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Arrington is better cast as Junior Seau than Lawrence Taylor.


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I think it's been obvious to most of us for years.

Arrington is a gazelle. Let the man run. Let him wreak havoc. Let him come through the line on a blitz. Putting him the down position is not something he's really ever shown he can be all that good at. But, being back as a backer where teams have to find him, account for him, adjust for him and all the rest is what he does.

He might make mistakes doing this, but, when you let Arrington flow to the ball he's really an amazing player who changes games. When is mistakes frighten you so much you put him on the line, his impact is minimized, he is marginalized and, ultimately, you don't TEACH him to STOP making mistakes doing the things he does best.

When you see Arrington crashing through on a blitz you later see him faking blitz, causing the whole offense to shift to him, leaving everyone else open when he doesn't come. Marty seemed to understand this with Lavar.

I'm not sure anyone since has really agreed. Maybe I'm crazy on this, but, I just would like to see Lavar play linebacker again, full time, and see what happens.

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I think LA will be back at OLB on 1st and 2nd downs come week one. But he is suspect in coverage imo (Like when he droped that pick last night). I think Marhsall and Washington are better in coverage so they'll play LB on 3rd downs. And Arrington is a better pass rusher then Wynn so he'll play DE on third down.

Everyone wins :)

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All the talk last preseason was about LA finally being moved to WILL, where he made his hay at Penn State and which got him drafted #2 overall to begin with. I have to believe Williams hasn't changed his mind. I suspect we'll see LA at end from time to time situationally, but my guess is if he shows Williams against Baltimore on Thursday and in practices between now and 9/11 that he's prepared to work within the framework of the scheme at WILL, that's where we'll see LA most come opening day.

LA's a freak on the move in space. If we can see it, so can Gregg. :)

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I think LA will be back at OLB on 1st and 2nd downs come week one. But he is suspect in coverage imo (Like when he droped that pick last night). I think Marhsall and Washington are better in coverage so they'll play LB on 3rd downs. And Arrington is a better pass rusher then Wynn so he'll play DE on third down.

Everyone wins :)

Huh? Arrington AND Wynn coming off the same corner makes more sense to me. Arrington, to me, just doesn't seem as natural coming out of a three or four point stance. I tend to lean toward Art's assessment. The only thing I would add is that he roamed the entire field last night and was constantly involved in the plays. It was a neat thing to watch.

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I agree with Art. Arrington needs to roam the field and run to the ball. I think Williams put him in a 3-pt stance is because there is less chance of reaggravating his injury if he's pushing a few hundred lbs one way, vs. flying all over the field with OL player coming at you from any direction.

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Exactly right, Art. Thing is, I don't think we should draw any conclusions from last night. I think they were working him back into game shape by giving him a watered down set of assignments mostly against 2nd teamers. I think by week 4 we'll see him going full bore in his usual role.

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I would like someone to show me any linebacker in this league similar to Arrington's build who can rush from the end and conistantly put on pressure. What he does when he rushes from the end is gets penetration. The Stoutmire sack last night was because the Tackle and Fullback both went to Arrington. People think Arrington is supposed to make the play from the end position. He isn't going to make the sack but he draws two to free up a safety or the SAM. It will work on anything were the down requires more than 5 yards. This is what we didn't have last year. This is what will make our D even better, possibly the best in the league.

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This is exactly the role that Sam Huff envisioned for Arrington when he first came here.

Huff believed putting Arrington at strongside was a mistake which was only compounded by the move to a hand in the dirt DE on third downs.

#56 needs to operate in space being able to use his speed and aggressiveness to effect.

allowing a defender to be able to get into his body right off the line of scrimmage is wasting that talent.

yes, Arrington could probably post 10 sacks being miscast in the down role. But that wouldn't include the other 30-40 positive plays a year he could make in an expanded role.

when you allow a playmaker more opportunities to make plays, we are going to end up with those INTs and fumbles we didn't get in 2004 :D

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I just don't think he's very good in coverage - he looks lost too often. That's why he's playing end on some of the downs. I think you could still see him quite often in the Seau role on 1st and 2nd down (obvious run downs) but I don't think Williams will allow him to be exposed on 3rd and long. You'll probably either see him at end or on the bench during those times.

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I think the Seau comparison is exactly correct. Being stationed in San Diego for 4 years, I went to a bunch of Chargers games and one thing about Seau was that he made unbelievable plays all game long but the fans still complained about his tendancy to do stupid things a couple times a game.

He was a great player but made an occasional boneheader. Arrington does the same thing, I think thats what is going to happen when you play the game that recklessly but its not necessarily a bad thing. A player like Seau/Arrington can break down so many plays a game that a mistake or 2 isn't as costly when the rest of the defense is as good as this one is.

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This is exactly the role that Sam Huff envisioned for Arrington when he first came here.

Huff believed putting Arrington at strongside was a mistake which was only compounded by the move to a hand in the dirt DE on third downs.

#56 needs to operate in space being able to use his speed and aggressiveness to effect.

allowing a defender to be able to get into his body right off the line of scrimmage is wasting that talent.

yes, Arrington could probably post 10 sacks being miscast in the down role. But that wouldn't include the other 30-40 positive plays a year he could make in an expanded role.

when you allow a playmaker more opportunities to make plays, we are going to end up with those INTs and fumbles we didn't get in 2004 :D

Exactly! LaVar has to play in space to utilize his full talents. When he's on the line, it is easier to account for where he will try to make an inpact. When he is in the WLB position, with his speed, he could attack from anywhere. He has the speed to run a play down from the backside and he has the power to crush a play head-on. He doesn't have Jevon's freakish numbers, but he does have the freakish talent and I believe desire

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I think it's been obvious to most of us for years.

Arrington is a gazelle. Let the man run. Let him wreak havoc. Let him come through the line on a blitz. Putting him the down position is not something he's really ever shown he can be all that good at. But, being back as a backer where teams have to find him, account for him, adjust for him and all the rest is what he does.

He might make mistakes doing this, but, when you let Arrington flow to the ball he's really an amazing player who changes games. When is mistakes frighten you so much you put him on the line, his impact is minimized, he is marginalized and, ultimately, you don't TEACH him to STOP making mistakes doing the things he does best.

When you see Arrington crashing through on a blitz you later see him faking blitz, causing the whole offense to shift to him, leaving everyone else open when he doesn't come. Marty seemed to understand this with Lavar.

I'm not sure anyone since has really agreed. Maybe I'm crazy on this, but, I just would like to see Lavar play linebacker again, full time, and see what happens.

It depends on how good lamar Marshall/Warrick Holdman do. Neither Renaldo Wynn or Phillip Daniels are big time pass rushers so it makes some sense to slide LA into that position on third downs since Marcus Washington is better in pass coverege (Dime packages there's 1 LB) and if Lamar Marshall is having a good season, he and Washington should be the nickle LBs so the skins can get their best 11 people on the field.

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I think Arrington does best in space too. As a DE he just doesn't do that much. The problem is though, he just doesn't get enough opportunities to rush the QB from OLB. He'll be in coverage as much as he'll be rushing the QB.

Where he would be most effective is if he played a 3-4 OLB. If he played in Pittsburgh's scheme he'd have huge sack totals.

As it is, in our 4-3 he's just not going to get the chances to put up a lot of sacks. He'll get his blitz opportunities, but like I said... he'll be in coverage a lot too. That's why so many 4-3 teams take DL with first round picks and take LB's later... because 4-3 OLB's are easy to find. You can get someone to cover the backs and TE's and run to the ball and make tackles in the later rounds.

Arrington is a great talent though, so I hope he does get a lot of chances to blitz. He's just not as effective at DE.

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The interesting thing here(which has already been mentioned) is that LaVar DID have his best season sack-wise while often lining up at DE.

I still think this is just a matter of taking a look at him on the end in 3rd down situations and slowly getting him back into the lineup.

Truth be told, I'm not concerned either way, because our D looks fine with or without him. He always seemed to be way more of an emotional lift for the team, than a playmaker in the mold of Washington(#53).

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I agree Art.

Lavar is at his best staring down the opposing WR from that WLB spot and destroying people.

I think Williams lined him up at DE just so he can get some game time in and evaluate LB depth. In a sense, just getting him back to game shape.

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I don't know why people say he isn't good in coverage. I've seen good stuff from him in coverage before. His problem in the past was playing within the bounds of the defense, and often him doing his own thing.

Anyways, playing him strong side was a waste. You don't really want him going against a TE continuously.

The nice thing about Williams' defense is that players get moved around all over the place. I expect that we will see Lavar in many different positions.


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I guess I'm not totally convinced yet that he is less effective from the down position. That one isolation on him last night showed he could bull rush and basically toss aside a tackle. I think his problems with playing the position in the past were somewhat enhanced by his resistance and frustration to playing there. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

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You're right Art, but I think that is what Coach Williams plans on doing-sort of.

I think starting off at DE is more of a catching up thing first: work on contain and rushing first and take orders from the other backers, and then eventually shift to OLB.

What I invision LaVar being is the joker. The guy who is everwhere. Not just the LT backer/de hybrid, but putting him in several different positions.

I do agree with the sentiment that he is best suited to be in a position where he is somewhat free to run towards the ball and make plays....

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I think it's been obvious to most of us for years.

Arrington is a gazelle. Let the man run. Let him wreak havoc. Let him come through the line on a blitz. Putting him the down position is not something he's really ever shown he can be all that good at. But, being back as a backer where teams have to find him, account for him, adjust for him and all the rest is what he does.

He might make mistakes doing this, but, when you let Arrington flow to the ball he's really an amazing player who changes games. When is mistakes frighten you so much you put him on the line, his impact is minimized, he is marginalized and, ultimately, you don't TEACH him to STOP making mistakes doing the things he does best.

When you see Arrington crashing through on a blitz you later see him faking blitz, causing the whole offense to shift to him, leaving everyone else open when he doesn't come. Marty seemed to understand this with Lavar.

I'm not sure anyone since has really agreed. Maybe I'm crazy on this, but, I just would like to see Lavar play linebacker again, full time, and see what happens.

I TOTALLY AGREE!!! :applause:

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Art I agree wholeheartedly. When Lavar plays defensive end...he tries very hard to beat the tackle with strength by getting into a shoving and pushing contest. Lavars game is about speed...not fighting offensive linemen one on one. Somebody needs to tell him that.

Why can't Lavar take the extreme...EXTREME outside pass rush coming from the edge...and use his speed to force the QB back into the pocket. Why must he always get into a down linemens stance...and then run DIRECTLY TO the offensive tackle where they butt heads like 2 rams. What the hell is that about.

LAVAR....buddy...listen up. Even Laurence TAylor ran AROUND linemen most of the time. Its no surprise when you charge at them over and over again.

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IMO, Lavar's best year was under Marvin Lewis when he was used as a hybrid DE/LB. And really with our weakness at the end position when it comes to generating a pass rush, Lavar is needed in that capacity.

I don't really think it matters where he lines up, Williams will move him around. There was one play in the Steelers game where he started off in an upright LB position, moved down into a 3 point stance and then dropped back into zone coverage. Williams will look for ways to move Arrington around and I have confidence that he'll know how to use him the right way. If Arrington is healthy, I expect a career year from him in this scheme.

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