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Everything posted by CTskin

  1. I don’t have strong feeling for or against sticking with Howell, but I certainly lean toward seeing what he can do with NFL-level talent around him / protecting him. As a UMass grad, the one knock I could always throw at Brady and my masshole friends was that he was sub-par when he faced pressure… same deal goes for bienemy. He got dealt a trash hand by inheriting an offense that consisted of average weapons and the worst OL ever created. I’m just counting down the days until we have a new braintrust to see what they can do with the extra picks and plenty of cap.
  2. Ron is well aware his contract is up and that he hasn’t earned an extension… especially with the franchise now under new ownership. There’s nothing cutthroat about it. I hope Josh Harris sees the magic EB is working with the offense (and the lack of magic now in KC) and offers him the job in 2024. Also, it’d be a great benefit for howell to not have to re-learn an offense and go through those growing pains. give EB some semblance of a professional offensive line and the sky’s the limit. I believe the obvious flaws that we’ve all seen in this roster will be immediately addressed in the off-season once Harris has his analytics crew in.
  3. Now that we see the FO shake-up underway, who knows what the plans are for curl. My tea leaf reading told me we luxury picked Quan Martin to replace curl because of curl & fam’s unrealistic asking price. curl was a diamond in the rough so I’d like to keep him, but he’s not a top safety and shouldn’t be paid as one.
  4. Swing by the thread to chime in on how great it is to see harris’ immediate impact and proactive approach on expiring contracts. Bye bye compensatory pick threads?? someone told me they hated the chase young trade as it may be just a few slots ahead of the comp pick we’d potentially receive. We have a lot of cap going into this off-season so I’m thinking we made the trade knowing the comp pick would be voided. Regarding sweat, bears fans are not pumped. I couldn’t be happier to exchange him for a low-mid 30s pick. I completely missed the news about the new FO hire. I love where his mind is; we so desperately need analytics introduced to this franchise.
  5. There are so many possible scenarios where we could have drafted all of them if we didn’t make that 1st rd trade… and listen I love BRob, his story is legendary, but he was a reach. He’s solid, but he’s not special.
  6. I was upset with the Davis pick, I was upset with the Dotson trade-back move, and I was again upset by taking Forbes over Gonzalez. Suuure forbes has time to grow, but that’s not the point. Del rio want a guy who can be on an island and Gonzalez is already that dude. Most of us knew he was that dude pre-draft. Just like we knew jamin Davis was a reach… tht rant was much longer but went way off the rails. Point is, this FO has drafted poorly. I wanted to trust them and let things pan out but it’s proving that the ES consensus was actually correct the majority of the time… I’ll say it again, I can’t wait til harris’ analytics crew get their claws into this.
  7. Who knows what the ceiling is for Forbes, I love the kid, but Gonzalez was the pick there (assuming I’m not comprehending a scheme fit). Gonzalez is already showing legit lockdownability. Quan Martin is obviously the hot debate. Reading the tea leaves, it felt like we forced the pick because cam kurl and his people made it clear they knew his value and it’d cost us to work out a LTD. And if that’s not it then it was a luxury pick. Maybe he pans out, but it still wasn’t the right way to go giving out glaring holes. cheeseman. I know it wasn’t this year but I can’t comprehend how we used a draft pick on this bum. When you have the easiest/simplest job in all of sports, how can u be so bad. And how bad was our scouting to make this a draft pick.
  8. Was very worth the trip down from NY- from tailgating to the final whistle, the energy was just different. -is it possible that cheeseman is the worst long snapper in nfl history? Absolutely abysmal use of a draft pick. -the cards are arguably the worst team in football and it essentially came down to the wire. Not promising for this season. -there were bad breaks, bad calls, hell even the rain picked up during two of our 3rd Q drives. But any above avg team should bury the cards regardless. -how is it that we’ve all been clamoring for OL (and ILB) for years, but somehow our personnel officials don’t see it?! I truly can’t wait til Josh Harris sicks his analytics team on our FO. we won, we did what we had to do, but no matter what happens this season the big picture is better than ever before.
  9. I just read on pft that there are 4 potential teams up for Hard Knocks and we’re the one team that hasn’t directly said “no”. Personally, I’d love it. An inside view of the team would be a blast. Also, the team on hard knocks always seems to win over viewers and we could really use that love. Couple it with the fact that dirtbag is out and it could put us on the fast track to not being viewed as a clownshow. also, unrelated to the above- will someone smarter than me explain how Quan Martin effects Kam Curl? It seems like he’s the heir apparent, which bums me out. Kam was our diamond in the rough find and I’d hate to see him leave.
  10. A few pages back there was talk about how we have been a run first/TOP offense under Rivera, which is true… but now we have EB whose coming from the most explosive offense in football under the Reid coaching tree. This simply can’t be the same offense with the same gameplan. Do we have the talent to make this work here, we shall see. I was a heiny guy, but that lack of arm strength won’t be missed.
  11. Yea some people don’t understand big picture. remember the chaos of the football world when the giants traded obj. Not saying it got them much further along, but it was the correct move. **** Mara.
  12. How sweet would it be if we actually got ahead of personnel moves instead of doing the comp pick dance. Not to reopen old wounds, but the tea leaves so obviously pointed to TW and cousins wanting out of DC. If Rivera and co are getting those vibes from chase or sweat I hope they make the smart play. I want proactive not reactive.
  13. I pray that bezos wins this team. Not only because of the fact that he has the money to build something special, not only because I believe he’s our best shot at getting us back into DC, but because he ****ing deserves it. If it wasn’t for his biweekly hit articles since he took over WaPo we wouldn’t be talking about a sale. The man was playing 4D chess by acquiring the paper and we’re in this glorious place where the Snyder era conclusion is in sight. I truly never thought we’d be here in my lifetime. Bezos, take it home!
  14. The daron Payne extension freeing up significant funds right before FA kickoff leads me to believe we’re looking at spending… reports up through last week seemed to be that we’d be quiet, only aiming for a couple mid-tier players. I’ve always been on the quality over quantity... give me one stud over 3 JAGs. that said, woof the FA market is awful this year.
  15. He won’t get any offers if he doesn’t improve this offense… I have a far fetched hunch that EB has been guaranteed the HC job when ron hangs them up… and that’ll be after this season. The GMs are Ron’s guys so they’d be in on it. otherwise, they the **** would he have come here?? For added play calling duties? That just doesn’t add up to me.
  16. Bezos was my #1… mainly because he has the pull to get back into dc and the money to create something amazing. my worry has always been dans little man syndrome. Love WaPo or not, we have that paper to thank for this glorious Dan-selling situation. Those bi-weekly hit articles are all to credit. My hope was that dan didn’t entirely blame WaPo for this… but now hearing that he does, I believe dan will take markedly less to avoid looking like he got completely played. kinda bummed.
  17. Carr is top 15ish… never been considered a top 10, I don’t understand the infatuation here… especially if he’d essentially eat all of our cap and price us out of tagging payne. we’re many pieces away from real success and a slightly above avg qb isn’t the answer. He’s Kirk 2.0. An upgrade, but not the guy who you want to rely on in big situations.
  18. Coming off his best season and proving to be a top tier DL, this would be a great option if he’s not in the plans for the future. I’d prefer to tag and work something out long term before July, but we just CAN NOT have option C… the walking away for free thing.
  19. Are u just regurgitating a tweet or have u watched the ravens play? They do nothing to make it move. Yes the put up a ton of points during Lamar’s big years and how have they done in the two years since… oh, we’ve scored more offensive TDs than them the past two years… The ravens offense has been average the past two years. And now compare that to biennemy… I mean come on, the difference in ceilings isn’t even comparable.
  20. The ravens offense has done nothing to impress under Roman, so I want no part of this one. Give me the guys who comes from an excellent offense in EB… I know there are rumors about him and that’s why he still hasn’t landed a head coaching gig, but I’ll gladly take that shot with this upside potential.
  21. That ****ing fumble 6… we didn’t necessarily deserve to win this one but boy the ball bounced and was flagged the other way and we still had a good shot at winning. I live in NY, just got back from the bar, giants fans are counting their ****ing blessings. Confirmation for any fans here who think they’re looking at it thru homer glasses.
  22. Scherff is having an awful season, not the best time for that example… the problem is an average OL has been decimated by injuries.
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