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Everything posted by CousinsCowgirl84

  1. Thats who is building the dock in order to provide aid into Gaza. No other country stepped up to help Palestinians by providing the necessary security so Israel has to do it. Even the Palestinians most sympathetic allies passed on helping them. Things in Gaza are either desperate, or they aren’t. Gaza needs aid, or it doesn’t. Hamas cares about Palestinians, or they don’t. Hamas wants to put up a lot of barriers to try to get aid to the people it is pretending to protect the interests of. Gaza is small, surrounded by Israel and water. The combined force of US and Israeli military dwarfs whatever resistance Hamas could put up. Trying to act like Hamas has some legitimate security concerns over the dock is pathetic. Hamas has no legitimacy. You’re suggesting we should consider the feelings of rapists. I’ll pass.
  2. This is a bull**** response. They said they would attack any soldiers stationed near the peer. It’s impossible to distribute aid without people on the ground. Hamas is working to make it impossible to get aid into Gaza.
  3. The US assessment is that Hamas attacked it. Its a little rich your willing to take Hamas’ word though. Not intentional? Grasping at straws? Did you even read what you posted? “High-ranking Hamas political official Khalil al-Hayya said the group would consider Israeli forces — or forces from any other country — stationed by the pier to guard it as “an occupying force and aggression,” and that they would resist it.”
  4. well, right now Israel and the US are building infrastructure in Gaza to deliver aid everyone agrees is desperately needed and Hamas attacked it. You can’t help people who don’t want to be helped.
  5. Going to George throroughgood a may gave had more than one scotch one burbon one beer
  6. I never said they did. But it is a little convenient to allow the “not everyone had symbols of hate” defense when one group of people protests but not with other groups displaying other symbols of hate. Waving a Hamas flag isn’t much different that waving a Swastika symbols or SS Flag. They both mean the same thing.
  7. I’m not talking about you bro. I was talking about the protestors. Yea, like when Nazi’s used the swastika in Charlottesville. And it isn’t one person and one protest. It’s several people at several protests. Maybe you haven’t been paying attention?
  8. There is a legitimate concern for how Israel is treating Palestinians. But I’m not taking a bunch of 20 something’s who don’t know **** waving Hamas flags around seriously. The message is being lost because they jumped to the extremes. Or is your point that In order to get on the news you have to act like a crazy ass? I don’t think they should be silenced, and I’m a bit confused about why police are forcibly removing the protestors. The question wasn’t should they be allowed to protest, it was should they be taken seriously. Like I said, if you are supporting Hezbolah or Hamas you’re either ignorant or evil, and I’m not taking anyone ignorant or evil seriously.
  9. I didn’t imply that it was. You asked me what they should do. If you want to argue with the clown take, feel free, it’s suiting.
  10. They can start by burning the Hamas and Hezbolah flags instead of the American flag. No one at the protests is yelling down the people who support Hamas/Hezbollah, that’s for sure. lol. What? That is what the protestors are suggesting. If you want someone to respond to you genuinely don’t be disingenuous. 🤡 I guess the same way bad cops should weed out the good cops. Dox them and take away their protest membership card. 🤡
  11. … I could have fixed that **** for $5000.
  12. Man, our draft room looked so JV compared to the bears…
  13. Once the protesters weed out those bad apples we can talk about taking them seriously.
  14. You can’t take anyone seriously who is waving Hamas and Hezbollah flags around. Anyone doing that is either ignorant or evil.
  15. I’m going for the old English look so I only brush before church.
  16. What are the protestors exactly doing that is forcing the police to forcibly remove them? Seems like when other protests happen that were equally or more obstructive were mainly allowed to go on. To a point where looters who weren’t even associated with the protesting took the opportunity to burn down buildings…. Also, this **** starts up right before the election? Just like the previous huge protests right before the election? It’s pretty obvious America is being manipulated and we are eating it all up.
  17. https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-maintenance-repair-costs-lowest/ ByZachary Visconti Posted on April 22, 2024 Tesla’s 10-year maintenance and repair costs are the most affordable in the automotive industry, as shown in a new data analysis publicized last week. The total 10-year cost of maintaining and repairing a Tesla is the cheapest in the industry, according to a data analysis shared by Consumer Reports on Friday. The data showed that, over the course of a decade, Teslas averaged just $4,035 in maintenance and repair costs, compared to those of automakers Land Rover and Porsche, which landed at $19,250 and $14,090, respectively. Four out of five of the least expensive brands to maintain were U.S. companies, including Tesla, Buick, Lincoln, and Ford.
  18. Loans can be forgiven and are aid as long as they aren’t called. So if it makes it more palliative to give aid wrapped in a loan wrapping go for it.
  19. If the robotaxi actually works then there is no reason for Tesla to sell a low margin $25K electric car when they are already supply constrained. Make it, but use it for your robotaxi service instead. I have yet to have had to disengage fsd beta 12. Some times I have had to press the accelerator to make it turn on to a road a little faster. So far from what I’ve seen it solves fsd. *not in snow/heavy rain most likely. And I don’t know how well it works in super complex environments. also:
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