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Everything posted by DazedSkinsfan

  1. Hell picking him over Gonzales is a fireable offense
  2. I hate hate our coach and front office more for picking this guy
  3. It's only good against teams that pick higher than us in the draft
  4. I'm about 2 minutes behind with my streaming so I feel his pain lol
  5. Naa, we're just not on the same level with teams like Philly and Buffalo. They're a step above in talent and coaching.
  6. Hurts made that look too easy. I'm calling a quick 3 and out and the route is on. Same ole same ole with this defense
  7. Seems like the trend these past few years have been talking about how high are we picking in the upcoming draft by early October, then out of the blue we get that upset win against some opponent that should have beat us in the dirt and afterwards we go on a short hot streak before fizzling out. Unfortunately that upset win isn't going to be this week. Die Eagles Die 34 Good guys 13 With this oline, I just don't see much hope for the remainder of this season.
  8. Crazy to think how close we were to being undefeated that year!!! What a magical time to be a fan. I'm holding on to the hope that our new owners can bring in the right people to get us back to those glory days.
  9. I'd like to think that Harris and his group started a GM search secretly for a while now. Least I hope so.....I just can't understand Ron and the front office neglecting the very position group that protects your young QB.
  10. I guess with Dallas about to lose the the Cardinals saves otherwise a terrible football weekend for me.
  11. Reality slapped this team in the face today. I think the ceiling is 8 wins and that's a stretch in my opinion. I can't wait until Ron and this front office is replaced with competent and forward thinking football minds.
  12. Is it safe to say we finally have a QB now??? I didn't see the game but sounds like he played great. I am reluctant to get too excited just yet but sounds like we might finally have some hope at QB now.
  13. I understand where you're coming from, I think we all would rather win pretty but at the end of the day, we're 2 and 0 and Dan's a distant memory. This not so pretty 2 and 0 feels soooo much better than anything we experienced with Danny boy in charge
  14. I was stuck at work today and missed the game but how did he look today??
  15. Wayyyy back in 2007 I attended the home game against the giants with some buddies from work. I'll never forget us getting half drunk in the parking lot before the game and a gentleman came by and gave us a Hail Skins and told us he was from Baton Rouge. You weren't at that game by any chance were you?? LOL.....Anyways, pretty darn cool to see we have some fans from that part of the country!!!
  16. Almost 30 years of football horror has finally come to an end. Just think, this time last year none of us had a clue that July 20th 2023 would be the historical day that we thought we would never see. Good times are coming boys and girls!!!
  17. He can walk right out with Snyder in my opinion. Hell of a college player, but has done nothing to impress me since he's been here.
  18. Your last paragraph says it all. We have something that we haven't had for over 25 years and that's hope. I know Harris and his group doesn't guarantee championships on the field, but we now have the guarantee of hope. All I ask for is a franchise that makes me proud to support. Nice stadium with affordable accommodations, and a all out effort to build a competitive team and successful organization is all I can ask for. With Danny boy none of that was going to happen.
  19. If there's one meme we can't let die its this one!!! Five years from now when we win the super bowl I expect to see this again lol 😆
  20. I'm cool with that, I was never really invested in the rebrand and name issue. I support the team because it's my "home" team. The best way to rebrand in my opinion is winning. If we start winning divisional, conference championships and super bowls then the brand will speak for itself. We'll be too busy celebrating to even think about the rebrand.
  21. I think it's going to take some time to "rebuild" the Fandom of this team. I think you'll first see the old farts like myself coming back initially. You know, the ones that were behind this team back in the 70s and 80s that eventually tired out from year after year of the Snyder failures. Gotta remember that just this time a year ago we all thought we were stuck with this turd for a few more decades. As for the younger folks, it's going to take winning and flash to bring them in and we all know that's going to take some time. Winning cures everything, and people love a winner. The most important thing is the first step necessary for winning has happened, but there are a lot more steps to get to where we want to be. I am proud to say that I was a fan of this team way back in the 80s when winning came easy, and I stuck with them during our darkest days with Snyder. I tried to leave but at the end of the day I just couldn't. Cheers to a new day, and a bright future ahead.
  22. Just as we were about to throw the remote through the TV and say a bunch of rude things to the wife that would put us in the doghouse for a week, Howell throws a beauty to Scary Terry in the corner of the endzone for the game winning touchdown!!!!!! All that's left now is the victory parade
  23. I'm sitting here stranded in the grocery store parking lot with my truck broken down and it's pouring down rain. Not even that can overshadow the joy I feel in my heart right now!!!!! Goodbye Dan!!! Goodbye forever
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