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Practical Joke Ideas

The Sisko

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I need to get a co-worker back for a practical joke she played on me. We have some really creative and yes, eeeevil posters on the board so I thought I'd ask for ideas.

I need something really funny yet relatively harmless. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated as I am somewhat creatively challenged and can only come up with the usual stuff that's been done a million times.

Many thanks. MUHAHAHAHA:evil:

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I posted this before, but when I was younger I put saran wrap over the toilet bowl. my sister didn't find it too funny though.

Not sure that would be appropriate for you though :laugh:

One of the best things to do though is open up his/her computer and open MWord. Go to the spelling check options, and customize it so that every time he/she types a certain word, another word will take its place.

i.e. every time he/she types "the", it is replaced with "duh", etc.

Also, prying the keyboard keys off the keyboard, rearranging them, and putting them all back is a classic.

good luck, I'll try and think of some more.

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Saran wrap on the toilet.

EDIT: **** BEAT ME TO IT!!!!

Great minds, I guess.

Also, before she comes into work some day, just tin foil everything on her desk, her chair, her garbage can, her actual desk, her pencils, her pens, everything in her drawers... everything... It's comedic gold.

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Some great ideas folks. However I'd be hard pressed to get into a women's restroom without getting caught.

I work in a hospital FWIW so we don't have individual work stations/computers etc. Everybody shares them all the time so it wouldn't only affect her.

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Wait until some night when she has to work late and then when she goes down to her car in the parking lot, hide behind one of the pillars. As she goes to open her car door, prank her with a crowbar.

It's comedic gold!

what, you think that's too violent? you're not a stiffly stifferson are you?

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Do you have a sink where employees wash dishes and such? If you do, do you have one of those little "guns" that you can squeeze the handle and have water squirt out?

If you do, a personal favorite of mine is to wrap some scotch tape around the handle and point the gun towards the center of the sink (where someone would stand).

When they turn on the water, bam, water squirts all over their shirt. It's been my experience that people are so surprised that they are getting soaked that it takes a few seconds to realize what is going on and turn off the water. They usually get pretty wet and miserable.

Now, how do you make sure you get this young lady and only this young lady? Well, that I can't help you with. I say just start putting tape around the handle every morning and hope you get lucky. ;)

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If she leaves a coat or over-shirt draped over a chair, staple it to the chair. Or...staple the sleeves shut at the cuffs.

My personal favorite, although it wouldn't work in a hospital. I worked in an aircraft hangar. We had safety showers set up around the hangar. I had a desk on the hangar floor right across from one of the showers. I super-glued some quarters to the ground right below the shower, then ran some cable from the shower handle to my desk. When someone would walk by, I'd say "hey did you drop that change?" When they bent down....they got a bath. :D

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There is a pest control chemical called Malathion. This stuff smells like the WORST fart ever. Put a little on a tissue and then put it at the bottem of a trash can. Every time somebody walks by her work station, they'll think she ripped a juicy one.

I did this once back in High School. I took Horticulture and knew what the chemical smelled like and was used to it. I put some in the trash can before anyone else walked into the classroom and then I walked out. I then walked back in when class started. After people sat down, they started noticing it and accused each other of "Cutting a BIG ONE." It was so hard for me not to laugh my a$$ off. Now that I'm thinking of it, I gotta do that again, maybe at a bar.

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When she is not looking put vaseline or lotion all over the ear piece of her telephone and then call her desk from your cell phone as your hiding and watching. It will take her a few seconds to realize that her ear is wet with something "odd"

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I think what you should do is; dress up in a ninja outfit, go running in with a sword, and just go jump off the desk and chop her hands off. While she lies there bleeding, and begging for mercy, start laughing, take off your mask, give her her hands and say "Haha! Tricked you!! You thought I was a real ninja. You're so stupid!!".

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Originally posted by Yusuf06

I need to get a co-worker back for a practical joke she played on me. We have some really creative and yes, eeeevil posters on the board so I thought I'd ask for ideas.

I need something really funny yet relatively harmless. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated as I am somewhat creatively challenged and can only come up with the usual stuff that's been done a million times.

Many thanks. MUHAHAHAHA:evil:

Wait until she leaves work one day, stay late and wrap everything, everything i mean everything in foil. Either that or you can blow up her house. There is a show that is on the Sci Fi ccalled scare tactics. They will literally scare the piss out of her.

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Originally posted by GoSkins561

Wait until she leaves work one day, stay late and wrap everything, everything i mean everything in foil.

Psst... that one was already covered on page one... pfft... get with the program :)

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Originally posted by KDawg

Psst... that one was already covered on page one... pfft... get with the program :)

Pssssssst Psssssssssssst............... Show me where, Foil wasnt Mentioned once on the first page. Take your time to read before calling some one out.

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Great ideas guys. So far I'd have to rank scaring her in the parking garage and stapling her sleeves tops. Not that the other stuff isn't good, just not as likely to be pulled off without "collateral damage".

I knew somebody would ask what she did to me. It was a classic--simple yet highly effective. She put a "Return to Psych. Ward" sticker on my back. I didn't realize it and walked around with it on for 3 or 4 hours. I kept wondering why everyone was snickering and laughing. When I found out I got a really good laugh out of it. So now I need the mother of all harmless practical jokes.

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