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Losing the Fight to Heredity: Operation Baldness


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For those of you that are balding, and I know there are several thanks to the Show Yourselves Thread, how have you dealt with hair dearth? I'm not quite to the stage of bald on top, but it's coming to that and because I'm totally adverse to any kid of (a) Hair Tonic, (B) Hair Plantation--aka bald-man's cornrows, © Toupee, (d) combover, or (e) balding mullet, I'm curious how I should proceed.

I'm considering doing the short all over look, as I think that's the best no frills alternative. I'm not going to do the shaved look because frankly, I'm pretty lazy when it comes to vanity/hair care. So I want to hear if you guys have any ideas on this.

So, any of you that have thoughts, ideas, and strategies, please chime in.


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I was gonna say shave it all off....until I read you don't want to do that. It doesn't take a lot of maintenance; two of my friends shave, one uses clippers and one bics it; the guy who bics his head does it like once a week (he likes it real clean), the guy who uses clippers does it about once every two weeks. Not too much trouble...

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Originally posted by jrockster77

I was gonna say shave it all off....until I read you don't want to do that. It doesn't take a lot of maintenance; two of my friends shave, one uses clippers and one bics it; the guy who bics his head does it like once a week (he likes it real clean), the guy who uses clippers does it about once every two weeks. Not too much trouble...

The clippers route sounds sort of appealing assuming I'm able to do it w/o hurting myself.

Originally posted by Bang

I have decided to just not give a sh1t about going bald. As such, I feel fine with it.


But are you going the "thinning on top" but still combing in a part? That's what I'm doing now. My hairline, if it recedes any further, will basically create an island of hair on my forehead. I'll have to deal with clients, and I don't want my head to resemble the Iberian Penninsula.

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Originally posted by Park City Skins

Bothered me at first, now no problem. It is what it.....well...isn't. :) Fact that it is "turning loose" and turning grey is a bit problematic though. :silly:

So PCS, how do you cut your hair? Just short? Bic'ed? I need some guidance here! :)

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Short. Carried it long for quite awile, ( even had pony tail briefly), but that just looked silly. Set the clippers on say 7 or so and let 'er rip. So to speak. Been told it looks good that way. :)

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Originally posted by Park City Skins

Short. Carried it long for quite awile, ( even had pony tail briefly), but that just looked silly. Set the clippers on say 7 or so and let 'er rip. So to speak. Been told it looks good that way. :)

That sounds like a good plan. Thanks PCS.

Originally posted by TheSteve

Balding already at 24? That sucks man.

Eh, it's not really that bad. (Most) women don't care about it too much, and I'm already engaged, so it doesn't really bother me. If I didn't have a job where I had to look "professional" every day, I would just get it cut every 3 months like I do now.

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Go with the clippers. Buy a good pair and use either the #1 or #2 guard. I use the #1 and it leaves it 1/4 of an inch. I need to do it about every other week. You can do it yourself without any problems. I let me wife sometime trim the back of the neck to get a nice even edge. Going short was the best thing I ever did. Cuts 5-10 minutes on styling your hair and you don't have to worry how it looks if the wind blows it.

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Well, iheart, the good news is that you're in the majority. And those who disagree just haven't come to grips yet. :) I am lucky not to have that problem yet :fingersx:, but my father does and he goes trimmed short. Not bic'ed, just trimmed short. I personally think that's a good look and I know it works for him.

In the client services business, I'm pretty sure that the short cut is a better alternative than the completely shaved look. :paranoid: I have so far found it to be the popular bald cut in business/law.

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My hair started getting thin when I was in my early 30's - I just keep it short. I doubt there are many guys who'd prefer having thinning hair or going bald to their regular hair :)

But personally, I think the problem is when you start caring about it. Theres not a damn thing, realistically, you can do about it. I refuse to care. Being overly sensitive about your looks, to me anyway, is a feminine trait. I try to avoid those!

The best route to go (in my opinion) for most guys is just keep it very very short. I don't shave my head, because I look like a convict :) Having seen it in USMC bootcamp, its not just a theory. Inmate 76542 reporting. Few guys look good with a shaved head. But short is good.

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Originally posted by TheSteve

Balding already at 24? That sucks man.

Well, they say that grass doesn't grow on a busy street. :)

Anyway, I shave my head once a week with the clippers set very low, so I end up with a 5 o'clock shadow. The whole deal takes 5 minutes, which is faster than I can shave it with a bic, plus there's no blood involved. ;)

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Dane, I think you are right about the bald cut in the biz/law world, I don't know any lawyers that are totally bald except for maybe a few in entertainment or patent law.

Tar, I have way too many weird knobs on my head to go the bic route--not only would I look like a convict and/or shady dealer, my impersonation of Ed Kowalczyk, the lead singer from the band "Live" would be complete.


TheChief: 5 minutes is good. Another vote for clippers.

Isifhan: I'm reluctant to use Propecia mostly because of what can happen if pregnant women come in contact with the pills. It's potent stuff, plus I really don't care enough to do that. I just want a no-nonsense approach that can be done quickly and painlessly--clippers seem to be the way to go.

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I just have fun with it, at my own expense of course. Tell people that the old saying is that going bald from front is a sign of intelligence, ( losing it there). Going bald on top is sign of being good at sex, ( losing hair there too). So. I guess that means I think I'm good.

Bada bing. ;)

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Been shaving my head for most of the last decade. Can't stand it when it grows out now.

If I could have it grow back full ... not sure what I'd do. Would be interesting to see after so long, but my skinned (or close to skinned) head suits me just fine.

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Originally posted by iheartskins

Eh, it's not really that bad. (Most) women don't care about it too much, and I'm already engaged, so it doesn't really bother me.

i second that, i dont think most women really care. bald can be hot!

like a friend of mine once said "i dont care what anyone says, if you think you're sexy then your sexy"

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Originally posted by iheartskins

I'm definitely pre-disposed to self-depricating humor so those kinds of jokes are right in line with my sense of humor. :)

Here is another vote for going short - although I have never tried shaving - to damn cold here in the winter for that. I still have almost all of it up top, but its starting to get much thinner than when I was 24. My 9 year old son loves to tease me about it (my "thin spot") and my wife says she doesn't care either way - so my advice is to keep your sense of humor about it and keep it short - That is what I am trying to do anyway.;)

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