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Would you rather have Ramsey or Jake Plummer?


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if Plummer had been coached by Gibbs and Co. since he came into the NFL I think he would have been a much better player than he is now. It is a shame Jake's early career was wasted on bad teams in Arizona where he learned a lot of bad habits.

Right now he is just overpaid and overrated. He is capable of the excellent game to be sure, but he also is a guy that can throw the 3 interceptions in the big game.

Since Jake is now 31, I think I would rather have Ramsey with Campbell on the bench.

Seems to be much more upside for the future.

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You've seen Plummer's potential to this point. Bill Walsh supposedly coveted him as a Joe Montana clone when he was drafted, but that talk has ended. If he has talent around him (especially a good offensive line that will keep him from making panic throws) that doesn't have to look to him to lead the way, he's capable of significantly contributing and getting his team into the playoffs. I don't see him as a viable Super Bowl winner, however, because he makes too many bone-headed mistakes even at this stage of his career.

Ramsey, OTOH, while he certainly hasn't accomplished what even Plummer has in his career, still looks like he has room for improvement. If he can improve on the same curve that Mark Rypien did, then I'd much rather have Ramsey, so I'd take him based upon potential (and age). As of today, Plummer is the better QB, however.

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He is capable of the excellent game to be sure, but he also is a guy that can throw the 3 interceptions in the big game.

You can say the same thing about Patrick. Except with Jake, he can have an excellent game out the gate, Patrick usually shines after he already puts us in the hole from turning the ball over.

I'd take Jake. He's the better player right now and could guide this current Redskin team to 10-11 wins easily.

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You can say the same thing about Patrick. Except with Jake, he can have an excellent game out the gate, Patrick usually shines after he already puts us in the hole from turning the ball over.

I'd take Jake. He's the better player right now and could guide this current Redskin team to 10-11 wins easily.

No offense, but this is completely fictional.

Patrick has had 23 starts, so it's hard to truly gauge patterns, but 'putting us in hole' from turning the ball over is not one from his higher TD-INT ratio(2-3 of those being Hail Maries in games where he wasn't even playing and 5 in the 'relief performances' last year) Turning the ball over is not something Patrick actually does frequently.

I wish people would stop conflating the performance of a QB in a couple preseason bits to what they've actually done in their career.

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Kinda like him starting off that game vs. New Orleans with 3 INTS, then finishing with over 300 yards in the losing effort. That wasn't a "preseason bit" correct? What I'd wish you would stop rushing to the reply button of every post that doesn't jock sniff PR. I have seen him make critical turnovers that have put the team in a hole, but I am willing to admit that it may be too early to call it a trend, based on the lack of continuity in the front office. Now let me revise my post so you and the rest of Ramsey's lawyers don't sue me for slander.

Jake Plummer is more capable of coming in, and managing a game from start to finish, where Ramsey has had a tendacy to accumulate yardage while completing the (slightly) better half of 30 to 40 completions coming from behind. He'll make a big completion late in the game to put us position to get us points, but that would have all been irrelevant if he could have just got rid of the ball on that 3rd down rather than taking a sack, or throwing that pick earlier on that led to easy points for the other team.

I didn't see anything this preseason to make believe he won't still do this, I'm just hoping that Gibbs playcalling, and our ability to run the ball will protect the Skins from Patrick Ramsey.

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Yes, congratulations, you remember his FIRST start in the league. I know he doesn't have a ton of games to go on, but I was looking more at 2003 and beyond.

As for your 'jock sniff' remark, it just happens Ramsey is the most talked about guy right now. I've done the same when people were badmouthing an INJURED Lavar Arrington last year. I would hope people would not use vague and typically false 'impressions' as basis for their opinions and statements on this board, no matter how they came down in their overall analysis. You mistake my reply to you as an attack on critics, when it's an attack on untruths(or highly exaggerated points.)

I would agree with you, that as of now, Plummer is more capable of starting out 'good' in a game than Ramsey. He seems to need less 'warm-up' time, if you will.

See, I didn't even take issue with your choice of Plummer(though I think over the year you will rethink this) I only took issue with one, somewhat important, 'point' you made. That's it. :cheers:

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Right, and I understand the distinction.

That was one example though Ghost, I remember him having a similar game against Philly, where we ended up losing after he overthrew Coles in the endzone for the 2 point conversion - but I digress... I was just pointing out that I'm looking at more than just his pre-season performance. As a matter of fact, if all I had to go on was that, then I would be alot more optimistic about his chances as a starter this year.

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No offense, but this is completely fictional.

Patrick has had 23 starts, so it's hard to truly gauge patterns, but 'putting us in hole' from turning the ball over is not one from his higher TD-INT ratio(2-3 of those being Hail Maries in games where he wasn't even playing and 5 in the 'relief performances' last year) Turning the ball over is not something Patrick actually does frequently.

I wish people would stop conflating the performance of a QB in a couple preseason bits to what they've actually done in their career.

conflating...awesome..I had to look that up!

(to quote Forrest: "I'm not a bright man")

to answer the original post:

I'll let you know on Monday.

I love the 'skins...just not sure about our QB just yet.

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