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Umm...Why are people freakin out over Ramseys scrimmage performance?!?!??!?!


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Originally posted by RDSKNfaithfull

It is a scrimage but players are evaluated in the pre season all the same. Ramsey didn't give anybody one thing to be happy about. I am a huge Ramsey fan have his signed authentic hanging on my wall and want him to succeed in the worst way. Sad thing is I'm starting to realize more faults with him. His long ball which we all thought was his strength at one time is not very good at all. Its fun to watch him throw 60yds on a rope but face it that is a low percentage pass. Ramsey does not grip the concept of putting air under the ball so the reciever can adjust. I used to mock Mcnabb for the floaters he throws down the sideline but that is what is succesfull in the NFL dropping it in opposed to forcing it. He also seems to have lost his courage in the pocket. He looked like last years mark Brunell doing a lot of pumping. Hopefully he will get it together but its time for him to step it up. No more excuses. [/quote

That's why Gibbs drafted JC,and he won't be ready this year.If the team has to rely on PR and it seems that way,it's going to be a long season.]

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Originally posted by TheSteve

Which championship was it that we went 0-4 in the preseason only to win it all the next year?:laugh:

I'm not worried unless something catastrophic happens. Both QB's looked horrible and Hasselbeck looked the best LAST year and we still should have made the playoffs with Ramsey starting.

it was in 1991.. we lost all 4 preseason games

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Originally posted by goldenster95

Portis, gents, Portis. He's the guy driving the bus this year. If he plays well, Ramsey and everyone on the offense can tag along.

no no no.

Look at last year man. How effectvie was Portis? Even with Rabach and Jansen back our running game will go no-where if the other team doesn't respect our passing game.

Portis will drive us to another mediocre season if we can't have success in the passing game.

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I didn't see the game - only what was on COMCAST clips...so yea...who knows. I hope PR succeeds. I guess what was bothersome was that the clips looked too familiar - happy feet and slightly off in the short game. I was not big on drafting Campbell - but you have to admit...he does have that "look" of being in control and getting things done. What can I say? So far...while basically not under the gun..he has looked better than expected.

We all hope PR succeeds for obvious reasons. the draft pick....at least at this early stage.....nevertheless is starting to look better and better.

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Originally posted by Mooka

no no no.

Look at last year man. How effectvie was Portis? Even with Rabach and Jansen back our running game will go no-where if the other team doesn't respect our passing game.

Portis will drive us to another mediocre season if we can't have success in the passing game.

I seriously doubt it. Portis picked up some very hard yards without hardly any passing game and a leaky o-line.

Not only will he have a better o-line, he'll also have a better blocking scheme to boot. That right there should make him better, maybe much better.

But I'll agree that Portis' performance will also be tied to the passing game.

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The sky is falling...............The sky is falling................... What are we to do..............................

We're doooooooooooooooooooooomed

Well, we might as well scrap this season.......................so, who do we draft come april??????????

Where the idea that we drafted a QB because Gibbs didn't have faith in Ramsey, I haven't a clue. OH ya, the media....................Gibbs has always liked to have starting quality QB's on the bench, and sees potential in Campbell to possibally fill that role in the future. For all we know, he could be the biggest stiff once in a real game. But hey, you folks have seen, and know more then our coaching staff.

With today as the exception, every report out of camp has pretty much said that ramsey has been more accurate, and getting air under the long ball. With a second year in the system, he and Brunell:puke: make the most sence at this point. Ramsey had the team on a roll at the end of the season so to speak, and if he had started from the begining, we would have had a solid chance of a playoff birth. So, putting a better team around him surely will make him worse................Yup......................:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

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Easy answer. Because we're fans and that's what fans do. *****,moan, cheer, laugh, have anxiety attacks ect. based on what what we hear, read or see. And then base opinions on what we derive from those and what we think we know as opposed to what we actually do. Being fans. What it's all about. :)

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Originally posted by Mooka

no no no.

Look at last year man. How effectvie was Portis?

Um, granted, I'm a moron, but didn't Portis get 1200-1300 yards last year? How many teams would have loved to have had a 1200-1300 yard rusher? We had a 1200-1300 yard rusher that everyone seems to be unanimous in the fact that he SUCKED last year! :laugh: How good is this beast gonna be in 2005 with a decent center, Jansen back, and new blocking schemes? Okay, he didn't score 500 touchdowns, but you can't argue with the yards. Red zone offense was addressed this offseason too, I might point out.

Come on, dude. Think before you post. I am trying to work on that myself, but you try it too please.


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I caught a glimpse of the Colts-Falcons game and was amazed at the poised and efficient performance of Shaub the big QB from Virginia (3rd round 2004). By this yardstick (pun intended), PR does not fare well. If he continues to show happy feet and lack of situational awareness against the Panthers, Campbell will be the man sooner rather than later.

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You people crack me up with this "it was only a scrimmage" crap, as if the past 4 years never happened. Friends, it isn't "just a scrimmage" that has people nervous about Pat. It's the fact that he is making the same mistakes today that he made as a rookie, IE, staring down receivers and not seeing guys who are running wide open in the secondary.

What really kills me is the amount of vitriol slung towards the people who aren't sold on Pat. Calling people stupid and such is mind-boggling. So my question to all the people who want to jump down the throats of those concerned about the QB situation is this:

What exactly has Ramsey done as a pro to make you think he is the man to lead this team? Where is the reasoning behind your confidence?

I like Pat. I want Pat to be the man in Washington for a long time, and I have to believe that he can get it done. However, I'm not exactly confident in the kid. Why? Because I have been paying attention the last 4 years. Until he does it on the field none of you have any reason to bash someone who is concerned about Patrick's progression.

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yea potis had 1300+ yards, and he didnt play in the last two games. Also their were 1 or 2 games in their where he went out real early with injuries. Not to mention one of his touchdown runs takin back for holding and another touchdown catch takin back against the packers for that bs false start on thrash.....portis is a beast its that simple

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I believe I'll reserve any judgement about the team until after the opener... too early now to get the gastric juices flowing.

'Tis' a shame tho, that Ramsey apparently did not show "poise" in the eyes of some, perhaps he needs to get clobbered a bit to feel "at home" on the field.

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Originally posted by TomE

I believe I'll reserve any judgement about the team until after the opener... too early now to get the gastric juices flowing.

'Tis' a shame tho, that Ramsey apparently did not show "poise" in the eyes of some, perhaps he needs to get clobbered a bit to feel "at home" on the field.

That was his biggest problem he showed no poise. Gibbs stressed the word poise today when describing Cambell.

granted Cambell was not facing Ray Lewis, Ed Reed , Mcallister, Rolle , Suggs, Bite my tounge Deion (who looked like he was 27years old out there today. No denying Prime Times presence in the Slot.

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I would guess that people are freaked out because of the offense's struggles last year. The anxiety is being expressed early, and fans want some great play to allay their fears. The debates are far from over IMO since I'd expect the offense to struggle into the regular season...Hopefully not too far into it.

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Originally posted by KevinMac

What exactly has Ramsey done as a pro to make you think he is the man to lead this team? Where is the reasoning behind your confidence?

You're kidding, right? Look what he did when he was the starter last year. If he started the whole season, we would've been in the playoffs.

Having said that, I do have some reservations about him, some of which you've touched on. But given the circumstances he's faced, I'd say that he hasn't been given enough of a chance to do his thing. This is his first year out of his three past seasons when he's been given the reins and when he's been operating in a legit system.

Yes, circumstances can't be a crutch you rely on and his time is now. But you can't so easily slough off what he's been through and what promise he has shown.

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