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Everything posted by CousinsCowgirl84

  1. This already happened once. At least no one died.
  2. Israel definitely oppresses Palestinians… Hmm, seems we have lost the plot.
  3. that’s your opinion, but the president and other people in the intelligence community say that there is no evidence of bad actors. But even if your right, your still wrong because the protests are not the same/similar. social media you meant to say?
  4. Can you show me reciprocal extremist zionist taking over universities, taking down American flags and putting up terrorist flags in their place, smashing windows? Blocking traffic? The protests aren’t the same. The two sides aren’t acting the same. This is a sad whataboutist attempt at justifying/normalizing the actions of destructive protestors. The media is showing what both sides are doing, how do you think you got the video you posted? You didn’t tape it, did you? Someone stole a candy bar by putting it in their pocket and another person stole a car by smashing its window in, but you’re trying to tell me it’s the same crime. Technically true, but not really.
  5. They should and be done with it. And as soon as they are done in Rafah they should go into Lebanon and fight hezbolah back to the UN mandated lines. Once that is done a UN peacekeeping force ideally would be brought into to ensure hezbollah doesn’t venture south. The immediate/concurrently a Palestinian State should be established which gives a little more of what the Palestinians want borderwise, and Israel should immediately do away with all the settlements they have in West Bank. But that’s got **** all chance of happening, so maybe going into Rafah isn’t a good idea after all.
  6. I think someone here posted that it doesn’t do any good to look at the conflict through a moral lense. I tend to agree. The IRA and England had much more in common with one another than Palestinians and Jews have. In the Middle East? Who is more of a real ally in the Middle East than Israel? Israel pays too. You can certainly compare the strategic impact ending aid to either on of them on the United States. I didn’t say they were justified in everything they are doing. But Hamas is not interested in a political solution.
  7. Well, all of the pro Hamas protesters are pro rapist so I guess they are equal there. Let me know when she barricades herself into buildings…
  8. No. Israel is the only real ally it has in the Middle East. They have made security guarantees to Israel. Walking away from our responsibilities in Israel would be much worse for America than walking away from Ukraine. And would be a huge win for Russia/Iran axis. There are other, effective, less damaging ways to send a clear message to Israel. Those sanctions we are considering would be a good start. If Hamas was interested in being part of the political solution they wouldn’t have launched their attack on oct 7
  9. 6 percent is still a lot more than 1 percent… the consideration score article is trash, since the most recent polling is up and the biggest drop happened two years ago. At a time when prices were at their peak.
  10. There are a lot of successful companies whose CEOs are shucks and latest product gets recalled. Abbot comes to mind… so those are factors, but not the biggest ones.
  11. Customers not turned off by Musk's antics instead are losing interest with a product line up of two EVs that are ancient in car years (the Models S and X) uh, no… they just did a large update for both of them. FORD has been selling explorers for 30 plus years…. The biggest thing hurting Tesla right now is interest rates. No one wants to pay 10 percent on a 90k car. And now the payback period on solar is at least 15-20 years. Not great. even as both of its partially automated driver assistance systems face recalls and investigations here in the US and in China. There was no real recall. The made warnings more noticeable. And what drivers assistance software isn’t under investigation? (They all should be, and most of them are) China just approved the release of fsd. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tesla-stock-surges-on-watershed-full-self-driving-approval-in-china-171449770.html I can’t really see why they would fire everyone working on superchargers. But I do know they have been outsourcing the installation of them to BP among others. I’m guessing now that counties governments are requiring ev charging networks to be open to all cars, it’s no longer a strategic advantage to have the charging infrastructure vertically integrated. But it seems like it would still be a money maker for Tesla. Maybe they will just license their tech. Factual inaccuracies aside, the article itself is written horribly.
  12. All I know is I need a few presidents to move on to a better place…. 😬. Customers bet five dollars to win 4 dollars. Seriously, if you are going to bet your friends just use the iou system… edit: I just realized if I win I still lose 😢😢😢
  13. Wow, a couple of year…. I didn’t think that actually happened. I think the longest there was a tv dispute around here for was a month cox vs fox 20 years ago
  14. “When he runs he takes your soul away as a defense”… I’d rather him do that with his arm 😬😬😬
  15. No im not. You’re trying to sort the crap out of the ****.
  16. this is absolute bull****. They can try to portray themself however they like. Thier actions speak a lot louder. All those organizations get their marching orders from Hamas. When Hamas says there is a cease fire, there is a ceasefire. If Hamas said the peir is off limits, it wouldn’t have gotten attacked.
  17. Bro. Who do you think the “terrorists” are in Gaza. lol. “That’s not poop, it’s ****. Completely different!” 😂
  18. yes, they have. A moral person can be pro Palestinian. I am pro Palestinian. No rational person would be pro Hamas. However, you are definitely pro Hamas. You are taking Hamas on their word.
  19. no, but you were pushing some report like it meant something. no, what i have said is absolutely true. No one should ever be pro Hamas.
  20. The promises that Joe Biden is making to the Palestinians is about politics in his own country, not some real change in policy. He is trying to pacify terrorists sympathizers within his own party because he doesn’t want them revolting in the upcoming presidential election. Everyone’s gotta pander, Bidens no different. By this logic, Israel is helping them the most! Perhaps Palestinians should thank Israel, instead of cursing them. The UN is not an independent organizing. If put Iran and Russia in charge of human rights at various times. The people running it have made comments that show they aren’t unbiased. The NYtimes you article quotes a report which is separate from the investigation into UNRWA… https://m.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-798306 He spoke after former French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna submitted a report reviewing neutrality issues in the organization. While she found flaws within UNRWA that caused problems with neutrality, she still concluded that it was important that the organization continue its unique work servicing Palestinian refugees. Her report, which was commissioned by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, is separate from the UN investigation into charges that 12 UNRWA staff members who participated in the October 7 attack against Israel.
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