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This week Jake Plummer will show DC he's the man


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ur d is weak, your talk is cheap...you cant win neither can CP, redskins suck, broncos will win this game in honorable fashion sending the skins home 3-1

Well you are no poet that is for sure, and as far as the honorable fashion has been thrown out the window with you and all the other bronco's fans be idiots on this site.

Way to be a class act and smudge your teams name


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ur d is weak, your talk is cheap...you cant win neither can CP, redskins suck, broncos will win this game in honorable fashion sending the skins home 3-1

If our D is weak, and we are ranked higher than you, what does that make your D??? It seems your talk is cheap, we are saying that this will be a tough game decided in the end. We cant win...were 3-0 baby! CP cant win??? did you see him on NFL Total Access today? He cant loose with those glasses. Redskins suck...? :broncosuc Bronco's may win this game but it will be a battle and either way Denver will learn to respect the Skins before the day is done. If we are 3-1 we will survive...I mean, it cant be that bad, is it?

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Because it rhymes with "Jake".


That's the only reason? You come back with "it rhymes with Jake", but call me a dumbass. Come on man. Grab a clue gooney.

Yeah, I firmly believe that Jake is not a moblie QB. The prinicple behind the boot is to keep the defense honest and not completely comitt to the pass, without the threat of a boot. Jake will get his bell rung a few times and then not want to do it again.

Oh, and I have seen QBs that are not mobile score before on a boot, so it is nothing impressive, when you have weapons at WR then it is easy to just walk in without triping over yourself or eluding anyone


WTF are you smoking? Have you seen Plummer play? I'd like an example of a mobile QB. Vick, Culpepper, and McNabb are more mobile than Jake, but that's it.

"Jake will get his bell rung a few times." Tell me, when has Jakes bell ever been rung? I guess he's just "due" right.

Well you are no poet that is for sure, and as far as the honorable fashion has been thrown out the window with you and all the other bronco's fans be idiots on this site.

Way to be a class act and smudge your teams name


You critisize him for not being a "class act". Look at the Skins posts on this thread. Count how many times they called me and other Bronco fans dumbasses.

Go ahead fellas, post 42-10 about 10 more times (because thats so relavant in sundays game), quote the previous paragraph and add a few more well thought out "Dumbass" posts.

:applause: Can't wait to see those. :rolleyes:

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That's the only reason? You come back with "it rhymes with Jake", but call me a dumbass. Come on man. Grab a clue gooney.

WTF are you smoking? Have you seen Plummer play? I'd like an example of a mobile QB. Vick, Culpepper, and McNabb are more mobile than Jake, but that's it.

"Jake will get his bell rung a few times." Tell me, when has Jakes bell ever been rung? I guess he's just "due" right.

You critisize him for not being a "class act". Look at the Skins posts on this thread. Count how many times they called me and other Bronco fans dumbasses.

Go ahead fellas, post 42-10 about 10 more times (because thats so relavant in sundays game), quote the previous paragraph and add a few more well thought out "Dumbass" posts.

:applause: Can't wait to see those. :rolleyes:

I don't understand how you see plummer as a mobile QB is runs what a 5.0 forty, and he is old. Come on take the beer goggles off and realize that plummer is not mobile. As I said previously anyone with good WR can run a boot and get a few positive yards, and possibly a 4-5 yard TD run. But wake up and realize that he is no Vick, McNabb, Palmer, Brooks, Cunningham, Williams (doug that is), young Kordell Stewert. No plummer is more like a marino, peyton manning. But then again he just can't throw the ball as well as they did but as far as mobility goes that is where he ranks.


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You critisize him for not being a "class act". Look at the Skins posts on this thread. Count how many times they called me and other Bronco fans dumbasses.

As far as this is concerned you are not even a skins fan, and you came in here with a bad attitude, and classless so if you don't like it just leave


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For you to say that Jake is not an athletic qb is quite ignorant on your part.

I would think you would know better since your team has faced him on numerous occasions in the NFC.

I don't understand how you see plummer as a mobile QB is runs what a 5.0 forty, and he is old. Come on take the beer goggles off and realize that plummer is not mobile. As I said previously anyone with good WR can run a boot and get a few positive yards, and possibly a 4-5 yard TD run. But wake up and realize that he is no Vick, McNabb, Palmer, Brooks, Cunningham, Williams (doug that is), young Kordell Stewert. No plummer is more like a marino, peyton manning. But then again he just can't throw the ball as well as they did but as far as mobility goes that is where he ranks.


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did you see him on NFL Total Access today? He cant loose with those glasses.

OK, this has nothing to do with the game. I just can't stand it any longer. I'm not going to say i'm an English teacher by any means. Here are some definitions according to Webster's Dictionary.

Loose - adj. loos·er, loos·est

1. Not fastened, restrained, or contained: loose bricks.

2. Not taut, fixed, or rigid: a loose anchor line; a loose chair leg.

3. Free from confinement or imprisonment; unfettered: criminals loose in the neighborhood; dogs that are loose on the streets.

4. Not tight-fitting or tightly fitted: loose shoes.

5. Not bound, bundled, stapled, or gathered together: loose papers.

6. Not compact or dense in arrangement or structure: loose gravel.

7. Lacking a sense of restraint or responsibility; idle: loose talk.

8. Not formal; relaxed: a loose atmosphere at the club.

9. Lacking conventional moral restraint in sexual behavior.

10. Not literal or exact: a loose translation.

11. Characterized by a free movement of fluids in the body: a loose cough; loose bowels.


In a loose manner.

Lose - lose Audio pronunciation of "lose" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (lz)

v. lost, (lôst, lst) los·ing, los·es

v. tr.

1. To be unsuccessful in retaining possession of; mislay: He's always losing his car keys.


1. To be deprived of (something one has had): lost her art collection in the fire; lost her job.

2. To be left alone or desolate because of the death of: lost his wife.

3. To be unable to keep alive: a doctor who has lost very few patients.

3. To be unable to keep control or allegiance of: lost his temper at the meeting; is losing supporters by changing his mind.

4. To fail to win; fail in: lost the game; lost the court case.

5. To fail to use or take advantage of: Don't lose a chance to improve your position.

6. To fail to hear, see, or understand: We lost the plane in the fog. I lost her when she started speaking about thermodynamics.


1. To let (oneself) become unable to find the way.

2. To remove (oneself), as from everyday reality into a fantasy world.

8. To rid oneself of: lost five pounds.

9. To consume aimlessly; waste: lost a week in idle occupations.

10. To wander from or become ignorant of: lose one's way.


1. To elude or outdistance: lost their pursuers.

2. To be outdistanced by: chased the thieves but lost them.

12. To become slow by (a specified amount of time). Used of a timepiece.

13. To cause or result in the loss of: Failure to reply to the advertisement lost her the job.

14. To cause to be destroyed. Usually used in the passive: Both planes were lost in the crash.

15. To cause to be damned.

v. intr.

1. To suffer loss.

2. To be defeated.

3. To operate or run slow. Used of a timepiece.

So not to say anything bad about anyone here at all. But please, for the love of God, Lose is to lose a football game, like the Broncos will on Sunday, and Loose is to Santana will get loose in their secondary and score a couple of TD's. PLEASE!!! I love you all. I have just noticed that half the people who post on these boards do that, and for some reason, my feeble brain can't deal with it.

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I've posted this a couple other times, but nobody will comment on it. I just wanted to make sure all those Skins fans that have been bashing Plummer know that since joining Denver in '03 Plummer has played 16 home games. The Broncos record in those games is 13-3. Plummer has a 94.8 passer rating, he's completed 313 of 500 (62.6 pct.) for 4,003 yards with 27 TDs and 13 INTs.

Isn't the game this week at Denver?

But I know, he hasn't faced this "dominant" Skins D right. :rolleyes: Whatever.

Had to dig deep for those stats huh? Here's a more recent stat from your boy. 2 games - 287 total passing yards. The guy is a NON-FACTOR - now wait til he meets the Redskins D.

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For you to say that Jake is not an athletic qb is quite ignorant on your part.

I would think you would know better since your team has faced him on numerous occasions in the NFC.

How is that ignorant, have you seen the guy ever break a run for longer than 25 yards. If so was it this year or recently. He is not a mobile QB so pull your head out of where ever it is, and look at reality you will see the same thing


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If Denver doesn't run well, Jake will have problems -- and that is typically when he's not at his best. We have to force him to have to beat us and then come after him. If he handles it well, then he's grown. Our defense is pretty stout.

This will be a close game. Very evenly matched.

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How is that ignorant, have you seen the guy ever break a run for longer than 25 yards. If so was it this year or recently. He is not a mobile QB so pull your head out of where ever it is, and look at reality you will see the same thing


Sorry Port, nobody told me a 25 yard run was a prerequisite for mobile QBs. Maybe they told me but since my head was up my ass I never heard them. :rolleyes:

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This should be a great game to watch. Call me crazy, but after seeing the 77-0 stat for parcells during the Dal(ass) I don't fear the statistics as much this season. Playing in Denver has been hard historically, but any given sunday my friends. I really believe we are going to see Lavar back in the lineup and on a mission to ring some mobile QB bell. Here's to hoping for a great win for the Skins, and a whole bunch of new ammo for the Chief trolls that will surely follow.

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Thank you that does look like a bell ringer to me too. What would you call a mobile QB??? I am interested to find out

QBs that can avoid the rush. That can beat you with their legs. Guys that roll out of the pocket.

It's that simple. Plummer is that kind of guy. Same thing with McNabb, Culpepper, Vick, Flutie, Cunningham, Elway, Garcia, Young. Actually your boy Brunell is another. I'm not real sure how good his legs are now, but back in the day he was great.

I don't think Plummer is the best in the NFL, but he's top 5. I also think Brunell was more mobile in his prime than Plummer, but he's not now.

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That Bronco Billy avatar is f-ing hilarious!! Yay! Yay! Yay!

The only problem I see with it is that Bronco Billy might have a slightly higher IQ than our friend In-con-tinence, so you're actually making fun of Bronco Billy, not the other way around! :D

You guys insult me just waiting for me to come back with a couple insults of my own so I will get banned. It's not going to happen. Maybe Monday, but not before the game on Sunday. Take your shots now men, before that clock hits straight zeros.

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