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Confronting Len Pasquarelli in the press box. PRICELESS!!!!


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This is one of Pastabelly's write-ups on ESPN...


Fact Len, all we want is the facts and this is not a fact...

Fortunately for the Redskins, who won their first playoff game since 1992, their defense was far nastier.

I see I wasn't the only one to notice that he didn't do his research. I guess his computer had a Y2K malfunction and erased the January 2000 victory over Detroit.

Art, I owe you a beer. :cheers:

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Guest 979guy

Art, you should approach ESPN with the material. Other media maybe, I don't know. Have them know what kind of idiot is serving their customers, sorry - their damn fans.

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You're one of the best word-smiths whose prose it has been my pleasure to read.

I've also witnessed, in writing, your debating and argumentitive skills. Die Hard's skills in those areas are also impressive, so the two of you together is a very dangerous combination.

Len did not stand a chance.

I can imagine an exchanged glance between the two of you when you knew you had him; twinkles in both your eyes, and a slight, sly smile passed to each other.

Catching Len in person that way, and handling him the way you did, will go down in ExtremeSkins lore the same way that Riggins 4th 'n 1 run and Green's punt return against the Bears went down in Redskins lore.


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"Understanding and Handling Jealousy - Psychological Self-Help" ---- here's hoping Len will find help ...... this fat ******* is seriously flawed -- is it unbelievable that he is allowed to represent himself as a journalist -- Art, great job handing him all the ammo he needed to show his true self --------- it absolutely has to be methane making him appear so large because he is obviously a very small creature -- Art, again wonderful piece, one of the best posts I've ever read on ES :cheers:

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"I ****ing hate you ****ers."

That's kind of appalling. And while he may term himself a columnist to offer opinion, he's also the main NFL reporter for ESPN. His opinion should be self segregated and his articles should be written from a neutral perspective unless he moves into the role of someone like Bill Simmons or the other actual columnists.

What contempt. Sad.

Thanks for this Art. It's good to know that our concept of who this guy really is, is accurate.

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Pastabelly is not a real journalist.

I, and this is speaking as a freelance sports journalist myself, can tell you

the press has a RESPONSIBILITY to aggressively pursue information and then use it in COMBINATION with THEIR OWN PERSONAL REASONING, to then find a SUM conclusion, which accurately or as accurately as one could expect, is close to truth.

I.E. what makes great journalists great, is not that they get more or better infomation than the next guy, in today's technological sports world we live in, being fed breaking facts about a team, a player, or a move is not new or unprecedented. great reporters are expectded to use their own reason to conclude what these events they aggressivly pursue really mean.

When a writer allows a personal vendetta, or agenda, or anything get in the way of objective reason, he ceases to be great, in fact, becomes a fan himself. Fans are those who'se objective reasoning is usually squashed by their strong desire for their team or player to do great.

Len Pastabelly is in fact a fan, he has allowed personal feelings to dictate the way he writes, and dictate the overall quality of his work. Any member of extremeskins would do the same, but obviously our venom would be for Dallas. So I find it ironic that this 'journalist' who commits the defining characteristic sin of a fan, accuses others of simply being unlearned fans, while he himself portrays those same qualities.

Wilbon, Kornheiser, those men are actually real journalists, they like the Redskins on a personal level, but on a professional level, they tell it like it is, regardless of what their inner feelings wish to see happen. That, seperating the two, is the mark of a real professional, because lets face it, it's easy to be an objective writer for a sport, if you have no interest in any particular team.

Pastabelly, your a joke, apparently a fat pathetic one.

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:laugh: :applause: :notworthy

Art. I'm starting to like you more and more. Keep defending Redskins Nation. :point2sky

Hey Lenny I know you are reading this while you work on your second box of donuts, but why be so bitter towards us "****ers"? Maybe that's the probelm? You can't get ****ed!

Sorry Mods in advance, if that is inappropriate, but it is Lenny and I'm following Art's lead. :D

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Maybe Art & Die Hard had a "positive" effect on Lenny.

his new article on ESPN.com, ( http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/playoffs05/columns/story?columnist=pasquarelli_len&id=2284184 ) is by far the best recap of the game of any national news outlets, and was even positive... with little or no usual pot shots taken.

Trust me I am one of Lenny's biggest foes... but I have to give him credit when it's due.


As infrequently as I post, I must respectfully disagree with giving Lenny any credit for this article. The tone is very much evident of someone who continues to rebuke the notion that Joe Gibbs is, in fact, worthy of the HOF. Everything about this piece reeks of disdain. So, if we're going to give the guy any credit, it's for managing to still be able to crank out anything at all after the ambush that Art and Die Hard so masterfully executed.

Guys like Lenny have trouble twisting perceptions when reality won't budge. Hail to Art and DH for injecting a little reality into Lenny's otherwise negative fantasy world. We fans appreciate karma, instant or even slightly protracted, more than you can ever possibly know.


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As infrequently as I post, I must respectfully disagree with giving Lenny any credit for this article. The tone is very much evident of someone who continues to rebuke the notion that Joe Gibbs is, in fact, worthy of the HOF. Everything about this piece reeks of disdain. So, if we're going to give the guy any credit, it's for managing to still be able to crank out anything at all after the ambush that Art and Die Hard so masterfully executed.

Guys like Lenny have trouble twisting perceptions when reality won't budge. Hail to Art and DH for injecting a little reality into Lenny's otherwise negative fantasy world. We fans appreciate karma, instant or even slightly protracted, more than you can ever possibly know.


Dude, seriously there is no one on this board who goes after Lenny harder than me... I have an infamous thread devoted to nothing but images of Lenny in humiliating positions I photoshopped to make fun of him

but there was no attitude, or usual bitter tone, the only jabs were a mention of how bad the Skins offense was yesterday... and guess what it was bad, even Brunell, said so in his press conference.

here's a quote:

And it seemed like every time Williams dialed up something, the Washington defenders answered the call, executing his brilliant machinations in equally brilliant fashion.

Brains and blueprints can never be underestimated in the playoffs, but more often than not it's the brawniest team that prevails, and the Redskins defense spent most of the day out-muscling a Tampa Bay offensive line that had been suspect most of the season.

now where's the tone of disdain?

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Art - great read! My biggest surprise in the whole thing is that he didn't just try to swallow you whole to shut you up. Classic man, classic. I'd keep a bottle of Pepto on me and slide it over to him when the Skins win next week in Seattle.


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