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Everything posted by EmirOfShmo

  1. Grilled some turkey cutlets i got at Kroger (discounted/short dated) with salt & pepper. The star of the show was this cauliflower from Trader Joe's. Spicy but damn good - cooked them in a toaster oven so I didn't have to turn on the oven. Next time I'll put them on the grill. Spicy good stuff....
  2. ...to add to the above: be careful how it impacts international travel as well. I watched a US citizen try to explain to a Canadian Border cop why his DWI conviction from 8 years ago shouldn't stop his entry into Canada. It didnt end well.
  3. Follow-Up question: Cruella, so why the **** won't the White House Occupant tell people to put on a mask?
  4. I spoke with a county schoolteacher yesterday. He said both Richmond suburb counties (Chesterfield & Henrico) are planning on a 4 day school week for kids with the off day either Monday or Wednesday to be used as teacher planning day. The students will only have 4 courses each semester - effectively learning an entire year subject in a semester. They're still deciding which day of the week will be used for planning. We didn't talk about the class setup and/or cleaning, distancing, etc.
  5. Generally I'd say to plan 1.5 hours per pound at 225 degrees. BUT, I almost always plan 5-6 hours for a 3 lb pork butt and hope it's done in 4.5 hrs. If it's done earlier, I wrap it in foil & a large towel & place it inside a cooler until I'm ready to eat. What did you use to check the smoker temp? I've never used an electric smoker/grill so I don't know how accurate the built in thermometer is. I NEVER use the grill thermometer as a guide for the grill temp (they are almost always inaccurate). I use a dual thermometer (~$30) to use for both the grill & meat.
  6. WATCH NOW: Anti-eviction protest ends with arrests, window smashed at downtown Richmond courthouse https://www.richmond.com/special-report/coronavirus/watch-now-anti-eviction-protests-ends-with-arrests-window-smashed-at-downtown-richmond-courthouse/article_70945a9f-4830-5d5d-86b5-5405dba2adc8.html
  7. Told my wife: No Vaccine No haircut Old man white long hair starting to bother her. Been over 120 days. Oh well...
  8. Not sure where you are but CVS has drive thru free testing. https://www.cvs.com/minuteclinic/covid-19-testing
  9. I ate 1/4 of a ham & cheese sandwich on Sunday before I realized the crust I consumed was covered in blue-green mold. BLEH We've been buying a loaf of bread on most grocery visits & putting it in the freezer until needed. It works fine with English muffins but bread only lasts a few days after thawing. Gonna have to go back to only buying it when we need it.
  10. Now accepting enrollment applications to my new "School of the Flying Spaghetti Monster" (aka Pastafarians).
  11. Are we going to get a SCOTUS ruling on White House Occupant's taxes this week?
  12. Yeah, I hear you. Make plans to move in with family or friends? I've heard some advertisements in Richmond about housing assistance money but don't know the details. Sounded like a new source of money.
  13. Eviction suspension ends Sunday, June 28th in Virginia. I hope people are prepared for this.
  14. ...and Virginia is starting Phase 3 on July 1st. Northam doesn't look like the dumbass chicken**** Governor he was portrayed to be a 4-6 weeks ago. Edit: Oh...and **** you Ted. Your master spoke. You choose now to go against his wishes? Eat a bag a dicks.
  15. I meant to post this back in April. We've known Paul since he moved across the street from us shortly after taking the job at VCU. His tennis coaching record speaks for itself. His men's team lost to Stanford in the 2000 Finals. I know he'll miss the competition but he's earned a well deserved retirement. https://www.wearecollegetennis.com/2020/04/14/legendary-vcu-tennis-coach-paul-kostin-retiring-after-30-years/ Longtime VCU Tennis Coach Paul Kostin, who molded the VCU Men’s and Women’s Tennis programs into national powerhouses and once led the Rams to within a victory of a national championship, announced his retirement Tuesday. “I am grateful for Paul’s 30 years as tennis coach, teacher and mentor to VCU’s student-athletes,” said VCU President Dr. Michael Rao, Ph.D. “As coach, Paul guided the tennis teams to national prominence. As a teacher and mentor, he guided student-athletes to promising futures beyond the court and classroom. Coach Kostin is VCU, and we will all miss him. I wish him well in his retirement.”
  16. This country needs to kneel down everyday & pray for the Central Americans that keep the food supply working. I can't tell you how many food plants I've been to across the country that are staffed with 95-99% Central Americans who work in jobs that no American would think about doing. And not in the normal places you would think of - try Abbotsford, WI where almost 100% of the workers at the pork sausage & beef plants are Central Americans. Look at it on a map - lilly white America with a huge population of Central Americans who decided cold as **** WI is a great place to migrate to. Who knew? To see Desantis degrade these people is disgusting. **** him. Especially in a state that depends so ****ing much on the migrant workers to work the fields to keep us fed. Someone needs to drag his ass out to the fields in Plant City, FL to pick the strawberries in the strawberry capital of the world. Maybe then he would appreciate the work of these people. Seriously, **** him.
  17. Yeah, this season is over. I hate typing that but that's the reality. And college football & NFL are next on the list of not happening. Unless a miracle vaccine/cure is developed in the next couple of weeks sports in 2020 are over.
  18. I drove down Monument Avenue yesterday around noon to see the damage along the street. First time since C19 isolation in mid-March. The paint on the Ashe statue had been removed. There was a story on the local news showing a group of people scrubbing it off the base of the statue.
  19. Re: Antifa Repelers I think I hear the faint sounds of CSNY warming up for a redo in Bethel, OH. Tin soldiers & repelers coming We're finally on our own...
  20. A lot of places in Virginia get the day off. BUT, it's referred to as Lee-Jackson-King (Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson) day. And it took a while for them to add MLK to the name but it was always a holiday.
  21. Just got back from a trip to Costco: Lots of beef, very little fresh pork, some fresh & organic chicken wings (both of these were new items I've never seen there), very few bags of frozen chicken breasts/thighs. Out of: organic & regular Kirkland brand fresh chicken (wings, breasts, thighs, drumsticks), bacon (except the specialty $$ variety). I need to find out what day they restock the meats after the weekend rush.
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