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Does Gibbs need to show his O in preseason?


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Because of the debacle of all of last year how important is it for Gibbs to show much of the revamped O in the preseason this year, and how long do you think he needs to have Ramsey play to make sure he is ready??

I posted last year I though one of the problems in the season was the fact Gibbs didn't show anything and the team used the first month as an extended preseason. This year I think he has to show much of it, not all of it but a nice chunk.

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Originally posted by jbooma

I posted last year I though one of the problems in the season was the fact Gibbs didn't show anything and the team used the first month as an extended preseason.

That's what I thought last year too. As it turned out he did show it...we just didn't have one.

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I'm on the fence with this one. Of course, I see the logic in holding back until the first game of the season. However, I think Gibbs has always had an evolving, gameplan-type offense where he puts new things in to exploit specific matchups.

I wouldn't mind them running some of the plays since it would be good to face live bullets.

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I think Coach Gibbs will be pretty basic with the pre-season gameplan. I do believe that he will show some stretch plays...basic GO routes for the fans to confirm that the offense is going to take more shots down the field. His more elaborate formations and motion schemes will stay under wraps until opening day.

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He needs to show it, he needs to test it. We can't wait until week 1, 2, 3, 4, etc, to find out if our offense works. If we can't move the ball against the panthers and the steelers, even though they are very good defenses, we've got problems, and need to fix them asap.

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Originally posted by Monte51Coleman

That's what I thought last year too. As it turned out he did show it...we just didn't have one.

hahaha, how true. i can remember being at the last pre-season game last year, and saying, "man, i can't wait till they open this up"...then saying that after every game.

i think we will see more offense in the pre-season this year and more of Ramsey. Now we have a starter and he needs to get the reps in a live game type situation.

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I could go either way on this one. On one hand I think they need to practice the new offense in game conditions on the other hand I don't want the same thing to happen that seemed to happen with Spurrier. His Offense looked awesome in the preseason but considerably worse in the regular season.

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We will see new blocking schemes, new routes, and a good amount of new plays. What we will not see is game planning until the reg season. Gibbs will throw in this new stuff like the shotgun so his guys can get reps in live fire situations before it counts.

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I think it's simply going to be necessary to test it all out against players that aren't on our team. Practice speed is NOT game speed. Practice defenses are NOT game defenses. Just exercising the offense at preseason speed is very necessary, IMO, to get the offense ready for season speed.

Probably just in the first quarter, but we are gonna have to show something to know something.

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Excellent topic here. I agree that its not so much the question of whether or not we should show it, but rather a question of us questioning it.

Our offense was bad last year. Not good. Not even okay. Until such time as its "good" and proven as such, then I think we need all the live game-condition practice we can get.

I feel the same way with Ramsey. I'm the biggest Ramsey fan in the world, but right now he's still just a young QB with little experience, nice potential and alot to prove.

If I'm the Colts and we're talking about Peyton Manning than there's nothing to prove. Play him a series or two each preseason game to shake off the rust and then sit him down. The extra work is not going to help all that much and you risk losing a truly great player.

With Ramsey, we don't risk losing a truly great player (yet, hopefully). Further, that extra practice can really help him as he's still relatively young and considering Spurrier's crazy system the guy barely has any experience playing in a more traditional system. There's much more to gain here.

We're not good enough on Offense to worry about showing too much and giving things away. Even if the other team doesn't know what we are running, I'm afraid we're still not good enough to run it effectively. First, get some practice. If and when (hopefully next season or so) our offense is a top 7 or 8 offense then I think we can think about not showing too much.

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If I'm the coach, then preseason is more about players than it is about the plays. Obviously, they're interrelated, but I think Gibbs will be more concerned about getting the player chemistry right and making sure he has the best possible player combination.

You can't help but to show some of your offense (and defense, for that matter) in the preseason. But there will be a lot held in reserve, as it should be.

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