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Everything posted by CTskin

  1. Short week, flying across the country… I expected some ugly, but good teams overcome. Game ended at 7:00 but I’ll still lose sleep.
  2. Hey I wasn’t a Kirk guy, but with the kind of money he’s making, it’s safe to say he’s viewed as a franchise qb (I didn’t say elite). I don’t post enough for my opinion to be memorable, but I voiced my displeasure for turner plenty this off-season and I don’t want to derail this thread. The point is that the scheme lacks any bit of creativity, is ultra conservative and chunk plays are so rarely attempted. We have Antonio Gibson, a college wr, use him in the passing game. dammit u got me to bite. The above paragraph was significantly longer a minute ago. I do agree that where we stand right now, heinecke wouldn’t be commanding franchise qb money. But, after this season we need to know which direction we’re going with him because after next year he’ll be a FA and unlikely to be worth the tag. Glad to see your not just hater and your view has evolved. Cheers to him moving you further to the good.
  3. And this kind of wait and see approach is exactly how u let franchise qbs walk out of the building for a comp pick. Fortunately we have heinecke signed for another year, but after this season we need to make a decision on if he’ll be here for a while or not and act accordingly. I’ve been a heinecke guy since I dove in way too deep after the panthers game last year. The cons are injury proneness and arm strength, but in my mind it doesn’t come close to outweighing the pros. high football IQ, gets thru 5 reads in under 3 seconds, film rat, gym rat, unbelievable pocket presence and awareness, very athletic, and a natural leader. Not to mention you can tell he lives for clutch moments in the big games, unlike the folding lawn chair who I alluded to above. turner needs to trust him, he’s capable of so much more than he’s being allowed to do.
  4. WFT 24 LV 13 they have one of the worst wr corps in football with Waller likely out. With the emergence of Danny Johnson in the slot and fuller outside, I’m not worried about hunter freaking renfrow. but please Scott turner, find an ounce of creativity on 3rd and short.
  5. Love to see his vision/patience improving. It’s like he’s been watching LevBell tape. Instead of running directly into a wall he’s letting lanes develop. we have to remember that he was not a RB in college, so it makes sense that these type of skills have taken time to develop. I also really like seeing him used in the pass game more. He was a wr, we need to utilize this mismatch. There’s no LB corp in the game who could cover both mckissic and Gibson.
  6. You’re right about his discovery, he got a call and a month later he was starting in a playoff game. the kid plays and reacts with the same intensity regardless of MNF. He has moxy, athleticism, thrives under pressure, high football IQ, just lacking that golden arm. he’s signed for two years, he’ll be in the league a while.
  7. Love how this defense played. Interior DL is feasting and secondary did phenomenal other than the last 2 minute drive. Antonio Gibson is really good, keep feeding the man! He had a real levbell look with his vision on the outside runs, he just lacks that first step burst, but vision is improving. scott turner is handcuffing the potential. I LOVE the ToP domination but the ultra conservative 3rd or 4th and 1 play calls were gutless. It was like he was playing rock paper scissor, but thought it was called rock rock rock. Look at the potential results if he got so original to even run it outside (if scherff doesn’t hold). I just want some “put the foot on the throat” playcalls. Dominating ToP, but not the scoreboard against bad teams can work, but it won’t against good teams. Let heinecke ball. I’ve been a huge fan and want to see the coaches trust him more. He’s got a lot of Russ Wilson in him.
  8. Like with the Trent Williams situation where people didn’t want to believe he was the problem or the Kirk situation where it was obvious he didn’t want to play here, some just refuse to read the tea leaves. I know part of our past time is persecuting the wFT management, but this is so obviously a bigger problem then just this team. Reminds of when the yanks went down for steroids when we now know everyone was doing it. If the full report is release, then when the dust settles, if it does, we will likely be the team most associated, but this will hit league wide.
  9. Couldn’t disagree more. This is so much bigger than a WFT issue. There’s no coping necessary for the fanbase, we all know how this franchise has operated under Snyder… if anyone is still in denial about that then they probably also buy 9/11 conspiracy theories. As it pertains to the gruden case, you understand that gruden was the offendor, not WFT. Damn you for making me “defend” Allen there. And the reason why there’s evidence that there’s more, aside from looking at this extremely naively, is that this Gruden report was leaked now, it wasn’t part of the original findings. You can’t believe this is the only thing… The point is that the NFL is a boys club and until recently never had a wake up call that times have changed and they must as well. I can guarantee that out of the “650k emails,” dating back 10+ years, quite a few would use language that is now a fireable offense. Sure, now we all know now that if you dislike a client or colleague you must never put it in writing, but that wasn’t standard back then. If the entire WFT report was made public, it would shut down the NFL.
  10. It’s a game we can win, but i can’t help seeing a monster jameis week. heart says: us- 27 them- 20 brain says: us- 23 them- 38
  11. Really good comps. I think what elevates Taylor is his football IQ. I hate to sound like a broken record with this, but it is the most important trait. The kid has it. Pairing this with athleticism is a recipe for success and negates the lack of arm strength. Flipping the comps around, I see him as a middle classman’s Russell Wilson. Athletic, slippery, great pocket awareness, smart, below avg QB size, but he just doesn’t have the cannon.
  12. werent the Cowboys the worst last year? Funny enough, same situation there- they brought in Dan quinn and a couple of pieces and now they’re solid. hell look at us last year- we brought in JDR and judging by what we’re seeing now, we overachieved.
  13. I’ve been so negative in the defense thread that I needed to come in here and drop some positivity. all the raving aside, the Saints have a really good defense, so this will be a fair test for old Taylor… and you know they’re bitter for somehow letting that win slip away to the giants.
  14. You may be missing my point. I’ll put it to u this way, would you rather have a smart qb with weak arm strength or a dumb qb with strong arm strength… hell, superhuman arm strength. I’ll backpedal a step, yes my qb needs to be able to make nfl passes. I’m not saying a genius will make up for my 32 yard bomb arm strength.
  15. Exactly. That has been my view as well since he impressed in the panthers game last year… and I then dove in way too deep. The guy can get thru 5 reads in 2.5 seconds and every former coach raved about his football IQ. He always seems to throw to the open wr; for a game or two I thought it was luck, but it certainly is not. Idk if anyone’s watching the chargers, but their defense is the real deal; would have loved to see what heinicke would have done if he had the whole game. unrelated, but i really hope chase, del rio, and turner are watching the chargers in action. Between bosa and the coaching, this is a clinic.
  16. Theres no need to pay heinicke now, but this isn’t the time for naysayers to chime in. Through 3 1/2 games he has almost 1000 yards and a 105qbr. It’s a long season, he needs to prove not only that he can do this over the course of 17+ games, but also that he can stay healthy. **** arm strength. when will this fanbase learn that it’s a terrible measurable.
  17. Like many, definitely glad that we won, but it’s too bad realizing we’re not going to beat any decent team as we are. I can’t fathom how our D became so bad, so the problem should be correctable, but it seems like the issue is stubbornness somewhere in the coaching staff and it just won’t change. Heinecke is a real qb. It’s funny how we’ve all been dying for a smart, mobile qb who will throw it downfield and now we have one but now the problem is that he has no arm so people are ready to move on. Look at how many negative plays he turned into positives; sacks turned into effective scrambles, the headiness to look for mckissic on that last TD. He has extended so many plays which resulted in extended drives and points in ways that we haven’t seen since RG3. Imagine this team if our D was all it was cracked up to be. We’re actually scoring points. That being said I still don’t like Turner. vent sesh- Get it thru your head guy, a run play out of shotgun on 2nd down is a whole lot different on 3rd or 4th and short. Heinecke is athletic, run a goddam option (thinking about how every time Daniel Jones ripped us with it). Gibson and mckissic are weapons, get them both on the field at the same time. Do something creative. Gibson is a big boy with low miles, 12 attempts in a game we were winning or within one score is unacceptable. Gibson is excellent in space so run a goddam sweep, run a screen, run a wheel route. Our scheme has no “keep the defense guessing” aspect and that caps us. I digress, happy for the win, the season officially continues, please god bring this defense back to life.
  18. @Stefanskins haha good stuff hombre. For a drunken ramble that was pretty damn impressive. There’s no argument against the fact that a healthy Samuel would be a positive for this offense. But I disagree with the impact he would have. It’s a bigger problem than 1 player. I still put this cluster of an offense on Turner. The most obvious red flag is the 1st quarter/half woes. An OC studies the opponents defense and develops a script for the first few drives… a good OC will consistently walk away with points early. We on the other hand really enjoy going down 7-0 after the first two drives.
  19. I don’t think I had quite as negative of a stance as you, but we agree about the miscalculation. I recall reading that del rio was going to change things up, but it seems he pulled the wrong lever. We were all well aware that there were question marks peppered behind the front 4, but I bought into the front 4 being special. Bad on me so far. This D will continue to be awful if the front plays at this level. they are the investment, they are the ones who need to carry this team.
  20. @Koolblue13 true. My rant from the D thread carried over a bit to this one. I wouldn’t really say our offense is having problems, how good were they expected to be? I guess that’s why I’m not down on them like I am the D. We have a few new faces on the OL, we have one proven wr, our qb situation was never special even with fitz, and our OC hasn’t shown us anything to date. As far as I’m concerned the offense is delivering what I expected, not what I was hoping and dreaming of. Fine by me. There were a lot of people predicting some crazy things on the pregame and record prediction thread. Those will find disappointment. heinecke if nothing else is a gritty qb who doesn’t fold in clutch time, he really seems like he loves it. Unfortunately the D is struggling to give him that opportunity.
  21. I’m a heinecke guy. He is not a qb who will win a 40+ point shootout. That doesn’t mean he isn’t good or doesn’t have potential to be a legitimate starting qb, but the kid had no chance in this one. you beat the bills by stopping their offense, a la Steelers week 1. Hell, if our d only gave up 13 points we would have won. the d has been heavily invested in and is the problem. If our offense was studded with high draft picks, big $ FAs, and heinecke was making a boatload then they’d be the disappointment.
  22. Personal theory here, but the only reason that makes sense for this conservative defense is that del rio figured the front 4 would be as disruptive, if not more, than last season. With the talent they possess, we shouldn’t need to blitz to cause pressure. Throw coaching and scheming out the window, just based on pure talent how does our (previously) Uber talented front 4 regress to the point that bad OLs dominate them? Something really doesn’t add up. It feels like the answer is either something for the conspiracy thread or TBs playoff blueprint is now utilized by all. I knew last years #2 ranked D was a bit of smoke and mirrors, but not to the extent that right now we’re arguably the worst in the league. In no stretch of games for any reason should a legitimately good defense perform like this. the scarier thing is that we’re playing like this and we’re completely healthy. Someone please show me the light.
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