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This Week's Post Game Merged Ramsey Threads


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In case some of you "redskins" fans were not paying attention, Ramseys had a great game. Joe only wanted Ramsey to go deep. He didn't dump off. Rams had to throw deep on every play, and he connected on half of them. The INT were not bad. We didn't try to run into the endzone. Joe wanted to see the passing game in the redzone. Lewis still couldn't stop it. Last week we downed Ramsey because he only threw for 77 yards on 8 of 12 passing. People said he was ineffective eventhough he complete 67% of his passes. He didn't throw an int, but since he didn't lead a TD drive it was time for Bruhell to start .

Tonight Rams throws a TD, and leads a two minute drive fror the FG. But that isn't enough. What a bunch of idiots. Portis hasn't played yet, but nobody is talking about that. Stop the controversy or the Brunell hype. Did you see them throws? Rams made David Patten look better than Chad Johnson. The Bengals knew we where going deep and they couldn't stop it. Both the int's were a result of bad reads. But the Bengals knew we wanted to work on the passing game, so it gave them a chance to work on their pass defense. They made some plays but so did we. Ramsey still has some work to do, but the guy is not busted. He made some good throws, and average 21.12 yards a completion, at a 50% clip. If he played two halfs, he may have thrown for 400 yards. Stop crying!

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We folks, I can already see that the Ramsey haters are out in force again. Some of the criticism is certainly well deserved, but not all of it. Here's my take on what's going on.

Patrick Ramsey is being asked to change the way he plays the game, and he is struggling with that change. It's really that simple. He is not used to throwing the touch passes that he threw almost exlusively early in the game. I believe the coaches asked him to do that so he could get used to it in a game environment. They also pretty much abandoned running the ball after getting Betts a few reps early on which allowed the Cincy defense to reallly come after him. Ramsey is used to using that arm of his to drill the ball into the receiver, not lofting it up. He is trying to get better at that, and is having mixed success at doing so. I think we saw the real Ramsey near the end of the half, when he was throwing the ball with a lot more zip. He looked a lot better and a lot more comfortable in those last few minutes than he did early on. I also think they still have work to do on the timing, but that it's getting there. I think the two INTs where physical errors rather than mental ones as well. The one in the endzone was intended to be a fade type of route where only Thrash would have had a chance at it, but it was underthrown. The one that was intended for Moss was an obvious overthrow. If Pat had just gunned it to Moss, it would have been a completion in my opinion. They learned a lot from this experience, and they will move forward form here.

All of that being said, if Ramsey does not get better at the touch passes, I don't think the coaches will ask him to throw them in a real game situation when it counts. They will tailer the game plan to fit his strengths, not deliberately test his weaknesses as they did tonight. They will also rely a lot more on the running game once the regular season hits than they have in the preseason. If you notice on the successful drives later in the game the running game was back in effect.

The defense looked better with most of the starters in there. Washington was an absolute animal, and Rogers looked as good as you can expect from a rookie coming back from a signifigant injury lay-off. Once the starters went out things went downhill fast though. The middle of the game was frustrating to watch as the defense got no push at all from the front four once Griffen Big Joe, and Daniels came out.

Welcome to the NFL Carlos Rogers! That was interesting to watch as the coaches hung their rookie out to dry near the end of the half. Best to get it out of the way now I guess was their thinking. Putting an obviously tired Rogers in isolation repeatedly was simply an exercise in humility for our young rookie. I almost wonder if the coaches didn't pass Cincy's coaches a note that read something like this. "The rookie is all yours for the next series. Please introduce him to the NFL properly"

I don't think Coach Gibbs was happy with the way the whole thing played out. Keeping Ramsey in there cost him time to evaluate Campbell and get him some playing time. That was the biggest screw up of the game if you ask me. Boy did the second half fly by or what?

Overall a disapointing game for our team, but one they can learn from.

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Originally posted by Warhead36

Neglected to mention those 2 INTs I see?

He's 50/50 just as his completion % shows. I don't want a 50/50 playing QB for my team.

Good Lord. First of all, some of that involved dropped passes. Second, he was throwing downfield all the time. Those aren't high percentage passes, genius.

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I cant dispute that 21.2 per pass is a good average but what i can say is that 1 INT every 9 attempts is ridiculous and throwing into coverage in the redzone is dumb.

Ramsey said after the game

" i was trying to hit Thrash in the Back of the endzone hoping he could jump for it but unfortunetly the defender turned around and got the ball"

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Those two ints hurt. Ramsey has always been like this. He either lights it up and ripes our heart out at the end of the game or he just sucks the enitre game. 50% isn't great and neither are the two pics. If he played the whole game by your logic he'd have 4 ints. Bump that, man.

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The INTs WERE bad. I don't know what game you were watching. In one case, the wideout was totally covered and Ramsey threw it directly to the corner; making matters worse, it was in the redzone. I'm getting sick of Ramsey's propensity for redzone INTs. He must've had at least 5 last season alone. Inside the 20 is where the mental game really comes into play, hence, it is where Ramsey is exposed. He's just not a smart QB.

The other INT was vintage Ramsey; dance forward in the pocket, throw off balance, ball sails 5 yards over wideout's head, easy pick. He's been doing that for his entire career. If he were a rookie I could understand, but he's a vet. It's his time to step up and show that he can be a solid starting QB.

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I didn't see Moss's drop or hear about it on the radio, so it must have been real early in the game. My apologies concerning that.

I'll rephrase it-Of what I saw and heard of Ramsey, I didn't like too much. Too on and off for my liking. The positives were great, but the negatives just killed us.

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Originally posted by Warhead36

I didn't see Moss's drop or hear about it on the radio, so it must have been real early in the game. My apologies concerning that.

I'll rephrase it-Of what I saw and heard of Ramsey, I didn't like too much. Too on and off for my liking. The positives were great, but the negatives just killed us.

Uh, jeez, that was perhaps a huge tone setting play. Moss actually lost the ball in the lights. If he kept on running the ball would've hit him right in the chest.

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Originally posted by Gamebreaker

It's pre-season, the playcalling and decision-making isn't exactly what our team will be doing on Sept. 11th. Why is that so hard for people to understand?

What do you mean the decision making wont be what our team will be doing? If you mean Ramsey's decision making, Ramsey has been throwing bone headed int's his entire career.

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He started the game 1 for 7 he went 9 of 12 after that. I understand that the into's cannot happen but at least he moved the ball. Something we didn't see last year.

I am not so foolish to believe because Mark Brunnell played well against the Bengals 3rd and 4th string D that he should be the QB. I remember last year and the year before it. The regular season is where it counts.

Ramsey gives us the best chance to win point blank!!!!!:2cents:

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feeshta, I'd like to believe you, but those are all just excuses. There has to be a point where we stop blaming Ramsey's poor play on the scheme or what have you. This is his fourth year and his second in the same system. It's time to stop making the rookie mistakes, but I'm not seeing any improvement.

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One other thing I forgot to mention. Don't forget that the Bengals have one of the best second string QB's in the league. Kitna is no slouch, and has started, and performed very well in a signifigant number of NFL games. It could really help our second string defensive guys to go go up against a guy like that rather than a scrub. It gives our coaches the benefit of evaluating second stringers against a solid starting quality QB.

That being said, I think our defensive players will be seeing screen plays ad nausium this week in practice. They really did not cover those very well at all.

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