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Darrell Green Questioned in Early '80s Homicide Investigation


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Don't be alarmed by the subject title, but all of this talk about Sean Taylor reminded me that once upon a time, #28 was questioned as part of an investigation into a homicide.

As I recall, this happened in maybe 1981 or so. I think Darrell had gone to college for a couple of years, dropped out for a semester or two and then returned to school. During that time, a friend, or roommate, or cousin (I really forget the details, if I ever knew them) was killed and Darrell was somehow involved in the investigation. He was not a suspect of course, but apparently someone the police interviewed in connection with the death.

Lest the oversensitive types think I'm drawing a connection between Taylor and Darrell, I'm not. The two seem worlds apart in terms of character and accountability. Taylor's situation simply reminded me that DG had been part of an investigation ages ago. Again: there was no sense of impropriety on Darrell's part.

Any DG fans out there remember the specifics?

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Originally posted by radagast5

Don't be alarmed by the subject title, but all of this talk about Sean Taylor reminded me that once upon a time, #28 was questioned as part of an investigation into a homicide.

As I recall, this happened in maybe 1981 or so. I think Darrell had gone to college for a couple of years, dropped out for a semester or two and then returned to school. During that time, a friend, or roommate, or cousin (I really forget the details, if I ever knew them) was killed and Darrell was somehow involved in the investigation. He was not a suspect of course, but apparently someone the police interviewed in connection with the death.

Lest the oversensitive types think I'm drawing a connection between Taylor and Darrell, I'm not. The two seem worlds apart in terms of character and accountability. Taylor's situation simply reminded me that DG had been part of an investigation ages ago. Again: there was no sense of impropriety on Darrell's part.

Any DG fans out there remember the specifics?

DG's situation is nothing like ST so I'm failing to make the connection..

DG didn't wave his gun in anyone's face or attack anyone..

For the record, I don't think he was ever arrested for drunk driving and then found innocent or walked out of a NFL rookie meeting, or do I ever remember him holding out for a new contract one year into a contract, if at all.

He did run really fast though

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Originally posted by sKiNs5203

DG is a dickhead to fans though.

I've heard that before, but my experiences with him were always positive. A friend of mine that lived next door to him would always ask him to throw the ball around with us and he would. Sometimes only for 10 min's. Now that I think about it, ONLY 10 minutes?! What a jerk!:laugh:

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"Lest the oversensitive types think I'm drawing a connection between Taylor and Darrell, I'm not. The two seem worlds apart in terms of character and accountability. Taylor's situation simply reminded me that DG had been part of an investigation ages ago. Again: there was no sense of impropriety on Darrell's part"

he's not comparing...he's just asking people if they remember the specifics of what happened...:doh:

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Originally posted by skns4life

"Lest the oversensitive types think I'm drawing a connection between Taylor and Darrell, I'm not. The two seem worlds apart in terms of character and accountability. Taylor's situation simply reminded me that DG had been part of an investigation ages ago. Again: there was no sense of impropriety on Darrell's part"

he's not comparing...he's just asking people if they remember the specifics of what happened...:doh:

I think I remember. It was a weird murder case involving a midget, some duck tape, and for some strange reason a mummified duck.

Darrell was questioned because they had found three midgets handcuffed in Darrells basement but it turns out they were there of their own free will.

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This post is Hillarious. Ive met Darrell Green and he was nothing but nice. But I can imagine somebody having their bad days where they dont want to deal with anybody and maybe saying no to some autographs seekers.

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DG seems to be 50/50 with fans, no pun intended. I've met him twice, the first time while he was shopping in the Home Depot in Sterling, and has been nothing but gracious and thankful each time. Even remembered my Sister, who was with me the first time. For every person who has a great experience with him, there seems to be another one who says he comes across as a total tool, though.


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From a fan perspective, I've met Darrell many times, and he was okay - but not overly-friendly. He smiles and shakes your hand, but he isn't the kind of guy who'd look you in the eyes and ask you a question and genuinely listen to your response. He seems like he is going through the motions a bit, which is what you'd expect from someone who shakes hands with hundreds of people a day. For one function, he didn't even ask my name or personalize his message - he had a woman from his foundation write "to Danny -" and he shook my hand and signed his name under it. The thing with Darrell is that he may not really care so much about meeting you and wanting to know what you do, but he does care about raising money for kids - and that's what he does - that's his mission. And it's cool with me. It's a much bigger deal for kids, and that's what it's all about.

Trying to compare the ST incident with D Green is really clutching at straws. It's almost laughable. ST hasn't a shred of respect or decency - he's the anti-Darrell. We know that he hit a guy at the very least - and most probably pulled a gun on someone. I don't think this is going to be trumped up - ST will probably go to jail for a while, and deservedly so. He is everything I hate about the modern player and D Green is everything I love about yesterdays player. There really is no thread to connect these two, other than the Redskins.

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I met DG once when I was 15 at Rick Walker's Scoreboard... and honestly he was luke warm. I don't blame atheletes for being hesitant in public though. I mean, imagine if you had complete strangers walking up to you everywhere you go. For me, that would get extremely old pretty quick. Sometimes you just want to relax and not be bothered. Probably a similar feeling us regular people get when we get a telemarketer calling.

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Despite my attempts to prevent it, several people seem to think I'm stupid enough to compare Sean Taylor to Darrell Green.

To wit:

DannyBoy wrote: "Trying to compare the ST incident with D Green is really clutching at straws. It's almost laughable."

DanBee wrote: "Please tell me your not comparing Sean Talyors situation to Darrell Green!"

Jay Master Jay wrote: "D. Green being questioned has nothing to do with Taylor missing workouts, not answering a HOF coach calls, and making the organization look bad. D. Green did nothing but positive things as a REDSKIN."

I'm curious: did you guys not read beyond the subject heading? Criminy, gang, I realize that jumping to conclusions is about the only exercise we get these days, but really...

Please notice I specifically wrote: "Lest the oversensitive types think I'm drawing a connection between Taylor and Darrell, I'm not. The two seem worlds apart in terms of character and accountability. Taylor's situation simply reminded me that DG had been part of an investigation ages ago."

To clarifyi: I'm NOT comparing the two people. Nor was I comparing the incidents. One just reminded me of the other.

That said, does anyone remember the details of that murder investigation?

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radagast5, you took the words out of my mouth. I was about to post a rebuttal to everyone myself

C'mon people! Reading is Fundamental. (so is Reading Comprehension)

Please remember to read a persons ENTIRE POST before commenting..... you're likely to miss some details.

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25 years later you bring up something about D. Green right after S. Taylor is charged and you say there is no comparison? Then why bring it up and what difference does it make now if you're not making a comparison. You woke up this morning and wondered if anyone remember D. Green and the incident?

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ive heard mixed things about Darrell Green too. He's great to the media obviously. Has his organizations which are good. However, seems like the 'meeting fans' thing has gotten too much for him. I keep hearing different experiences about meeting the guy.

To contrast, I hear that anyone who has met Lavar loves the guy for how nice and cordial he was, or Ramsey (there was a poster who met him in the mall and posted pics together), or Springs even (think Blondie had good things to say about him), even Smoot.

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D. Green is a retired player why are we bringing skeletons out of his closet? Not that is matters but I'm curious if I met Dexter Manley I would be glad because he was a good football player. What these guys do off the field especially when they quit the game has nothing to do with us.

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