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If Ramsey Leaves Does The Playbook!


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He apparently didnt have it down anyway



In all seriousness... the playbook is there for all to see. It's called game film ;)

However, actually stopping our offense, knowing what play will be called when, what play will be called where and in which situation, that is a different matter.

If Ramsey does leave, though, you CAN bet that the terminology will be changed.

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If ramsey is traded to another team dose our playbook leave as well. Will our "O" be exposed at all what do you think? could it hurt us if we did make the playoffs?

Exposed for what? Running a high school offense?


No, seriously, if we trade him, it will hopefully be to a team like Miami, Cleveland, or B'more - ie, a team we don't face this year.

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If ramsey is traded to another team dose our playbook leave as well. Will our "O" be exposed at all what do you think? could it hurt us if we did make the playoffs?

Maybe they should "expose" it. This way we can run a few new plays down the field! You know, like most of the other teams in the NFL do.:laugh:

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With Brunell starting, there is no extant playbook. Brunell is the equivalent of telegraphing that we are going to run the ball 65+% of the time, that our passing game will generate a league low 5 Yards Per Attempt, and around 90+Yards per game, that our "big play" playcalls will consist of WR screens and 6 yards hitch and crossing patterns, and that our gameplan philosophy will revolve around trying to score 9-10 points while holding opponents to less. If you're not familiar with these precedents, simply refer to Brunell/Gibbs 2004 trackrecord. Ultimately, it negates roughly 1/2 of our new playbook, the new wrinkles afforded by Coach Musgrave, makes the acquisition of fieldstretchers like Moss and Patten moot, and assures Portis of facing more and more 8 man fronts, more wear and tear, and 3.8-4.3YPC.

I realize Illone loved Brunell's acquisition and this style of play last year, and the 3-7 record it led to before Brunell's benching. I'd expect no less than his full endorsement of more of the same. Enjoy.

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I can see it now -

Coach of PR's new team: Okay, Patrick. Where will the slot receiver go in this formation?

PR: Oh, well he's supposed to go 10 yards and curl out. But I would normally throw it in. I'm not really sure, Coach.

Coach: Okay, if Gibbs has this back go in motion to the left, will the back stay in to block or go out for a pass?

PR: Well, I think he stays in to block there, but I still throw it to the flat figuring he might change his mind and go out for a pass. I don't know for sure, Coach.

Coach: Okay, son. I'll just tell the media you failed your physical and you can be on your way.


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Playbook is the big part of the game... however, it is instinct that counts when you are in the field.. Ramsey did not have that... I do think that he will not be traded this season, but trading him to Bears now for Number 1 pick is not a bad idea.

Why the hell not? If JC is the future and MB is gonna start this year, might as well get our 1st round pick back for next year. And if it's from the Bears, it might turn out to be a top 5 pick. Much better than the 31st (32nd?) pick we gave up for him. Not bad-if Gibbs REALLY knows what he's doing :whoknows:

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