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Everything posted by DazedSkinsfan

  1. Those 4 wins we have are meaningless and just ****s up our draft position. We are clearly the worst team in the NFL right now.
  2. Dumb question but can we interview possible GM candidates employeed elsewhere during the season? Is that rule for Coach only??
  3. It's like putting down your beloved pet, it hurts like hell but it's what's best for everyone lol.... I know a lot of people don't want to see a mid season firing but if we get embarrassed by Dallas in front of the entire world then he needs to be gone Friday morning. Give us that head start on the new GM and get ahead on the coaching search.
  4. I hate Dallas, I'm a old school fan from the 80s back when teams had to go through us to get to the super bowl, and we actually could beat the turds on a regular basis. My hatred for Dallas is burned deep inside me. If we win this game I know it messes up our draft position, and I am in full tank mode, but my stupid heart just can't stand to see us lose the the ****ing Cowboys....my prediction is, no way in hell does this team coached by these idiots stands a chance in hell... Dallas 42 Us 17 **** Dallas
  5. Speaking of WRs.....Malik Washington WR from UVA has been a human highlight reel this season. I've got to watch him a lot this year since I'm a Wahoo fan and this dude has literally carried that offense. Sharp route running, sure hands and pure speed. The only caveat is his size, I believe he's around 5'9" so that's probably going to drop him down but if hes there in the later rounds, I would love to see us take in the 6th or 7th........Maybe some of you draft/film gurus can take a look and see what you think
  6. Those poor souls on Facebook are on the edge of their seat thinking we have a shot at the playoffs. If they only knew this place existed then they could come to terms with reality and dive into hockey or basketball lol
  7. Damn that sucks to hear, hopefully it's due to poor coaching and gameplan
  8. I'm stuck at work today and haven't been able to keep up at all other than checking here once or twice but how did Sam look today??
  9. Our defense will be Wentz's get right game
  10. I'm dreaming of the day that we don't have the need for a thread like this one and actually spend our time in the playoff thread.
  11. On the bright side we're one step closer to being done with Ron and his band of idiots
  12. Will be a glorious day when Howell can actually have a real coaching staff to play for.......We might even win a game or two
  13. Hopefully Josh will mail him that super bowl ring in a few years
  14. Ron and this coaching staff can't be gone soon enough. Coaching sucks and so does the talent they brought here. Even if we pulled out a miracle and won this game that still wouldn't change my mind
  15. I'm a fairly new poster (2019) but have been a lurker on this site since the early 2000s. If this place went away then I honestly have no clue where to go. Where else can I vent my frustrations when we are at a low, or bask in the glory when we are at a high?? I'm married to a cowboys fan, (opposites attract) so it's not like my spouse supports my football Fandom lol.....Every other platform I've lurked on I just don't feel the posters provide the knowledge and passion like this place. I don't know any one of you personally, but I sure do have a lot in common with every single one of you!!
  16. So this is where I pretty much get all my news on the team, I avoid social media and I don't listen to the talk radio and TV shows. It was a tough couple days not getting my daily fix here lol........I'm also assuming Ron is still our coach??? 🤣🤣
  17. Since we're comparing Howell to cars I hope he turns out to be a Toyota Corolla. Reliable as hell and lasts forever lol
  18. Do you think we could have gotten a 3rd for Brissett?? Would have been sweet if we could have added a couple more picks the other day
  19. Totally agree with this. I see folks putting Sam in the same category with Carr and Stafford but I feel like with a couple more weapons and a better oline and the right coaching he has the potential to be a elite QB in this league.
  20. Three is most definitely a massive improvement though lol
  21. Is Terry injured?? I thought I read a week or so back on here that he's been a little banged up. Definitely doesn't seem like himself I believe Sam was only sacked once?? Is that correct? I did miss most of the 3rd quarter so maybe I missed one??
  22. Watching the eagles go for it twice and converting on 4th down in the same drive is impressive as Hell. I hate that team and city, but damn how nice would it be to have a innovative coaching staff and forward thinking front office. I'm jealous as **** over what they have
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