know I am. I’m going to be a better quarterback, and I’m going to work hard, and I’m going to do everything I can to become a guy who can be a leader of this team, and when things aren’t going well, take over and get things done. That’s where I want to be next year.”


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Tom -- you're one of the pillars of the community here! ES doesn't work without intelligent opinions about other teams, and you definitely provide those about the GMen. I can't say I would ever root for the GMen...you are a big man!! Oh, and that "feeling" you had about the Panthers game? I have the opposite feeling about the Seahawk game! :)

Brown Hornet -- what exactly are you a fan of? I've seen you troll, then post something positive about the Skins. I just can't figure you out. If you're a Giants fan, you should look to Tom for inspiration. He's the epitome of what an opposing-team fan should be. He has definitely earned the respected-opponent avatar...

Giants fan...

I like football.

I like poking holes in the wild and ambitious theories of fans that root for a winning team.

I like tradition and hate the "new pro sports". (OK hate is a tad strong, I dislike the disrespect and larger-than-life attitudes of what used to be a few pro athletes, that has become what seems like the mean.)

Now I don't know Tom and it's quite clear that many of you do and like him. I don't believe that I could possibly draw inspiration from him and while I respect your opinion of what the "epitome" of a Giants fan is supposed to be, it's your opinion.

If it helps, don't think of me as a Giants fan. Just someone that probably won't root for the Redskins but also won't bash the undeserving players, coaches or organization. I know them all well and respect them, they just happen to be a foe.

I come in peace, but I'm planning on stirring the pot just a bit. I won't cuss or be vulgar. But I'll question some fun stuff.

How'd I do?

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Giants fan...

I like football.

I like poking holes in the wild and ambitious theories of fans that root for a winning team.

I like tradition and hate the "new pro sports". (OK hate is a tad strong, I dislike the disrespect and larger-than-life attitudes of what used to be a few pro athletes, that has become what seems like the mean.)

Now I don't know Tom and it's quite clear that many of you do and like him. I don't believe that I could possibly draw inspiration from him and while I respect your opinion of what the "epitome" of a Giants fan is supposed to be, it's your opinion.

If it helps, don't think of me as a Giants fan. Just someone that probably won't root for the Redskins but also won't bash the undeserving players, coaches or organization. I know them all well and respect them, they just happen to be a foe.

I come in peace, but I'm planning on stirring the pot just a bit. I won't cuss or be vulgar. But I'll question some fun stuff.

How'd I do?

About as well as your team did last weekend. :silly:

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']skins4eva' date='

To be honest, I had a bad feeling about that game before it ever happened. I had that feeling inside when you know your team is going to lose. I just didn't think it was going to be that bad. Eli has maturing to do and he has to get better. Luckily, that is what he is planning to do according to giants.com.


Tom.... as I've said elsewhere.. as I was watching that game, I was really feeling bad for the fans.. it just seemed like the players just weren't there.

I know that feeling.. that deep down feeling when you know it's a loss. I had it at Super Bowl XVIII.. before I even walked into the stadium.. I looked at my niece and said we're gonna lose.

I can empathize, because it's a sick feeling.

Congrats on the season and thanks for the well wishes.

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Thanks Tom. I am with you. I can't even image the Eagles winning anything. If they ever won a SB we would never hear the end of how great they are. One of their fans said that The Skins fans live in the past because our last SB win was in 1992, however this fan was wearing a retro 1960 Eagles Championship Jacket??????

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Thanks Tom

I've been a member here only for a few months but a fan for a long time and I have noticed that you show a lot of class. I reiterate what one of my colleagues had to say. In order of hatred ..Feables, Cowpukes and then Giants. What would football be without rivalrys and a little smack talk ?

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Giants fan...

I like football.

I like poking holes in the wild and ambitious theories of fans that root for a winning team.

I like tradition and hate the "new pro sports". (OK hate is a tad strong, I dislike the disrespect and larger-than-life attitudes of what used to be a few pro athletes, that has become what seems like the mean.)

Now I don't know Tom and it's quite clear that many of you do and like him. I don't believe that I could possibly draw inspiration from him and while I respect your opinion of what the "epitome" of a Giants fan is supposed to be, it's your opinion.

If it helps, don't think of me as a Giants fan. Just someone that probably won't root for the Redskins but also won't bash the undeserving players, coaches or organization. I know them all well and respect them, they just happen to be a foe.

I come in peace, but I'm planning on stirring the pot just a bit. I won't cuss or be vulgar. But I'll question some fun stuff.

How'd I do?

Okay, maybe I should rephrase...Tom is the epitome of what an opposing-team fan on this message board should be!! :D

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Thanks Tom for the Classy remarks once again.

I in turn do not hate the Giants anymore and I say I used to hate them when Bill Parcells was with the team. Hate may be a harsh word, because I always respected them. This is more than I can say for the Cowboys and Eagles.

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To be totally honest, I have always respected the teams in our division. Like you Tom, I really hate the Eagles and Cowboys, but have to respect their talent and ability to win. That is what makes our division so good. We make each other better, by getting geeked up for those intradivisional games that are always great to watch. It does take a person with class to acknowledge and wish a team well, that has advanced farther than your team into the playoffs, thanks for being one of the good guys and showing some class instead of hate.

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