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This week Jake Plummer will show DC he's the man


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I won't just bury you since you're bringing a Bronco viewpoint (one which you've obviously researched too).

The fact is, you make a great case. He's put together a great record in Denver. I will say, a lot of those numbers have probably been inflated against AFC West teams that just didn't play D for years...KC and Oakland come to mind (I know SD has been good defensively for the most part).

Additionally, the trend does say that the Broncos should win, but Plummer has lost 3 times so it's not impossible that a confident team with a good defense could come in and try to mimic what it did vs. a BETTER offense last week and keep them off the field.

If the game goes anything like the Seattle game (ie. Redskins holding the ball for 8 minute drives), then Plummer may feel forced into making big plays...

I guess my biggest point is that you never know what will happen. I'll concede that if the Skins go into Mile High and win, it'll be an upset, but I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility.

Good post with good stats to back it up BTW!

This is the best damn post I've read on this site. It may actually be better than any post I've ever read on Broncomania. That is the kind of reply I wanted. Something worth reading.

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Anyone else find it ironic that someones user name "in com plete" is praising jake plummer?

Hey Calvin, I think you're the second Skin fan to say that. But you will hear my name about half the time Brunell drops back to pass. Listen to the crowd when his pass gets knocked down at the line, his pass one hops a reciever, or it gets broken up by the secondary.


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Hey Calvin, I think you're the second Skin fan to say that. But you will hear my name about half the time Brunell drops back to pass. Listen to the crowd when his pass gets knocked down at the line, his pass one hops a reciever, or it gets broken up by the secondary.



I should just lock myself in my bathroom, look in my mirror and say "Candyman" three times.

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It dont matter..we will find out the truth on gameday..the Broncos are good, but not that good..and the Redskins are good, but not that good either..the true test that will win the game is the defense and our D is better than yours overall so dont get all hyped up you Bronco fans!

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It dont matter..we will find out the truth on gameday..the Broncos are good, but not that good..and the Redskins are good, but not that good either..the true test that will win the game is the defense and our D is better than yours overall so dont get all hyped up you Bronco fans!

Well, we gotten pretty "hyped up" because of how well our D is playing and leading the division at this point. I really don't see any real gap between the Skins D and ours other than we are getting more TOs than the Skins (10-2).

Our problem for years now has been getting turnovers and special teams. We signed one of the best punters in the league this year and Darrent Williams is a threat to take it to the house anytime he touches the ball.

Our D lineman have been reeking havoc on opposing offenses this year which has been causing the TOs (we haven't seen this in Denver for a LONG time).

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I've posted this a couple other times, but nobody will comment on it. I just wanted to make sure all those Skins fans that have been bashing Plummer know that since joining Denver in '03 Plummer has played 16 home games. The Broncos record in those games is 13-3. Plummer has a 94.8 passer rating, he's completed 313 of 500 (62.6 pct.) for 4,003 yards with 27 TDs and 13 INTs.

Isn't the game this week at Denver?

But I know, he hasn't faced this "dominant" Skins D right. :rolleyes: Whatever.

Thats nice. See ya Sunday :rolleyes: :broncosuc

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Why don't you boys check out this article. He's a preview:

Come to think of it, has anybody seen Bad Jake lately? It's as if he has disappeared. Review the past two Broncos games, against Kansas City and Jacksonville, and it appears Good Jake/Bad Jake has become No Mistake Jake. In neither game did he approach 200 passing yards. In neither game did he throw an interception. In both games, the Broncos won decisively. The conservative passing attack follows a trend: The Broncos are 8-1 when Plummer passes for fewer than 200 yards.

Location: Richmond, VA?

I don't really live in Richmond, but close enough. Not all Virginians are Skins fans.

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I've posted this a couple other times, but nobody will comment on it. I just wanted to make sure all those Skins fans that have been bashing Plummer know that since joining Denver in '03 Plummer has played 16 home games. The Broncos record in those games is 13-3. Plummer has a 94.8 passer rating, he's completed 313 of 500 (62.6 pct.) for 4,003 yards with 27 TDs and 13 INTs.

Isn't the game this week at Denver?

But I know, he hasn't faced this "dominant" Skins D right. :rolleyes: Whatever.

You're an ass. Whatever

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...and not all 28 year olds have no life and troll around on other boards boasting, bragging and guaranteeing the future either.

I thought the attempt to talk trash and fire up other teams fans (otherwise known as trolling) was left for teenage loners looking for some attention.....guess not.

If the opposing fans come here thats fine (many do) but the difference is some will speak objectively and respectfully (I guess that takes some class and a litte effort).

Most fans will not speak in a "matter of fact" way/tone.

Most will say (for ex)....."if" the O-line struggles...yadayadayada... or "unless" Brunell hits his targets the Broncos can sit back and only rush 4 people.

Big Difference....its the difference from being a "Troll" and a "Visitor". See Tom the Giant-Fan for questions.

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Thanks for warning us. I was actually waiting for nfl.com to update our record to 4-0, but now I can get back to work since you've alerted me we actually have to PLAY the game now:doh:

Maybe you should e-mail Gibbs and tell him to cancel the teams flight plans and hotel reservations. I mean since Jake is starting there is no sense in sending our guys on the field.

Thanks for enlightening all of us, what would we have done without your wisdom?

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That's some great reasoning right there. That's like me saying:

"Maybe the second Portis steps into Invesco and is surrounded by Broncos he'll flash back to '02 & '03 and start running the same way the orange and blue are. 20 carries for negative 110 yards for that 5.5 yard average. Only it's -5.5."

Man, you have really earned that Bronco Billy avatar. That was the single-most retarded answer to a facetious post I've ever gotten.

First of all, an introduction: Cheesy grin smiley, :D, meet Bronco Billy. Bronco Billy, meet cheesy grin smley :D . Cheesy grin smiley is used to accentuate sarcasm or exaggeration.

Second of all, :wtf:

-110 yards and -5.5 yards per carry? Are you smoking crack or something? I mean, seriously...are you? Crack kills man.

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