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Everything posted by goskins10

  1. At this point I think its pretty clear Josh will let Ron and company go at the end of the eason. I was on the keep him or let him go I don't care plan but I am much more in the let the entire staff and FO go. Let's just start over. If they do that, a couple of things that are a must in my opinion: 1. Set up the proper structure - Josh hires a president (if he wants that role). They hire a GM. GM hires thier HC. GM and HC decide what kind of team they want and GM gets the players and HC gets his coaching staff. 2. No retread HCs. Need to fresh faces. Someone new and hungry who can better relate to todays players. 3. All players are on the table. That means all players. I see no one on this roster that screams, you jsut can;t let him go. Terry M is the closest.And maybe by end of year Sam joins that list. I really like Sam a lot. But not sure he is in keep at all cost category.
  2. Difficult to release but not to trade. Teams would just need to pick up his contract. It's pretty big for a WR but if you think he makes the difference between making the POs and making a deep run they will pay it. I do not see them moving him but he could be traded if the price were right and they had a notion to do it and most important a motivated buyer. Here is what Sportrac has:
  3. For right now that's probably a fair statement. But his upside means the other statement could eventually be true and more. It is still just his 7th game as a starter in the NFL and his 2nd offense.
  4. You get more watching it on TV than in the stands. And I am not saying it was not sloppy. I am saying sitting at home you forget the fun of just being at the game and watching it. At least for me. Maybe no one else sees it that way. If so, then that's unfortunate. Fair enough to disagree. But I am really glad I went. 1st year after Dan. Get to show my support and we won! Good times with friends and people who liek the same team! There was a lot of Burgandy and Gold!!! So what if it was a bit sloppy. It's the NFL. We won a road game! Ok, really my last. To each thier own. I just really enjoy seeing games live and think when you see it live it's not as bad as it comes across on the TV. You don't get a million replays from every angle except on critical plays. And you are more aware of the speed of the game. But clearly, at least today, that's just me. So moving along! 🙂
  5. Of course I have bias from being at the game! You have bias sitting at home with too much analysis and not just enjoyinmg football. That is the point entirely! 🙂 We have gotton so caught up in the analysis and slow motion and stuff that we forget it's a game, and an imperfect game at that.
  6. Right, we WON!!! Saying it was a win that feels like a loss misses the entire point of watching the sport to begin with, which started a long time ago before the mountain of data avaialable and people forgetting those are actually people on the field, not anamotrons. Yes, both coaches made some mistakes. But they also made some good calls. Don't get me wrong, I get this was not a thing of beauty. And I get being critical of the team. I did myself a few pages back. That's fair. But this idea that a win is somehow a loss just makes no sense. I will get off my rant after this but it would do a lot of people some good to just sit and enjoy a win for once.
  7. I have seen several comments that this win was more like a loss. Having been at thed stadium, I think people are jaded from being able to see things on TV and over analyze every play and movement made by each player in slow motion. Was it a bit sloppy in places? Absolutely. Certainly some head scratching decisions by both coaches (Atlanta coaches should be kicking themselves for over thinking thier strategy - run the ball!). I have been watching my neighbors kids games (U12) and I almost forgot how much fun it is to watch football in person. Those little kids are only 10 yrs from what we watch on Sundays. Like those game, this was a fun game to watch live. Some good plays some bad plays and many in between. But overall it was fun. The point is a win is a win. Over analysis can find all kinds of things to **** about. But they won! On the road! Road wins in the NFL are not easy to get no matter who you are playing. Maybe we are still suffering from dan syndrome. But again, being there live, this was a fun game to watch. Ok, rant over.
  8. Observations from the game. I have not watched any video of the game. So this is all from memory. Offense - Did Ok today, not great. The play calling is sporadic. decent at times but then some real head scrathing. Not sure why they keep calling that delayed off tackle run. It's getting blown up almost every time. I liked the pass heavy up front. Only issue was Sam missed a few targets. And the sacks were on him. But I am anything but down on Sam. He is a great young QB. Made young QB mistakes. He has ice in his viens though. He would make a mistake and come right back nad make a very good play. Head is always in the game. Just needs some time to develop. I liked what EB did overall but he disappeared in the 4th Q. I get we had a lead but thought he went into too much of a shell. The 4th down play was a great call though. And the screen (or whatever that was) for a TD was brilliant. Although in real time it looked like he had a wide open WR in the middle of the field earlier in the play. But either way, it worked. Oh and the Oilne - bad but had some moments. The problem is when they really needed to move the ball in th 4th Q they got really bad. Defense - They suck . Yes, they got 3 picks to save the game. But only because they can't stop anything. The scheme is bad and the execution is bad. They did a decent job of stopping the run however a lot of that is because Atl did not run that much. Stupid on the Falcons. They had some real coaching blunders today that helped us. Between that and Desmond Ritter have a bad 2nd half, that kept us in it. Can't take much positive away from the D outside the picks. Seeing it up close and live to me it's mostly scheme. We give a 5 man front on 1st and 2nd down and get them in 3rd and long and then go to 4 down linemen on passing downs. Which is fine but then they have some kind of loose zone in the middle of the field where Pitts and London (among others) ate on 3rd down all day long. It was the same play on 3rd and long all day. It's that 8 to 10 yds slant. It was open every time they needed. But players are still working and the 3 picks were nice. Just hate the approach. Special Teams - Crowder gets a deep return! Nice bonus there! Tress Way had another shank when we needed a boomming kick. That's 2 in a few weeks. Not good. But he also landed a few nice inside the 15 balls. So overall nice job. Referess - Had a bad day. Sure seemed one side but that could be team bias. That Roughing call looked very weak. Also, did they ever call a hold on any Atl Oline? Our guys were getting tackled and did not see a single call. Not sure what Ridder was doing but he got our guys to jump several times. Have to be more disciplined. But it is what it is. Have to play through it and they did. So far @skinsmarydu and I are 2 - 0 against the Falcons in Atlanta! We definitely a fun day!! A win is a win!! Hail!!!
  9. From the stadium that was a great drive. Well designed and executed. Sam has ice in his veins. Misses a play then cones right back with a strike. Love the 4th down call And yes it looks like only Wash is holding today.
  10. it’s the only strategy with this team. Oh, you must new! 😂
  11. Washington fans showing up today here in atlanta!! Let’s hope the team shows up!!!
  12. Thanks. I have Planters in both foot so I am very well aware of it's pain. It's so painful. As soon as you stop moving it's like someone is taking 1000 needles and cking them in the bottom of yourt feet. They can get rid of the pain though. It jsut takes some time.
  13. Ok, so I was one of probably the last hold outs for JDR basing it off performence which generally good until this year. But thier performance this season outside a few decent quarters, followed by an interview llke this makes me sick to my stomach. No accountability at all. And Ron should stop bunkering and make a change, now. I am sure there is some componenet of thier poor play that is on the players. But it does not take a football genius to see they are not being put in position to be successful. The primary question needs to be why is the front 4 not getting pressure? The talent is there. He is not getting it out of them. They are not giving 100% from what I see. Are they hurt? If so, get them out of there. Otherwise this is a direct failure of the coaches. The talent is there. But by them not getting pressure guys like Fields have time to make big plays. Yea the secondary is suspect. But if the front gets the pressure they should then they do not have time to make those plays. It all starts with the front on this team which is criminally underperforming overall. Not saying anything new or that hasn't been said by others. Just doing my own venting at this point.
  14. Am at our neighbors kids football game (u12) and the opposition are the Giants. Is it wrong that I hate them??? will be at the game with @skinsmarydu and my girlfriend Sunday. Wish us luck! Any other ESers let us know if you want to meet before the game or at half time for a beer! If we win we should meet up somewhere!! PM me or Mary if interested.
  15. I apprecaite the effort and being an engineer I love numbers. But honestly this has some holes in it and more imporantly it looks like a much more complicated way tog see who has been sacked more. The lists are not exact but they are pretty close. Not sure at all how this shows how much the QB contributes. No doubt Sam can be his own worst enemy. But he gets a lot of help. He has had some really bad timed drops for guys wide open and the ball right in thier hands. I know that ahppens. BTW: His QBR has been pretty good except for the Bills where he was atrocious (41.5) and the Cards he was just meh (77.6). The other 3 games? 108.8, 98.6, 99.1. Not the end all but it's a decent metric. I am more than Ok with how Sam is developing. He is so not the problem with this team. He may even be the one bright spot. How ironic. LOL
  16. The idea that the majority of his production has been in so called "blowout mode" is just silly. @FootballZombie we had this discussion before but I can't belive you are still on that path. Just because the team is behind does not always mean "blowout" You really think Arizona was just sitting back in defensive mode? And no Sam was not "bad" that game. He made some rookie mistakes. But the Oline was like swiss cheese and EB asked him to throw what 30+ times in the first half alone? And the team pulled close jsut before the half. No way you can call any part of that second half "blowout" mode. You think the Eagles were just laying back little him have stuff? Wash was never more than 7 pts back from the eagles and had the largest lead at 10. We beat Denver so very little of that was blowout time. Denver was desperate fro a win. You really think they were playing with the mindset of let them have some stuff? Hell no! They wanted to embaress us. Yes, Denver starter 21-3 by 9 mins left in the 2nd. But Wash came right back with a TD. Then got to within 7 at the half. Took the lead in the 4th and never looked back. So out of 5 gms that at the very least 10 Qs, only looking at 3 of the games, the team was not in "blowout" mode. Sam is not a finished product. And it's fair to say we have not seen enough to crown him the franchise player. But saying what we have seen is jsut mostly "blowout" mode makes no real sense. I am not underestimating short fields at all. But Olines are the key for Howells production. We could have the greatest def in the league. But Sam still going to take longer to develpo if he sits behind a pourous oline, that's if he doesn;t get killed first. But honestly was more just ****ing around. That's why the smiley...
  17. I agree but how long do we jsut say any job creation is due to Covid? Certainly some of the job rate recovery is due to Covid. No one can honestly argue otherwise, But current unemployment rates are lower than they were pre-covid. So it's not ALL covid recovery. Also, I disagree it's a simple as Covid recovery since there were many job shifts. These I think have nothing to do with Biden or Trump either. But many jobs are being looked at differently. Restaurant business for example has really struggled to get people back. They got exposed for paying **** wages and no benifits. Gig work grew exponentially. So there has been a shift. Working at home has promoted some jobs over others that are not as flexible, It's not been a 1 to 1. At least not totally. As always there is no one way or the other. It's more complicated than that.
  18. I disagree. Obama produce 88 straight months of positive job creation after a horrid recession caused by Ws poor policy management. I didn;t miss thep oint i disagree with the point. Obama set the economy up for long term growth and shown resilience until trump starting ****ing it up. All the data suports that. And that was precovid. And again Biden has driven unemployment lower than precovid. That is harder than just recovering covid lost jobs. You did allude to something though I agree with. Presidents get too much blame and creidt for a lot of things. But in this case, you can see direct correlation to actions. Obama's bailout and increased spending led to the recession recovery. Yes, it added ot the debt. But he also reduced deficit spending every almost every year where trump increased. Trumps tax cuts destablized the economy even before covid. Now biden is again reducing deficit spending. And the inflation reduction act has spurred additional growth on top of Covid recovery, not always directly but it is part of the equation even it's growth due to the expectation of additional funds.
  19. So no data to refute. No facts, jsut a childish and frankly really stupid snark. But I will answer, no I do not watch MSNBC, CNN, FOX or any network or cable stations. No Facebook or anything like that. If you don't have data or facts to contribute, or even a single well thought out argument, then it might be best if you just say nothing.
  20. That's what D is for. They were behind fro mthe beginning. Then got the score within 10 before being let down by STs to get within 7 pts. But yea, lets pile on the offense. LOL Same as I said the other - that's what Di s for. They were down from the start. And got the team back in the game before D completely came undone. First 3 drives does not a game make. Over 60 mins the Off, while it could certainly be better, it;s on the D. For me, this game is 100% firmly on the D.
  21. Not one person has made the claim that biden does not wrong. Please find a single post where someone said everything biden is perfect. Just one. That is your own narrative because the things you don't like are based on inaccurate information at best and purely made up trash at worst. There are plenty of things I am not happy with Biden about, but overall he is doing a hell of a lot better than the clown before him. I will gladly vote for him again. In fact he is doing better than I thought. I honestly thought it would be a disaster. But he has been more than competent if you look at facts and policy, not the right wing rhetoric.
  22. They did post the precovid numbers below those. But there is a point to be made that the loss of jobs was made worse by trumps handling of Covid. But fair enough. even when you remove COvid from the equation (meaning look at pre-covid performance) trump took a decent economy and made it not so good. Obamas' final 3 yrs in office he created on average 50,000 jobs per month more than Trump did his first 3 yrs precovid. Fair enough the initial 12 months of growth were likely recovering lost Covid jobs. However, the unemployment rate is now lower than it was precovid. And the job creation still continues to outperform. That is no small part due ot the inflation reduction act. And wages are gonig up faster than inflation with inflation now down to more reasonable level.
  23. Offense gets a pass. They did OK considering they were down 27 in a blink of an eye. And this is a new QB in a new system with a new OC. Willing to give them some growing pains. There is no way that D with those players should be that bad. It's completely absurd. JDR should not be allowed back in the building after that performance. Just let him retire somewhere. So disgusted with that game. So tied of this crap in general.
  24. I have supported Ron (only to the extent I was OK with him not hating him) and JDR who I thought had the D playing well at the end of last year. But this is total garbage. No excuse for this. It's on the palyers but also on the coaches. Absolutely no excuse. They just came out like they expected to win because they showed up. Done defending either. Harris not liekly to let them go mid-season but if he does, sounds good. The rest of this season is gonig to very long. First drive does not change anything. Even if they win it does not change anything. This staff should be out of time.
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