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Everything posted by goskins10

  1. I like Sam and am happy with how we are progressing but Seattle has the tools to stop us. They are just better. NE at this point is a bad team. Again, Seattle is not, Yea they just got spanked by the Ravens but that makes it worse. We are not the Ravens, they will want to take out thier loss on someone and the game is in Seattle. I am always hopeful and of course it's always possible. I want to win I just don't see it this week.
  2. Tell me about it. My BIL and I flew out there for the game! We so should have won. We did go back for th Roy Helu game where we won but it was a regular season game not PO. Yesterday wsa fun but not sure what anyone saw that would lead them to believe we can beat Seattle. Good DCs have started to figure Geno out a little but we do not have a good DC or the pieces in place to stop them. NE is a bad team. Seattle is not. Will likely be a long day.
  3. For what it's worth I was listing to the Patriots radio broadcast (all I could get through Sirious as I was driving the entire game) and they admitted it was a horrible call. They did not sugar coat it at all. They actually did a good job and were pretty even handed. Clearly rooting for NE as they should but was still calling the gam as it is. It reminded me of how good ours used to be in the Frank Herzog days and how really bad it is now.
  4. And if he were showing more ermotion you would sayhe is not taking too serious needs to get better before getting so excited. It's perfectly acceptable and even encouraged to question his play - how does he read Ds, what kind of arm does he have, is he getting better each week or worse? How does the tream react to him when the game is on the line. how does he react? And while i really like what I see so far there are still some questions to be answered as it's been just a few games. But, when in the end all you can come up with is, he does show enough emotion - sorry my friend but that is lame as ****. Oh and....
  5. I realize we are gonig no where and coaches still suck and need to be fired, but I love beating Bill ****ing Belicheat!!! Eat that you cheating piece of garbage!
  6. Fair enough in that I forgot he was only under contract for 1 yr. So yea, may have pulled the trigger. But I see them keeping him. 6th is still not worth much.
  7. Totally disagree. Brissett is more valuable in the lockeroom as continuity for Sam if they decide to keep him, 6th rd draft chocies, while coveted by fans looking for the next Brady are typically just barely better than worthless. Keep Brisset. Him and Sam get along he has some good experience and has won, albiet only a little but has won in this league.
  8. If there is any truth to the Bill B rumor that will be seriously dissapointing. Really tired of the retreads and he will want full control - GM/HC. He is not a good GM, never was. Hire a GM and let them hire thier HC. It's all many of us have wanted for a very long time.
  9. Not my favorite to lsiten to but some interesting stuff from Russini.
  10. This is enough for me period. Very well stated! Harris is already an upgrade even if he never wins a single game.
  11. Sorry really not following you here. It really sounds personal. He took a team in 2011 that sucked. Took a few years to build up and the last 6 yrs has had 4 seasons of 50 wins, and another with 49 wins. Yes, the team struggled to get past the 2nd rd. But remind me when this team was a perenial PO contender? They took a shot on Harden to get them past the hump but he is a lockroom cancer. Instead of doubling down they moved him and got valuable draft picks for him. They are currently all of 2-1 in this short season. Here are thier records since he owned the team. Sign me up for perenial PO team getting past the 1st rd of POs. Then they can work on SBs. Oh and Doc Rivers was 154 - 82 and won more games each season than the last during the 3 seasons there. That's a middling coach? Sign me up for a HC in Washington that wins 65% of thier games. And even if all that were not true, moving Sweat and Young was the right move and I don't care how they fare in thier new teams. They needed to be gone from here as they were probably leaving anyway or they would have taking a prohibitive amount of CAP space. Smart move from where I stand.
  12. I think we are basically saying the same thing here jsut the degree at which we blame Chase being immature for his failures vs blaming the coaching staff (BTW I see it more a JDR issue than Ron). I get the league may be down on him. Ok. Is that so they can get him cheaper? Is that becasue they buy JDRs BS? Maybe he is a complete POS. I don't think so. I really like Chase. But like you I am 100% in agreement with trading him. Doing a little introspection. I guess I am not a fan of kicking a player as they moved. Looks very weak. And i was one of tthe later holdouts on Ron. Why not jsut STFU and let him go. No need to trash him on the way out.
  13. Of course they could be right. Just not sure I trust anything a set of failing coaches say on thier way out the door. Again, even if what they say is true it's more a poor reflection on them not being able to get he personalities to work together than a problem with the players. Also, did Young come inthat way or did the toxic environment the dan fostered do that to him? Again, I think trading him was a good for the long term building of the team. Just not buying the coaches bull**** right now.
  14. Could not disagree more with the bolded. You will always overpay in free agency and most times those players do not perform as well due to chemistry. I have no problem building depth with FAs but you need to draft your top players or you end up in CAP hell. As for parting with good players - I get what yoj are saying but in this case they were likely losing one if not both anyway. Previusly we would have just let **** happen and get almost nothing for the resources. So move these two guys, get some additional draft resources and start your rebuild. Now they have draft capitol to do what they want in th draft. Is there a QB they want? A LT? (That is my hope as i think Howell can be th guy). Move down and build the entgire roster as we look for stars in next years draft? All options are there.
  15. Fair statement about Chase maybe, but should we trust these coaches for thier opinion on a player? I put it more on the coaches that they can't make the personalities work than the players. That is thier job. Don't get me wrong, I think trading both Sweat and Young were good moves. But not because the coaches didn't think Young played nice with others. That to me is making excuses for not doing your job. Will be interesting to see how thery build this team when the new FO and coaching staff comes in. They are loading up on resources which is the right thing to do.
  16. Maybe I am missing something. But how is Josh Harris being a ****ty owner? He can make personel changes due to lack of performance. The team is 3-5 and woefully underperfroming (or performing just as it should, niether is good). So they are making some moves that will help the team. I was one of the longer Ron hold outs thinking he was jsut struggling under mini-me's ignorance. But the game has passed him - and that includes JDR. Ron is a great guy but he lost his edge as a good coach. So Ok, just move on. If I missed something said let me know. If they fire Ron tomorrow it's not being a ****ty owner unless he goes out of his way to embarress him, ala Bruce Allen and Scott M. Last sentence really makes no sense. WHat was all a mistake? Trading 2 players from an underperforming until that are both on last contracts that would have eaten a lot of CAP space even if you just sign 1 much less two? And you get a 2nd and a 3rd for them. I am just not seeing how any of that is being a ****ty owner.
  17. Good move on Sweat. Seems a fair trade. No one should be safe.
  18. Ok, I have seen by several poster.s Not calling jsut you out, but anyone who says that "a lot" of his stats were when we were down big. So I did some number crunching. My work so I get to have my own rules. But if you think are not reasonable then I am glad to hear alternatives. I defined "down big" as any time we were down by more than 14 pts unless it was the 4th Q then it was 10 pts. I also said that once down by more than 14, it is still down big until they get within 7 pts. At that point it's 1TD with a standard EP. That's not down big. One play from tying the game. As I started looking at it the catch up rules only applied to one game, the Denver game. We were down 21-3 and then came back. So for that game, his total ya=rs break down like this: In th game - 20/29 224 yds, 1 TD 1 int. 7/10 5 yds, 1 TD 0 int I also ended up jsut daying the entire Bears and Bills games were "down big". Even the early drives. We were never in that game and the early yds were minor so jsut let them stay o nthe "down big" side. Final tallies were: In the game - 143/218 1513 yds 10Tds 3 int "down big" - 63/90 625 yds 3Tds, 5int %s of comp/att yds TDs and int - 32%/29.2% yds 29% TDs 23% Ints 62.5% It should be said that of the "down big" stats, Chicago alone accounted for 37/51 388yds 2TDs and 1 int - He as the only person who gave a **** and he is getting punihed for it, but OK. Last but not least, that's about 30% of his production. That 2 gms and 2Qs or 10Qs out of 32, or about 30% of the game time he has played. For me I do not see much of a statistical difference. Seems about the same production ahead or behind. Am more than open to any erros. I did this mostly by hand. Just playing around with the calculater. I did this because I tihnk it's nit-picking his performance to say much of his production is when the team is way behind - meaning he is playing against a more receptive defense. The kid has pretty much answered every question. He is tough, has a short memory, can make every throw, can play in crunch time, can play from behind, can play with a lead, etc. Yea, he had a few clunkers. But in one game the D did him no favors and the other was against a very good Giants D that also plays us very well. And a lot of that was the oline doing nothing. But still, he was aweful at times in that game. He is rookie. He is gonig ot make mistakes. He is gonig to have bad game.s Peyton Manning in th prime of his career had a 4 pick game. ANd no not saying Howell is the next Peyton. Far from it. But he does seem to play really well and has plenty of room to grow. I hope the next FO gives him a chance. Her could be what he is now, buy he could also be someone special. We could use a break or 100.
  19. No good will come of this game. If we lose badly as I expect we will, it's just more fire on the flames and sucking. If somehow they eek out a win (highly unlikely) then it will why the **** can't they play like this all the time?? Even during all Dans year's I have never been so ready for a season to be over as early as this season. I just want the season done so we can see what plans Josh has for the team. He dropped the first bomb with Eugene Shen.Many more moves to make. Maybe once the team is mathmatically eliminated he will hire his GM. Likley let the entire coaching staff go at end of season but there may be a few soles the new GM likes or asks to interview for certain positions. Either way, there is nothing good that can come out of this game, win or lose,
  20. May belong in the gun control thread but applies here too - a solution to the crazies - It's Dave so definitly some language.
  21. So that was a disaster. D played well enough to win but that's not saying much since they were playing one of he worst offences in the NFL missing a lot of pieces. I personally believe Teddy B is better than Daniel J but that's just one back-up is better than the other. Offense was a joke. I get the NY D is thier strength, but cmon, why do we keep trying to same **** over and over again no matter how bad it fails? And where are our WRs? Is Terry the only one who can get open? It honestly looks to me like they don't even try to game plan for a team. They play the first half then they put a few plays in for the 2nd half and hope. I still beleive there is a lot of talent on this team. They need someone to bring it together. I really hoped Ron and Co would do that this year. And I had high hopes for EB. He started off pretty good (better than some gave him credit for), but it seems he is a one trick pony. He has one game plan and one game plan only. There have been some mental lapses by players but yesterday was 100% on the coaches. I am still Ok that they hired EB but no need to consider him for HC. I liked him to start but again it seems he has one game plan. Where are the screens? Roll outs? Draws? RPOs? Slow that rush down. Instead he stands Sam like a statue and lets them tee of on him, or he calls that stupid off tackle play that runs right into the teeth of the D - I think every 2nd down has been this play. I saw somewhere people were concerned about turning the nentire thing over in one season Happens all the time in the NFL and other sports. Unless talent wins out and this teams start to win despite the coaching, Ron an the entire staff will be gone after the season, or possibly once we are officially eliminated from the playoffs (mathmetically not common sense wise which is now). Good by me. A good young coachging staff can bring this talenttogether while fixing the glaring holes still open, like O line. The players will come out actually excited! Ok, didn't really say anything that hasn't been said but needed to rant.
  22. There needs to be someone who is the final decision maker. If HC and GM are peers then who breaks the tie? Owner? President? If you have a president then I guess you could do it your way where both rolls report to the President. I am Ok with that. But for me the GM should be the one with the vision of the type of team he wants and type of players and coaching approach he wants. What kind of team do you want. Then that person gets the pieces that gets you there. Yes the GM and HC work very close together but ultimatly the GM makes final roster deicsions. And if the GM finds and hires the HC (which is the general standard in the NFL) then they still succeed or fail together. GM owns the HC performance. Deals can be made to give us relif if someone wants to bad anough. But yea, it's not happening so we can just agree to disagree.
  23. Let me be clear - I am no way advocating trading Terry. I was simply responding to the statement about difficulty to trade him. And yes we own the CAP hit for signing bonus but we are already 1 yr into the contract and the remaining is not cost prohibitive. Remember we are projected to have $93M in CAP space and that's beforevthe CAP is rtaisedc. If they want to move him and the price is right, the later being the key, then they CAN do it. But again I would not unless it's jsut a deal you can't refuse.
  24. Pretty good breakdown. Focus is on what he did right. Did not break down the mistakes. But he did a lot more right than it seems. Those 2 big drops were really bad. Again, being at the game the sacks were primarily on him. But he does a lot right and I truly believe can be coached and schemed to reduce the sacks. But at least he is not throwing picks in bunches. That can be the alternative to sacks sometimes. Just a thought.
  25. I have to agree. This would be a very bad sign. BB is not a good GM. And you know he would insist on being both like he is in NE. He had a great QB and a good system. But since losing the QB his teams have gotton worse each year. Looks like Tom B was a bigger part of NE being successful than BB. Eithr way, I do NOT want a HC retread. Get a GM who hired thier own HC. Someone young and very hungry.
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