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Darrell Green Questioned in Early '80s Homicide Investigation


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Originally posted by sKiNs5203

DG is a dickhead to fans though.

I've met Darrell Green and he was awesome.. It was a one on one meeting, maybe he's different in crowds I dunno.. But he sat there and talked for like 20 minutes.. I hadto actually end the conversation because I was supposed to be getting married 2 hours from then lol.. Damn wife!

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Originally posted by Jay Master Jay

25 years later you bring up something about D. Green right after S. Taylor is charged and you say there is no comparison? Then why bring it up and what difference does it make now if you're not making a comparison. You woke up this morning and wondered if anyone remember D. Green and the incident?

This is already getting seriously off-topic.

Again, I'm not comparing Taylor and Green.



Taylor's incident (via trains of thought that are far too boring and off-topic to detail here) reminded me that Darrell was once questioned in regard to a homicide. I was convinced (still am) that someone amongst the huge reservoir of Skins fans here would recall the specifics of Darrell's questioning.

So, again, anyone recall the specifics?

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I wonder if these fans of Darrell that get disappointed in him are doing things like:

1. Asking for an autograph when he's trying to enjoy a nice dinner with his wife.

2. Asking for his autograph when he's with his kids.

3. Asking for his an autograph when he's in the men's room.

All of these things are just plain rude. Honestly fans need to have some common sense when they approach players. Yes they are rich and famous but that doesn't give you the right to be obnoxious to them outside of the sports arena.

However inside the stadium boo all you want if they cost us the game! :)

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DG is a great guy. I'll post my favorite DG story, ive met him several times:

I grew up in Ashburn, went to HS at Broad Run which is about 3 miles from Redskins park (this is 1996), so naturally, a bunch of skins live in the area. Anyways, late afternoon myself and 4 of my buddy's are walking out of subway and we see #28 walking out of the adjacent Giant Foods carrying a few sacks of groceries with his wife. My buddy Ben walks right up to him and says with a straight face "hey, i hear you are pretty fast.....wanna race?"

So in the middle of the parking lot wearing penny loafers and with his wife standing to the side shaking her head, Darrell Green raced 5 high school kids, dusted us, then signed autographs and chatted us up for 10 minutes while his milk and eggs got warm.

I would have beaten him, but i had just eaten a footlong meatball sub.

I will never ever forget that. It was awesome. This must be the 3rd time ive posted that story on this board, i never get tired of telling it.

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Originally posted by Dickens

I wonder if these fans of Darrell that get disappointed in him are doing things like:

1. Asking for an autograph when he's trying to enjoy a nice dinner with his wife.

2. Asking for his autograph when he's with his kids.

3. Asking for his an autograph when he's in the men's room.

All of these things are just plain rude. Honestly fans need to have some common sense when they approach players. Yes they are rich and famous but that doesn't give you the right to be obnoxious to them outside of the sports arena.

However inside the stadium boo all you want if they cost us the game! :)

Agreed. I'm a nobody and there are times when I don't have the time to chat with total strangers. I could imagine it would get old to have 50 people ask for your autograph and dozens wanting to shake your hand when all your doing in a grocery store is buying milk. You think you've just about sneaked out without anyone noticing and suddenly one person recognizes you and then you are crowded and you're a dick if you don't acknowledge everyone. I can understand. Why should the guy have to sign 20 autos and have his meal interrupted every 5 minutes when he's on a date with his wife?

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Originally posted by Dickens

I wonder if these fans of Darrell that get disappointed in him are doing things like:

1. Asking for an autograph when he's trying to enjoy a nice dinner with his wife.

2. Asking for his autograph when he's with his kids.

3. Asking for his an autograph when he's in the men's room.

I don't see why he wouldn't sign in those situations if fans would just show him a little courtesy by:

1. Holding his knife and fork while he signs.

2. Holding his kids while he signs.

3. Holding his... :doh:

Nevermind! I don't need his autograph that badly.

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I'm sure that there is SOMEONE who could name a bad experience with every player in the league! Give me a break. I doubt you could find run into many NFL players who would be better with people than Green.

I have personal experience with Darrell Green and it was great. I was 11 years old and he was at the Wintergreen ski resort with Charles Mann and Ken Coffey I think. I was at a breakfast buffet line, and Darrell was right behind me. I started talking to him, and he was very nice and conversational. I asked him "Are you going to return more punts for touchdowns next year?" With a big smile on your face that I'm sure all of you can picture, he said, "If Coach Gibbs lets me!"

For an 11 year old, this of course made my year. Charles was very quiet but I don't hold that against him - he probably wasn't as outgoing. Even funnier was seeing Charles Mann snowplowing down the bunny slope. I guess with these modern contracts that wouldn't have been allowed but they all seemed to be having a good time.

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Originally posted by PleaseBlitz

DG is a great guy. I'll post my favorite DG story, ive met him several times:

I grew up in Ashburn, went to HS at Broad Run which is about 3 miles from Redskins park (this is 1996), so naturally, a bunch of skins live in the area. Anyways, late afternoon myself and 4 of my buddy's are walking out of subway and we see #28 walking out of the adjacent Giant Foods carrying a few sacks of groceries with his wife. My buddy Ben walks right up to him and says with a straight face "hey, i hear you are pretty fast.....wanna race?"

So in the middle of the parking lot wearing penny loafers and with his wife standing to the side shaking her head, Darrell Green raced 5 high school kids, dusted us, then signed autographs and chatted us up for 10 minutes while his milk and eggs got warm.

I would have beaten him, but i had just eaten a footlong meatball sub.

I will never ever forget that. It was awesome. This must be the 3rd time ive posted that story on this board, i never get tired of telling it.

that's a good story.

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I know I'm not the only one to have a negative experience with Darrell Green, especially late in his career. From what I was told after I shared the experience with several other Redskins fans, DG started making his autograph a paid commodity to support his charitable organization, and would not just sign for free for fans anymore.

It still pissed me off. My brother was like 12 at the time, and was a huge fan. I had press credetials at RFK and had a chance to meet him after a pre-season game, and he flat-out refused to sign a football card for my brother.

Hell, even Charley Taylor, who is very wary of collectors hounding him for autographs, agreed to sign for my kid brother. So, don't give me this "DG was probably eating or playing with his kids or in the men's room" crap. He was a tool about it, and I'm not the only one it happened to.

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Originally posted by Jay Master Jay

25 years later you bring up something about D. Green right after S. Taylor is charged and you say there is no comparison? Then why bring it up and what difference does it make now if you're not making a comparison. You woke up this morning and wondered if anyone remember D. Green and the incident?

Exactly! Can't post stuff like this and say that no comparisons were meant to be drawn. What prompted this post?

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Originally posted by PleaseBlitz

DG is a great guy. I'll post my favorite DG story, ive met him several times:

I grew up in Ashburn, went to HS at Broad Run which is about 3 miles from Redskins park (this is 1996), so naturally, a bunch of skins live in the area. Anyways, late afternoon myself and 4 of my buddy's are walking out of subway and we see #28 walking out of the adjacent Giant Foods carrying a few sacks of groceries with his wife. My buddy Ben walks right up to him and says with a straight face "hey, i hear you are pretty fast.....wanna race?"

So in the middle of the parking lot wearing penny loafers and with his wife standing to the side shaking her head, Darrell Green raced 5 high school kids, dusted us, then signed autographs and chatted us up for 10 minutes while his milk and eggs got warm.

I would have beaten him, but i had just eaten a footlong meatball sub.

I will never ever forget that. It was awesome. This must be the 3rd time ive posted that story on this board, i never get tired of telling it.

that is awesome! :laugh: just made my afternoon hearing that one

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Originally posted by FranklinNoble

I know I'm not the only one to have a negative experience with Darrell Green, especially late in his career. From what I was told after I shared the experience with several other Redskins fans, DG started making his autograph a paid commodity to support his charitable organization, and would not just sign for free for fans anymore.

It still pissed me off. My brother was like 12 at the time, and was a huge fan. I had press credetials at RFK and had a chance to meet him after a pre-season game, and he flat-out refused to sign a football card for my brother.

Okay, so he decided to make a personal policy to only sign autographs if it will benefit his children's foundation? What's wrong with that? It's not like he's pocketing the money - he's trying to help underpriveleged children!!! He's using his celebrity status (and $$ worth that his autograph on a football card might bring) to try to raise money to help better a child's life. You could be just getting his signature to go sell his card and make money - he doesn't know what your motivations are. I know your brother was there, but still, knowing his reasons for doing that, I don't think that means he is rude to fans. He simply has what is to him a more important goal in mind to signing autographs. He didn't cuss you out, he just was following his personal policy.

I understand it might have hurt your brother, but honestly, him having this policy, in light of so many other positive interactions that myself and several others have had, does not to me somehow "prove" he's overall bad to fans. It means he has higher priorities than giving his signature for free, that's all.

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Okay, so he decided to make a personal policy to only sign autographs if it will benefit his children's foundation? What's wrong with that? It's not like he's pocketing the money - he's trying to help underpriveleged children!!! He's using his celebrity status (and $$ worth that his autograph on a football card might bring) to try to raise money to help better a child's life.

A kid should never be denied an autograph in that type of situation. PERIOD. He could have at least signed the thing and asked the adult with, "Would you like to make a donation to my foundation for underpriveleged children?"

You could be just getting his signature to go sell his card and make money - he doesn't know what your motivations are.

:rolleyes: Geez. This was even before eBay existed. A child, who is a big Skins fan and was at the stadium, probably wearing a Skins hat, shirt, etc., is not very likely to go sell that football card to a hobby shop. Give me a break. The fans pay the players' salaries. It's that simple! By purchasing the football cards, they contributed money to the league, which in turn shares that revenue.

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Some of you guys need to seriously chill. The original poster was comparing the incidents, not the men. I thought it was an interesting post. Besides, NONE of you know DG or ST well enough to know that they are all that different. For all we know, the latest incident with Taylor could be the wake up call that he needed that causes him to get his head on straight. He could still go on to have a great career as a Redskin.

It seems like any time somebody posts something a little out of the box, or god forbid and unconfirmed rumor, a gang of you go on the attack.

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Originally posted by ChocolateCitySkin

I've been questioned in two homicide investigations... Whats your point?

There isn't a point. At least not the one that people seem to think I'm making.

I'm not saying anything about Green's character. I'm not saying anything about Taylor's character. I like Darrell Green. Heck, I once put together a 30 minute Darrell Green highlight reel for grins. At one point, I knew more about Darrell's footspeed and NFL's Fastest Man races than anyone I'd ever met. There is absolutely no comparison that I'm trying to make between DG and Taylor.

Simply put: Taylor's shenanigans in south Florida triggered the vague memory I had of Darrell being questioned once by police during a homicide investigation.

At that point, I wondered if anyone here remembered the details of the story because I was curious to learn what they were. Simple as that.

I'm surprised no one seems to remember anything about this.

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Well, WV, were you personally offended to by DG, or was it just secondhand knowledge from others? Your opinion on signing the card and mine happen to differ. I think if that's his way of trying to help the kids, I don't have a problem with it. If he acted like a jerk, fine but if he politely said that he cannot sign because of a policy he has (not for PERSONAL gain but to help his children's organization), I don't fault him for that.

My main point is I had a great experience with him as an 11 year old, as did ALL Redskins fans that I had ever talked to or met, before this thread.

The guy is a class act based on the opinion of 99% of Redskins fans, and I'm not going to let the 1% change my opinion of one of the greatest men and players to wear a Redskins uniform.

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Originally posted by dannyboy70

Exactly! Can't post stuff like this and say that no comparisons were meant to be drawn. What prompted this post?

I *can* post stuff like that and say that no comparisons are meant to be drawn, because:

1. I didn't intend for there to be any comparisons, and

2. I very clearly stated that my intent was not to compare them.

I don't know whether it's amusing or frustrating that you feel so comfortable telling me what my intent was. But no matter.

At this point, if it expedites the conversation to where I actually wanted it to go, fine, I'm a heartless villain for typing "Darrell Green" within 50 yards of "Sean Taylor."

What I'm interested in is whether or not anyone can fill in more details surrounding the case in which Darrell was questioned.

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Originally posted by WVSkins79

:rolleyes: Geez. This was even before eBay existed. A child, who is a big Skins fan and was at the stadium, probably wearing a Skins hat, shirt, etc., is not very likely to go sell that football card to a hobby shop. Give me a break.

Boy I don't know. I've seen 11-12 yo kids in Busch Stadium with backpack full of cards or 8x10 trying to get one player to sign 4-5 of the same 8x10. Being a kid makes it easy to get the auto and these baseball players would be signing a line of fans' thing not paying attention to who is standing above them and when they get their 8x10 auto'd they just move further in the back of the line. One kid had even told me that's how he got his spending money. I aksed him why he had several of the same 8x10s. Told me he turned and sold the 8x10s and cards to a card shop dealer and taking photos on a throwaway camera as it's being signed for proof.

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Originally posted by PleaseBlitz

DG is a great guy. I'll post my favorite DG story, ive met him several times:

I grew up in Ashburn, went to HS at Broad Run which is about 3 miles from Redskins park (this is 1996), so naturally, a bunch of skins live in the area. Anyways, late afternoon myself and 4 of my buddy's are walking out of subway and we see #28 walking out of the adjacent Giant Foods carrying a few sacks of groceries with his wife. My buddy Ben walks right up to him and says with a straight face "hey, i hear you are pretty fast.....wanna race?"

So in the middle of the parking lot wearing penny loafers and with his wife standing to the side shaking her head, Darrell Green raced 5 high school kids, dusted us, then signed autographs and chatted us up for 10 minutes while his milk and eggs got warm.

I would have beaten him, but i had just eaten a footlong meatball sub.

I will never ever forget that. It was awesome. This must be the 3rd time ive posted that story on this board, i never get tired of telling it.

Thats a very cool story.

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Originally posted by sKiNs5203

DG is a dickhead to fans though.

He can't respond to ALL the fans, so he probably doesn't respond to big crowds, cause a Man like that wouldn't want to acknowledge a few and ignore the many. try holding up a check for his charitable foundation because he gives to the giving.


MAN THIS ******* ******* NEEDS A BREAK!!!:jerkoff:

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Originally posted by Khun Kao

radagast5, you took the words out of my mouth. I was about to post a rebuttal to everyone myself

C'mon people! Reading is Fundamental. (so is Reading Comprehension)

Please remember to read a persons ENTIRE POST before commenting..... you're likely to miss some details.

His point was clear!!! So does anyone remember? I don't think I ever heard that.

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Originally posted by herrmag

I've heard that before, but my experiences with him were always positive. A friend of mine that lived next door to him would always ask him to throw the ball around with us and he would. Sometimes only for 10 min's. Now that I think about it, ONLY 10 minutes?! What a jerk!:laugh:

That would be unbelievable!! I would love to throw football with DG

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Originally posted by sKiNs5203

DG is a dickhead to fans though.

I saw DG as a fan probally 25 times, the only thing he would NEVER do for me was sign a football card. He was always very nice to me and would sign what ever paper or shirt I asked him to.

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