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Everything posted by DazedSkinsfan

  1. Not really excited about this pick but unfortunately sitting at the #16 spot is not the ideal place we wanted to be, especially if we wanted to trade down. I'm hoping by mid-season we're all going to be pleasantly surprised and this kid turns out to be a star. Honestly with everything going on with the sale of the team my expectations weren't very high. I can't wait until next year when we have a whole new regime picking our talent.
  2. Good morning to my fellow Redskins/football team/Commanders fans!!!!!!!! One analogy I heard last night from one of the many media pundits was this team is a sleeping giant that's about to awaken. If that doesn't make you feel all tingly inside then I don't know what will.
  3. When I saw 55 people in this thread I knew something was going down. Looks I've got a lot of catching up to do lol
  4. It's definitely 1st and goal, we made it to the 10 yard line after a long nerve-wracking drive, but in typical fashion of this team it's first and goal from the 20 due to two false starts lol
  5. Unfortunately that turd would stop up the sewer and flood the entire facility. It would be his last FU to us all
  6. If this happens then you also need to go buy a lottery ticket on Saturday because it wasn't long ago we all thought we'd be stuck with Dan until the end of time.....Happy early Birthday!!!
  7. Even with all the free agency stuff going on and now the extra attention with the upcoming draft, this is still the most important thread on this site. I'm normally excited about the draft during this time of year, but that parade is all I care about right now lol.........Soooo close to finally be free from this little parasite called Snyder
  8. 20 years from we'll be saying the ESPN 30 for 30 about Dan Snyder was the best and saddest one they ever made
  9. All these "what ifs" sure are depressing lol, especially the reminder of how close we were in the late 90s. Just can't wait for this sale to be done and over with. I know I'm beating a dead horse here, but anyone not named Dan Snyder is fine by me, although I prefer Bezos lol
  10. I'll also add that Dallas has a VERY good defense, plus our o-line being so terrible you can't help but being excited about this kids potential. I'm not saying he's a HOF yet but considering the circumstances for his first game, he showed some great potential. Let's see how much more he can improve in the off season.
  11. Ok, you got me there, that #1 pick might change my mind lol 🤣🤣
  12. To Hell with the draft pick. I'll take beating those cowturds ass like that every time!!!!
  13. I hate the Cowboys, nothing brings more pleasure than watching them lose regardless of who they're playing. This week is different though, this one time only, I hope we lose by 50. What better way to send Dan off than that. One last middle finger to the asshat that ruined my beloved team. Cowboys 55 Dan's team 3 F U Snyder!!!!
  14. I'm gonna be 100% honest here and just say I am far more excited about the sale of this team than watching us getting our asses kicked in the playoffs anyways.
  15. Lot of NFL talent on display last night. Like SIP mentioned, I wasn't a big Stroud fan but damn he played incredible and that performance against that Georgia defense opened my eyes. If Harrison doesn't get hurt then who knows how this game turns out. For once the playoff committee got something right!!
  16. Dawg pound 23 Pig pen 12 Playoff dreams are crushed, but Bezos will come flying in like superman to save us all
  17. Looks like we stole this from the Piggly Wiggly grocery store
  18. My question for the folks much smarter than me, is Sam Howell that much worse than TH?? I have heard that he's sitting because of his footwork?? It's frustrating because if average QB play is all we need then why the hell is he not getting a small number of snaps? I understand the coaches are playing for a playoff spot, but they should know that both Taylor and Wentz have hit their max potential
  19. This is going to be one hell of a ESPN 30 for 30 one day....hopefully it has a happy ending with us winning the superbowl in a couple years and Bezos holding up the Lombardi trophy
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