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22 Congressmen Hate Christmas


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22 Congressmen Hate Christmas

This year's "War for Christmas" – keeping "Christ" in the holiday has apparently been won. And, like many "wars," there has even been a Congressional resolution in support of keeping Christmas alive and well.

On December 15 the House of Representatives passed a resolution "protecting the symbols and traditions of Christmas" by an overwhelming 401-22 vote.

Representative JoAnn Davis (R-VA), the resolution's sponsor, said the resolution was necessary to counter "political correctness run amok."

"No one," she said, "should feel like they have done something wrong by wishing someone a Merry Christmas."

Twenty-two Democrats played Scrooge and disagreed.

Representative Robert Scott (D-VA) said Republicans were more concerned with the symbolism rather than the substance of Christmas – referring to Republican passage of a bill to slow the rate of growth in federal entitlement programs.

Davis lodged a preemptive response to critics who might question the constitutionality of her resolution.

"Celebrating Christmas is not a violation of separation of church and state," she said. "The Framers intended that the First Amendment to the Constitution would prohibit the establishment of religion, not prohibit any mention of religion or reference to God in civic dialogue."

The text of the resolution read as follows:

Whereas Christmas is a national holiday celebrated on December 25; and

Whereas the Framers intended that the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States would prohibit the establishment of religion, not prohibit any mention of religion or reference to God in civic dialog: Now, therefore be it resolved, that the House of Representatives –

(1) Recognizes the importance of the symbols and traditions of Christmas;

(2) Strongly disapproves of attempts to ban references to Christmas; and

(3) Expresses support for the use of these symbols and traditions, for those who celebrate Christmas.

As the Christmas season draws to a close, we thought we would share the names of the 22 Congressman who voted against the pro-Christmas resolution:

Congressman Party-State District

Ackerman D-NY 5th

Blumenauer D-OR 3rd

Capps D-CA 23rd

Cleaver D-MO 5th

DeGette D-CO 1st

Harman D-CA 36th

Hastings D-FL 23rd

Honda D-CA 15th

Lee D-CA 9th

Lewis D-GA 5th

McDermott D-WA 7th

Miller, George D-CA 7th

Moore D-WI 4th

Moran D-VA 8th

Payne D-NJ 10th

Rush D-IL 1st

Schakowsky D-IL 9th

Scott D-VA 3rd

Stark D-CA 13th

Wasserman Schultz D-FL 20th

Wexler D-FL 19th

Woolsey D-CA 6th

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God, is there anything else to waste our time with? I mean do you think the morons in the house hove more important things to vote on then a bogus bill which does nothing except divide our country?

Leave it to you Sarge to be on the O'Reilly bandwagon, do you want a flaffel with your plate of BS, or will the luffa do?

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God, is there anything else to waste our time with? I mean do you think the morons in the house have more important things to vote on then a bogus bill which does nothing except divide our country?

Leave it to you Sarge to be on the O'Reilly bandwagon, do you want a falafel with your plate of BS, or will the luffa do?

They do supportive legislation all the time: I believe Hillary only has 5 bills that are not like the above in total?

Of course Moran voted against it... I can't believe I voted for him...

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They do supportive legislation all the time: I believe Hillary only has 5 bills that are not like the above in total?

Of course Moran voted against it... I can't believe I voted for him...

I am also not crazy about Hillary, but that's beside the point.

Would you really decide not to vote for a guy if he voted against something like this? I would tend not to vote for the person who initiated the legislation, not the voters on the bill.

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Good for congress, I strongly agree with the resolution.

Representative Robert Scott (D-VA) said Republicans were more concerned with the symbolism rather than the substance of Christmas – referring to Republican passage of a bill to slow the rate of growth in federal entitlement programs.
Anyone know what the "federal entitlement programs" in question are? Sadly this FoxNews caricature makes habit of skipping over the facts that doesn't fit their agenda.
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I hate Congress, they are the biggest bunch of greedy oppurtunist pig ****s I have ever seen. Does this all stem from "Happy Holidays?"

Some people were trying to be inclusive BIG F'N DEAL.

Happy Holidays Congress :one finger salute:

Inclusive is saying happy holidays to someone you see on the street. It's inclusive and just a good idea considering there are different cultures all sharing this diverse nation.

Changing the name of objects involved in someone elses celebration is taking things too far. A lot of people I talked to became annoyed when the "holiday tree" thing popped up. If I decided tomorrow that publically displayed Dreidels would be known as holiday tops and Menorahs seasonal candle sticks I don't think people would rush to label me inclusive. If I saw someone else doing this I wouldn't call them inclusive.

Maybe you disagree and that's cool. But a lot of people reacted to that situation and congress is doing what it does best. They are scoring easy political points.

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Inclusive is saying happy holidays to someone you see on the street. It's inclusive and just a good idea considering there are different cultures all sharing this diverse nation.

Changing the name of objects involved in someone elses celebration is taking things too far. A lot of people I talked to became annoyed when the "holiday tree" thing popped up. If I decided tomorrow that publically displayed Dreidels would be known as holiday tops and Menorahs seasonal candle sticks I don't think people would rush to label me inclusive. If I saw someone else doing this I wouldn't call them inclusive.

The holiday tree example is very isolated and rare, this mostly stems from super-Christians getting angry that Wal Mart or whoever says Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas.

What makes me angry is that politicians or more specifically the people who support them are angry that people are trying to be inclusive in what is generally a very festive and happy time of the year. If the "Holiday Tree" example was more wide spread then I could understand, but it is rare, and that case is over and done with. Not that the Christmas tree was originally a Christian symbol anyway...

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The holiday tree example is very isolated and rare, this mostly stems from super-Christians getting angry that Wal Mart or whoever says Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas.

What makes me angry is that politicians or more specifically the people who support them are angry that people are trying to be inclusive in what is generally a very festive and happy time of the year. If the "Holiday Tree" example was more wide spread then I could understand, but it is rare, and that case is over and done with. Not that the Christmas tree was originally a Christian symbol anyway...

I agree with you on the walmart thing. There is nothing wrong with a store trying to be as inclusive as it can be. It's good business to make as many feel welcome as possible.

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I always find the "war on Christmas" Idea quite funny. It's as if politics, the source of political correctness, is fighting back against political correctness, in a war about who is more politically correct. Some people are actually offended when a store wants to say "happy holidays" and be more inclusive? Well I guess that doesn’t allow any possible solution, I suppose someone is going to get pissed off no matter what.

As an agnostic I should demand equal treatment. The congress should pass a non binding resolution to protect the symbols of agnosticism like our, um... our...

Ok never mind.

Militant agnosticism is a really funny idea though:

I'll confess that I was planning to put on a Viking helmet and go knock over manger scenes while spouting "Every one should be unsure about this!".

Or perhaps an agnostic subside bomber trying to blow up a buss yelling "I'm not sure why I’m doing this!".

Oh well. On the other hand, I am all for forcing Wal~Mart to do anything it doesn’t want to do.

Merry Christmas to all of you.

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Aren't the Christmas Tree, lights, Santa etc....all really Pagan siymbols though that Christmas has kind of adopted since "the real meaning of christmas" died a long time ago?

I mean to think O'Reily and his ilk are mad because people say "happy holidays" yet where is the outrage about the REAL WAR ON CHRISTMAS that has been waged by corporate america on our children to believe that Christmas is about making out a long list of material possessions for their parents to go out and buy them.

I am sorry but the War On/For Christmas was lost a long time ago.

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Militant agnosticism is a really funny idea though:

I'll confess that I was planning to put on a Viking helmet and go knock over manger scenes while spouting "Every one should be unsure about this!".

Or perhaps an agnostic subside bomber trying to blow up a buss yelling "I'm not sure why I’m doing this!".

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Inclusive is saying happy holidays to someone you see on the street. It's inclusive and just a good idea considering there are different cultures all sharing this diverse nation.

Changing the name of objects involved in someone elses celebration is taking things too far. A lot of people I talked to became annoyed when the "holiday tree" thing popped up. If I decided tomorrow that publically displayed Dreidels would be known as holiday tops and Menorahs seasonal candle sticks I don't think people would rush to label me inclusive. If I saw someone else doing this I wouldn't call them inclusive.

Maybe you disagree and that's cool. But a lot of people reacted to that situation and congress is doing what it does best. They are scoring easy political points.

technically, it started out as a tannenbaum, which i assure you does not translate to "Christmas tree." so in reality, the christmas took the tannenbaum, and turned it into a christmas tree. it actually is german for "fir tree." but what happened? it was turned into a "christmas tree". just like "nikolous tag" was changed into "christmas". believe it or not, there actually was a real saint nick, and he's been turned into the symbol of jesus somehow.

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Militant agnosticism is a really funny idea though:

I'll confess that I was planning to put on a Viking helmet and go knock over manger scenes while spouting "Every one should be unsure about this!".

Or perhaps an agnostic subside bomber trying to blow up a buss yelling "I'm not sure why I’m doing this!".

Oh well. On the other hand, I am all for forcing Wal~Mart to do anything it doesn’t want to do.

Merry Christmas to all of you.

that has to be one of the funniest posts ever! :laugh:

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technically, it started out as a tannenbaum, which i assure you does not translate to "Christmas tree." so in reality, the christmas took the tannenbaum, and turned it into a christmas tree. it actually is german for "fir tree." but what happened? it was turned into a "christmas tree". just like "nikolous tag" was changed into "christmas". believe it or not, there actually was a real saint nick, and he's been turned into the symbol of jesus somehow.
If everything that technically started as something else was open to being renamed at will, no one would be able to understand anyone else. All things change over time. The problem is they usually don't change because some small group of people decided to change a culture that isn't their own just for the hell of it. Takes a little more then that.
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