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What Tommy Cruise didn't tell you about Scientology


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Originally posted by T.E.G.


And again - that's hurting you and me how? As a non-denominational 'faith', belief, religion - whatever - who really cares?

Its a fringe faith, religion, movement - that truly doesn't impact you or me.

So what's the problem again?

As long as neither one of us becomes a Scientologist, then I suppose it doesn't... ;)

However, you do have a point in the grand scheme of things. Tom Cruise has done far more to hurt his cause than help it. If either of us decided to try it, didn't like it and wanted to back out... only then would there be a "situation."


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Originally posted by dg28daman

I don't understand how you could believe in a religion MADE UP BY A SCIENCE FICTION WRITER.

Originally posted by chomerics

Who, Hubbard or Constantine?


Agnostic, out. :)

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I knew he was head of the Sun God cult (Sol Invictus is still emblazoned on the papal hat), but I didn't know Constantine wrote science fiction.

Anyone else watch The 4400? Reading about how Scientology is run by a young high school dropout now that Hubbard is pushing up worms reminded me a lot of last night's episode, with Sean taking over for Collier. Running centers, people with extra mental powers, different key levels....gee anyone else see a parallel? I guess the question is, how will these former DS9 writers protray the 4400 "centers" in future episodes.

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No offense meant. Just a (hopefully) humorous rib-poke at book-based religions in general ... in this case the reference being to the school of thought that Constantine had a large hand in crafting the "official" version of the Bible in the 4th century, based as much on political expediency as religious fervor.

Gotta look both ways before crossing the highway around here these days, I see. :)

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Originally posted by jrockster77


Whoa. Just whoa.

Your pic just freaked me out, Jrock. That EXACT phrase is one I came up with and have used myself for years ... including several times around here, starting as long ago as March 2002 and several times since.




When I get over the weird-out phase I’m experiencing right now, I may have to look into the legal phase. :)


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The perfect explanation of this religion can be grasped by watching the Simpsons...i do not know the name of the exact episode but "The Leader" comes to town, and takes everyones money. And im sure a good portion of you know what happens after....

sounds pretty damn similar.

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Originally posted by Om

Whoa. Just whoa.

Your pic just freaked me out, Jrock. That EXACT phrase is one I came up with and have used myself for years ... including several times around here, starting as long ago as March 2002 and several times since.




When I get over the weird-out phase I’m experiencing right now, I may have to look into the legal phase. :)


So Om, would call this a religious experience? :)

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Originally posted by Om


No offense meant. Just a (hopefully) humorous rib-poke at book-based religions in general ... in this case the reference being to the school of thought that Constantine had a large hand in crafting the "official" version of the Bible in the 4th century, based as much on political expediency as religious fervor.

Gotta look both ways before crossing the highway around here these days, I see. :)

Dude - I knew you were kidding!! My response was completely facetious and tongue in cheek. I apologise for making you think I was in any way offended...dang I keep forgetting to add smilies to my responses ;)

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Originally posted by Om

Whoa. Just whoa.

Your pic just freaked me out, Jrock. That EXACT phrase is one I came up with and have used myself for years ... including several times around here, starting as long ago as March 2002 and several times since.




When I get over the weird-out phase I’m experiencing right now, I may have to look into the legal phase. :)


Heh....I wierded out Om...an ES first?

I first saw it as a bumper-sticker on a website a few years ago, and thought it was pretty funny. I've seen it at vendor booths at music festivals, and in head shops. I've almost bought it on several occasions...

I'm not sure what kind of legal recourse you have, but I'd imagine you'd have to find out when it was copyrighted and then find out if the person who got the copyright is an ES member and then :kungfu:

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Originally posted by dannyboy70

All you need to know about Scientology…


There is nothing you can say to anyone equating this evil cult with Christianity. Life is too short for this kind of nonsense.

Cult? Perhaps.

Evil? :rolleyes:

Sometimes I think people take such things like this too seriously. How are Scientologists really any different that any other religious sect? Is it because they are non-denominational?

As a Christian myself (Lutheran) - I tend to think that if people find faith in religious sects such as scientology - then good for them. In the grand scheme of things - is this really that important of a subject? Or are we mad that they are pouring their money into non-traditional forms of religion?

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Originally posted by jrockster77

Heh....I wierded out Om...an ES first?

I first saw it as a bumper-sticker on a website a few years ago, and thought it was pretty funny. I've seen it at vendor booths at music festivals, and in head shops. I've almost bought it on several occasions...

I'm not sure what kind of legal recourse you have, but I'd imagine you'd have to find out when it was copyrighted and then find out if the person who got the copyright is an ES member and then :kungfu:

Well ... after some deliberation, I've decided to allow this to be my contribution to Mankind instead of my bank account.

And maybe even acknowledge---albeit grudgingly---that it IS possible mine is not the only English-speaking muse capable of crafting such devastatingly pithy wit.

Just the kind of guy I am. :)

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Originally posted by Om

Well ... after some deliberation, I've decided to allow this to be my contribution to Mankind instead of my bank account.

And maybe even acknowledge---albeit grudgingly---that it IS possible mine is not the only English-speaking muse capable of crafting such devastatingly pithy wit.

Just the kind of guy I am. :)

Well let me be the first to thank you for your contribution; its given me a chuckle everytime I've read it the past few years, as well as the people I share it with!


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Originally posted by jrockster77

Heh....I wierded out Om...an ES first?

I first saw it as a bumper-sticker on a website a few years ago, and thought it was pretty funny. I've seen it at vendor booths at music festivals, and in head shops. I've almost bought it on several occasions...

I'm not sure what kind of legal recourse you have, but I'd imagine you'd have to find out when it was copyrighted and then find out if the person who got the copyright is an ES member and then :kungfu:

sticker says copywrite 2003.

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Originally posted by T.E.G.

Cult? Perhaps.

Evil? :rolleyes:

Sometimes I think people take such things like this too seriously. How are Scientologists really any different that any other religious sect? Is it because they are non-denominational?

As a Christian myself (Lutheran) - I tend to think that if people find faith in religious sects such as scientology - then good for them. In the grand scheme of things - is this really that important of a subject? Or are we mad that they are pouring their money into non-traditional forms of religion?

No, it's an evil organization.

The evil I spoke about is not from what the members do, or the knowledge they pay so dearly to attain. Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Kirstie Allie are not evil people. The stories about space planes, and thetans and Xenu are not evil. It's what what Scientology, the institution, does to those who oppose it that makes it evil. The 'Church' of Scientology sues people to pieces who leave or try to expose its teachings. Folks lives have been wrecked for going public about it.

You need to look into it more. You will be surprised. Ask yourself for starters, why most anti-Scientology websites are hosted outside of the U.S.

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Guest Gichin13
Originally posted by T.E.G.

Cult? Perhaps.

Evil? :rolleyes:

Sometimes I think people take such things like this too seriously. How are Scientologists really any different that any other religious sect? Is it because they are non-denominational?

As a Christian myself (Lutheran) - I tend to think that if people find faith in religious sects such as scientology - then good for them. In the grand scheme of things - is this really that important of a subject? Or are we mad that they are pouring their money into non-traditional forms of religion?

I think the problem is more the widespread belief that this group is:

1. A cult

2. Uses brain washing techniques to hard sell adherents

3. Has engaged in seriously sharp business and personal tactics (like hiring PIs to ruin critics, attacking people who have left church)

4. Multiple huge verdicts against the "Church" demonstrate 1-3

5. Is based on the premise of a sci-fi writer wanting to create a cult to make money

6. Had serious IRS investigations and jail sentences involved

7. Packages serious junk for people to believe (although that is, as others have noted, in the eye of the beholder particularly when weighed against other relgious beliefs and doctrines)

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Originally posted by Spaceman Spiff

I talked to a friend the other day who lives out in the LA area. She was working in a doctors office and the doctor was a scientologist, but she didn't think anything of it. The doctor signed my friend up for this thing at the local cult building for some business class. My friend went, and at the end of it they started asking her personal questions and stuff and tried to recruit her, it creeped her out.

she also said they had a shrine to Tom Cruise there...what a bunch of freaks.

I live here in Clearwater, which they pretty much own now and about 12 years ago I worked for a scientologist (didn't know when I started), after about 2 weeks I found out he didn't even have workmens comp, back then if you had 6 employees or less they didn't have to. So I made him give me another dollar to cover insurance cost. But I still didn't stay long. I was using an A-frame cherry picker on wheels to load 400 pound Steel plates on a mill. the hydraulic cylinder was going bad and I hade to keep pumping the handle as I move plate over mill, it was not safe. so I tell him he needs to fix it before someone gets hurt. he tells me if I think someone will get hurt then thats why they would get hurt. The guy was a freak. So I said LOOK if you drive around without brakes tailgating everyone sooner or later your going to rearend someone PERIOD. he just shook his head and walked away. A couple weeks later I gave him my resignation and he says my work wasn't up to par anyway. I told him don't even try that bull**** cause he would have fired me if I wasn't making him money. FREAKS!!!! then he tells me I wouldn't make over $11.00 and hour where I was going. what a Dumb A$$ I started at that and that was over 11 years ago and about another $12.00 an hour. FREAKS!!!!!! I'll bet he's still pumping all his profits into that cult.:dunce:

Sorry mods I should of used the stars myself, thanks for correcting!!!

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