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Bush Bashing Thread

Redskins Diehard

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I am sure you remember this tailgate and how it was when you first joined

I seriously have not seen ANYONE of the "regular" tailgaters since I joined in 2002 have a major change in opininon

It was obvious then who would vote FOR Bush in 2004, and who would vote AGAINST Bush in 2004

It is interesting, I am not denying that, but we have argued every thing to death here

"Bush" isn't really an issue, so it's kind of hard to change someone's opinion on a person - it's like Ramsey vs. Brunell.

I have definitely changed my mind on a few things while I've been here. I remember when Art convinced me that people aren't born gay. I've also been coming around to the idea that budget deficits aren't that big a deal, which I was just discussing with Ignatius a few days ago.

Nobody is going to change from a conservative to a liberal, but there can be a lot of movement on a lot of individual issues.

...sometimes defending a position can be very educational too. I knew almost nothing about evolution until I started trying to argue with the intelligent designers.

Sometimes it gets repetitive when it's just Sarge vs. chom all the time, but we get our occasional infusion of crazyhorse or Sunstone to keep things lively. It's also nice when Liberty or iheart or you chime in ... in the past few days WallyVon has definitely been spicing it up.

Although it seems like sometimes there are only two sides to every issue, the great thing about the Tailgate is when three or four different perspectives crop up ... and it's always fun to see the strengths and weaknesses in each argument.

Most internet message boards have a very clear political lean and you get flamed immediately for being too liberal or conservative, but here in between the flames there are a few honest debates, and I definitely still enjoy it.

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I have a problem with Bush. I have a sore throat right now and probably a cold. So where the hell is GWB? He's the president, isn't he? Well George, get on over here and magic my damn cold away!

Or you know, have your wife do it or something. I mean isn't that what being president is all about, getting other people to do the boring work for you? So send Laura over with a bottle of alergy pills and maybe some cough medicine and all will be forgiven. After all it isn't like she's doing anything else right now, not sicne she gave up trying to teach him to read the alphabet...yesterday.

Hmmm, I don't hear my phone ringing, the neighbors aren't screaming about a plane trying to land on their roof, and there's no motercade outside my door. I'm pissed.

I mean geez, the least he could do is drop off some medicine, he's probably got crates full of the stuff in the whitehouse, from when Scooter Libby used to work there and imbibe some every couple of hours, before chasing bears around the oval office and thinking up ideas for his new book, "Why Won't Joe Wilson Return My Phonecalls"

Or heck, Bush could send his daugthers over for some entertainment...but noooo, (Heartless #######!) they're too busy practicing for their new job as permenant presidential convention speakers.

And where is Cheney while my cold is developing? Probably polishing his head in some canola oil and eating 3 or 4 big ol' steaks, just for the fun of having us pay for another doctor visit for him. Meanwhile chuckling away and sneaking back to his undisclosed location at Disneyworld.

And don't even get me started on his (by the way, I hear she's a lesbian...) daugter Mary. How come we never hear about her getting into any trouble? I mean jeez, just because she's a lesbian doesn't mean she can't get drunk once in a while and go around impersonating her grandmother....

And where's Barbra Bush at this hour of crisis? Sitting at home, hiding in the dark, afraid that people from New Orleans might knock on her door? Trying to keep George Sr. from finding out that Jr. is almost as popular as he was, when he ran for reelection?

And where on Earth is George Sr. anyway? Out clubbing with Clinton? Trying to raise money for needy hurricane victims? Well here's a newsflash, Bush Sr., my throat hurts and I need some medicine. So why don't you fly over here in you 200 billion dollar jet and hook me up with some, you arrogant jerk!

Or...you know, I suppose, I could go downstairs and get some.

But really...where's the fun in THAT?


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