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Everything posted by CousinsCowgirl84

  1. I’m convinced Tesla has solved fsd based on my usage of it. I have driven about 100 miles on fsd with zero interventions. Some times I press the gas pedal to get it to turn faster than it wants too.
  2. We see protestors wearing Hamas headbands…. Happy now? Like I said, this would end with you acting dumb 🤷‍♀️
  3. So I guess they were small flags?
  4. The Newsweek article said flags. But flags or headbands, the difference is immaterial to my point.
  5. My statements were 100 percent correct. Your posting bull**** doesn’t change that. I posted what was reported. If you don’t want to believe it don’t believe it. Take it up with newsweek. What was reported not fitting with your narrative is your problem. As to your last sentence, I didn’t say it did. I said the opposite, actually.
  6. Bozo, protestor, what’s the difference? The Newsweek article describes two people, so that would be bozos I guess.
  7. I mean, I’m going to post it.. but you or someone else is gonna come up with some bull**** reason why it isn’t actually exactly what I said it was… https://www.newsweek.com/campus-protesters-spotted-wearing-hamas-headbandswhat-we-know-1895202 Photos thought to have been taken at recent pro-Palestinian protests at U.S. University campuses show two people wearing Hamas headbands among the crowds. The first appears to be someone wearing a Hamas headband and a face covering, purportedly taken at Stanford University in California. The second image shows another person wearing what looks like a Hamas headband and waving a flag, supposedly at Washington University in St. Louis.
  8. I don’t think this is a great argument. It’s a problem with the media. We see these crazy ass protestors on TV waving Hamas flags and jump to the conclusion that anyone questioning Israel is being pro Hamas. Few arguments worth less than the for or against us argument. We should all agree that countries should avoid committing war crimes and not excuse it as necessarily justified while acknowledging the reality that no country at war lives up to those standards. The only deterrent to war crimes is penalties for anyone who commits them, but we have a long way to go until anything close to that happens.
  9. Israel has no obligation to agree to a ceasefire on Hamas’ terms. Israel shouldn’t stop till they weed out Hamas in Rafah. Otherwise we’ll be back here in a few years. Thats the most likely scenario anyway, but allowing Hamas safe harbor in rajah guarantees it.
  10. Now we have to wonder what the ceasefire proposal is one that Israel agrees to. There were some Twitter sources claiming that the US told Hamas the ceasefire would be permanent but Israel as insisted it would only be temporary.
  11. If the collages were interested in holding a commencement they could find a way to do that even at a later date. This is kinda like a convenient excuse I think.
  12. Oh, we have threads for all the races. What may be an image from the black terrorism thread.
  13. Awe, chat bot is lonely and wants a family. With AI, the battle can continue long after we are dead 🌈
  14. Also, AI got that track popping for DJT
  15. Interesting that predominantly features a tower they failed to finish.
  16. Spent a little too much time at El Machos? Once you have one margarita it can be hard to stop…
  17. I think if you are feeling uncomfortable about you should tell her.
  18. I don’t know about fired but something about this just doesn’t seem right to me.
  19. I kind of do believe it. It gets rid of a huge motivation for the people who decide to join Hamas. Assuming Israel respects the border. the problem is that it is probably the case that soon after the agreement some hard liner Hamas members were would lash out at Israel as lone wolfs and the second that happened Israel would use it to undo any deal. you can create a Palestinian state but you can’t create legitimacy for it or the societal order that would enable it to police itself.
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