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Everything posted by DazedSkinsfan

  1. Didn't get to see him play at all but what little I've read on him it sounds like he could possibly be a sleeper?? Sounds like he has a pretty high ceiling? It's so frustrating because here we go once again in another off season and question marks on our long term solution at QB
  2. I've been saying for the last few weeks that Dallas is starting to scare me. I know they're famous for choking down the stretch and in the playoffs but that defense is stout and it feels different with that team this year.
  3. Between FA and the draft I feel like we can fix the oline rather quickly and fill in some needs on defense. So that leaves us once again trying to figure out the QB situation. Obviously the way this team is built we're not going to be bad enough to get a high enough draft pick, which in my opinion is a good thing, it proves we're that one key piece away from being a elite team. Do we think about throwing big bucks at a Lamar Jackson, or do we go into the 24 draft looking at a big trade up to get one of these QBs??
  4. Right there with you about JDR, no doubt it's been a crazy turnaround for this defense. Can you imagine just how much better this D can be if Young comes back and plays to his potential??
  5. Just imagine how good our running game will be once we upgrade the oline this off-season. I know the bigger issue is pass protection but the running game can only get better if we can move Cosmi back inside and upgrade the LT and center.
  6. So when it comes to QBs the one name I never see mentioned is Stetson Bennett from Georgia. I'm not football smart enough to pick out strengths and weaknesses but this guy plays against the top talent in college and all he does is win. What's missing with his game? Footwork? Arm strength? Size? Maybe I'm wayyyy off but something about him reminds me of Romo a little bit, especially how he moves in the pocket. I know he's a walk on but I'm just trying to figure out what's missing and why his name doesn't come up more often with regard to the draft.
  7. I'm aware of that, and agree he probably won't win it unless we go on to win the superbowl which I probably have a better chance of winning the lottery, but hey, crazier things have happened. Like I said, I've been one of his biggest critics, but with all the off field circumstances and distractions from this organization, you can't deny he's done a great job keeping it together.
  8. If.... big IF, but if this team makes the playoffs then Ron should be the frontrunner for COY. Just a few short weeks ago we were all talking about the #1 overall pick, now we're talking playoffs. I've been one of his biggest critics but it's hard to deny the job he's done under these circumstances
  9. Absolutely!!! Hopefully we have a new owner that can actually entice players like Lamar to come here
  10. I'm too old for this, I swear to God my heart can't take games like this. Can we just have one week where we can blow someone out by like 50 points???
  11. 3 yards and a cloud of dust time!!!! Gotta stop those stupid drive killing penalties. We just can't overcome long yardage situations
  12. I know I've been really tough on Scott Turner, but honestly he can't do much with TH at QB....not letting him off the hook completely, but I think I have a stronger arm than Taylor
  13. Yeah I just saw that posted on Twitter. Saban is way too old to be scrapping like that lol
  14. Did anyone catch Sabans post game interview on the field?? It looks like he went 10 rounds with Tyson. Knuckle was all bruised up and face was scuffed up and bleeding. Did I miss anything???
  15. As much as I'd love to have Young on the roster next year, it would not hurt my feelings one bit if we go heavy on the Oline in the draft. I'm not sure what free agency is looking like but honestly we could fix CB and or Oline if we worked this coming FA correctly. That would free us up more in the draft
  16. Can't remember his name but that TE from Notre Dame is very intriguing. Definitely going to be a first round pick
  17. And sadly we're not going to get him unless we pay a RG3 type bounty, the sad price of being mediocre. Although I'm not confident with our current offensive staff handling a #1 overall QB..... Off topic here but this is the worst coached Alabama team since the Mike Shula days. Another 100 plus yards in penalties. 12 men in the hudle after a timeout. WTF Saban???
  18. I'm very nervous, just because it seems things have gone silent on this matter, on top of that we never got a definite answer from anyone if this is a full sell or minority. As much as I've enjoyed this little bit of success on the field, we all know that could play a hand in the little weasel changing his mind. I might be paranoid, but we've been snake bit by the weasel for the last 25 years. I feel like I owe the weasel species an apology for comparing them to Dan Snyder lol
  19. I don't care what the hell our name is, I just want Dan to sell the team already and erase his memory for good. Get the right football folks in here and none of us will care about the name because we'll be too busy celebrating superbowl victories. That's my dream at least
  20. I'm just happier when they flame out before the playoffs. I hate hearing the BS from their fans, and it's plenty of Dallas fans around. They're like pesky mosquitoes in the summer, you can slap them off but they just keep coming lol
  21. Makes you wonder doesn't it, especially the timing. I thought Jerey was one of the very few allies Dan had but who knows.
  22. Dallas is starting to actually look like a real contender this year and that makes me very worried because I don't believe in hate, but I truly HATE the cowboys!!! I swear to God, if Dan doesn't sell this team and Dallas wins the superbowl I'm going to move to the North Pole and take a job making toys for Santa.
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