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Bush Bashing Thread

Redskins Diehard

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I figured that instead of waiting for another news article, or snippet off the news I would open a thread for everyone to just let him have it.

Please leave no stone unturned. His social, economic, and security policies are ALL fair game. And don't leave out any personal attacks that you have been waiting to spring either. Something about being an alcoholic, or getting by on Daddy's name, or anything else that may be out there.

So now, all you less famous Michael Moore's, let him have it!!!

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He spends like Paris Hilton on crack. (no vetos)

He won't protect the borders.

He is messing with the taxes.. I need that house interest deduction. NEED IT!

Rummy didn't have the battalions ready when they should have been.. (Fired)!

Overseas spending on top of our spending.

o.k. that's about it.

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While I understand why you made this thread, I just have a feeling this will go nowhere and or get shut down

Lets face it, in the tailgate its basically people talking to brick walls

In my 3+ years on extremeskins.com I am yet to see a major opinion change based along liberal/conservative lines

Those who bash Bush today, were bashing him when I joined extremeskins in May of 2002

Those who support Bush today, were the same supporting him in May of 2002

For the war in Iraq? Same as in 2002

Opposed in Iraq? Same as in 2002

It can go on and on and on. The variance in opinion though has increased since I first joined, because back then it was like 25 conservatives and 3 liberals in the tailgate

Now I simply can't keep count at all

And the mods used to get in it also, that was pretty cool

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While I understand why you made this thread, I just have a feeling this will go nowhere and or get shut down

Lets face it, in the tailgate its basically people talking to brick walls

In my 3+ years on extremeskins.com I am yet to see a major opinion change based along liberal/conservative lines

Those who bash Bush today, were bashing him when I joined extremeskins in May of 2002

Those who support Bush today, were the same supporting him in May of 2002

For the war in Iraq? Same as in 2002

Opposed in Iraq? Same as in 2002

It can go on and on and on. The variance in opinion though has increased since I first joined, because back then it was like 25 conservatives and 3 liberals in the tailgate

Now I simply can't keep count at all

And the mods used to get in it also, that was pretty cool

now we have 5 conservatives, 25 libs, and chom :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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now we have 5 conservatives, 25 libs, and chom :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I am sure you remember this tailgate and how it was when you first joined

I seriously have not seen ANYONE of the "regular" tailgaters since I joined in 2002 have a major change in opininon

It was obvious then who would vote FOR Bush in 2004, and who would vote AGAINST Bush in 2004

It is interesting, I am not denying that, but we have argued every thing to death here

I for one actually can't wait till 2008 so we have somone new to attack/defend

Honestly, I wouldn't mind there being an automotic deletation of political threads until 2008, because I really cannot think of something we have NOT discussed in the past 3 and a half years

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I am sure you remember this tailgate and how it was when you first joined

I seriously have not seen ANYONE of the "regular" tailgaters since I joined in 2002 have a major change in opininon

It was obvious then who would vote FOR Bush in 2004, and who would vote AGAINST Bush in 2004

It is interesting, I am not denying that, but we have argued every thing to death here

I for one actually can't wait till 2008 so we have somone new to attack/defend

I agree 100%

I am always open to hearing what others think and could change my opinion on certain things. It just is everyone screams about what the think and it is no fun anymore. You know exactly when someone creates a thread what their goal is all along, there is no fair judgments being brought on. This is a place were we have the ability to teach everyone, not scream at them if they don't agree with you.

I am hoping Warner runs for president though, that would be very interesting.

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