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Everything posted by goskins10

  1. walls alone do not work. But strategically placed and coupled with other measures they can be effective. I do agree that cracking down on the hiring of illegal immigrants is a vital step. But so is cracking down on people that come here legally and don’t go back when their visa runs out. They could use better electronics at the border at legal crossings. the problem with trumps wall idea and the maga followers is that they think it’s a silver bullet that solves the whole issue. Just like most things in real life it’s not that simple.
  2. there have been walls in selective places for decades. In fact trump took credit for building a few of them when they were refurbished as normal upkeep, as he knew his base would not care about facts. Second, the trump proposal was a coast to coast wall which is not only cost prohibitive its non-value added in most places. Finally unlike the low quality useless few miles of wall trump did have built, the real walls stay up so are useful.
  3. Never said anything about trusting McCarty. Please do not put words in my comment. Not sure I agree with the rest but doesn't matter. It's done and in the end may not make any difference.
  4. For myself I am not "blaming" dems for this. I totally get and agree the hot mess in the House is owned by the reps. And no I do not think McCarthy is a "good" speaker. He is loathsome and a total POS. But why help the far right with thier dirty work? I do believe the Dems had a chance to break from the status quo of only voting for someone from your caucus, especailly when the person is getting **** from thier caucus for working across the aisle. This was not a normal speaker vote. One option would have been to not vote. Tell them this is your problem. You deal with it. It's all moot. They voted how they voted. Not the end of the world by any means. May end up being almost nothing in terms of how the house is run. We will see how it turns out.
  5. Yes, I do expect the Dems to act like adults regardless of how the reps act. We are supposed to be better than that. I know McCarthy is a compelte POS with no love lost for the Dems. But the Dems should not play thier game. He should not be removed for doing his job properly, even if it's the only time he did it. Now maybe they have some grander plan and really think they can somehow wrangle a moderate into the speakership. I can even see the argument that most anyone would be better than McCarthy, although Geatz, Jordan, Marge, Trump, etc. It's just we keep preaching bi-partisanship and he finally does that and we help his radical side of the party to punish him. Jusat feels like the wrong message. i don;t really see previous voters as relevant here. It's a unique vote not a standard speakership vote. And I really dislike, it's always done this way as a reason. I see I am in the minority and that's OK. Not anything I can do about it. Just my thoughts.
  6. Not sure how orthers feel but I am pissed that the dems voted to oust McCarthy. He is a tool I get it. But the far right wanted him out for actually doing his job for once and getting a bi-partisan CR passed. No extra funding for immigration no additional Ukraine money. Just keep the doors open like you are supposed to. You just gave the far right crazies i nthe House even more power. Stupid move in my opinion. All I can think is be careful what you wish for, you just may get it.
  7. What is sad is just how hard republicans fought against this! At one point blocking the legislation for Medicare to be able to negotiate just to keep epipens off the list! Only reason to vote against the legislation is to preserve corporate profits. Yet they will snow thier base into thinking they will get poorer health care from this "communist" approach to medicine. And those morons will believe it!
  8. Daniel Jones is who we thought he was... LOL Glad the Giants have that nice contract extension for him.
  9. Thanks for posting. How do they distinguish between being shoved out of bounds which is legal, and the above? Seems that a difficult thing to determine as a ref. I have never seen the above called. Must have to be agrgregious for them to call it.
  10. Catching up a few narratives: Going for 2 - The same people cruxcifying Ron for NOT going for 2 are the same ones that would cruxcify him for gonig for it if they failed. It was judgement call. You have to trust the person in the room. I was 50/50 WOukld have been OK either way. Play Taylor H in 2 weeks - I will be at the game and all I can say is: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL 7 in the box and dare him to throw. Going for it on 4th and 5 - You have a Probowl punter. Use him Just so happens he has his one bad kick in 3 yrs, then. Last week people complianed Ron went for it not using Way. Now they don;t want Way to punt. LOL **** happens. Defense - Yes, the D has started slow but they played two teams in the Bills and Eagles that score in bunches. And I see them getting better. Forbes getting jobbed by AB - AB is likely a future HOF WR. And Forbes did have a few passes defenced and came close to a pick. He took his lumps yest but this is game 4 in his NFL career. He will learn from it. A saw a few (granted only a few) suggesting Terry M was just good not great. Silly take at best. Terry is a great WR. He and Howell will continue to bond. But in fairness there are several other mouths to feed. AS they whow they can get open they will not be able to double Terry as much. Dude is literally amazing. Defense will get better. They have to . This was a big game for the entire team., Great way to bounce back after last week debacle. Face it, we all felt like another major beatdown was imminent. But they hung in there like ahomand almost won. Good on em!!
  11. Not saying you are completely wrong but RGIII is a bad example. He was injured, tried to come back too soon, and once he lost his speed he was not a good enough QB as a thrower. The Ds didn;t take his speed away, Mike S and RGIII himself did. I do agree it takes more than a single year. But you can see traits that he can be a starter in this league. He is very methodical, has a laser arm, and works his ass off. And nothing seems to rattle him. He and EB will form a good bond and can make some hay. Agree it's too early to say franshise stud - whatever that means, you can see enough he has all the tools. And all this with an oline that resepmbles swiss cheese more than a line. I for one am very excited to see him grow. I personally think he is our guy. But also get the hesitation.
  12. It's exactly the same thing. Not seeing any distinnction here. Doesn't matter if the reciever has the ball in thier hands or not. The WR can catch the ball in the air clearly in bounds then be carried out of bounds and i'ts not catch.
  13. it’s exactly the same thing. Either by accident or on purpose if the defender can get the receiver out of bounds before they can est themselves in bounds it’s no catch. So the defender can catch the player in bounds and carry them out and it’s no catch.
  14. That was a rule change. It used to be they could call the defender ran the player out of bounds and call it a catch. Now, the defender can ridde them out and it's no catch.
  15. it absolutely answers the question. You are live unless thier body is out of bounds untill your body hits the ground. He labded on dudes arm which was in bounds but then his foot slide to the out of bounds. It was close but he not down when his foot hits the other players arm.
  16. If your body part is down you are down. If you land on another player you are still live.
  17. Not usually interested in "moral" victories. But this is different. Shows the team has heart coming back from a **** game. They took one of the best teams in football to OT in thier house. And it was a vital next step fo Sam Howell. He showed he can lead this team. Please FO, get this guy an Oline!!! This team could be dangerous!
  18. Not if we had scored a TD. Only if a FG. It's moot now. But the rules are if 1st team possessing scores a TD the game is over. If they score a FG the other team gets a possession.
  19. Let's go take this. Don't let trhem even get the ball.
  20. I know people are not used to this but it's been a great game. No one is perfect and the other guys are trying. Both teams playing well overall. Great response for Washington after the trash from last week. And Sam Howell is the real deal!! Fix the Oline and this is a dangerous team.
  21. This is the kind of stuff Congress should be discussing and taking action on in a bi-partisan way. It may not have everything say progressives or the left want but it would have full support. But in the absaence of adults in Congress this is how you have to govern. This was orignally enacted by the Obama administration only to be rescinded by trump. Link here: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/biden-strengthens-rules-to-keep-schools-from-saddling-students-with-unaffordable-debt-200752907.html Biden strengthens rules to keep schools from saddling students with unaffordable debt "All schools of higher education will face stricter requirements proving certain certificate programs lead to better employment opportunities for graduates under a finalized federal rule. If they can’t prove their worth, the schools lose access to federal student aid. The Biden administration this week reinstated a stricter gainful employment rule, toughening one accountability metric and adding a new one to better gauge a school’s ability to improve their students’ earnings potential after graduation. The rule applies to certificate programs at all institutions, including public and private nonprofit colleges."
  22. I see the I hate Ron boo birds and back out. Been prety silent the last few weeks 🙂 Sam is a rookie QB. He will have bad days. This was one of them. D did thier job and is very good. They were playing from behind the entire game. Not to mention that is one of the best offenses in the NFL with one of the best QBs in the NFL. Still, the game was with in reach into the 4th Q by the D keep the Bills to a lot of FGs. Oline was bad again. But to be fair Sam was bad. He made some bad deicsions. Not hashing them out but we all know it. But in the end, Sam still has a major upside. He stayed in there and keep plugging away. He will have bad days and good days. I like EB a lot. But he has to try and establish at least some what of a running game in the first. I know this is a passing league but you still have to run some. But he too is learning about his young QB. I look to see things change over the next 15 weeks Looking forward to it. As for Ron needing to be fired - LOL That is hillarious. The first move by a new owner is to show they have a quick trigger. Yea, that will bring the great prospects! Let this season play out. Still 14 more games. Get ready for Philly and show you fixed a few things, win or lose. But Harris just needs to sit tight and just watch and learn. Then he can make truly informed decision for next year. Ron is likely gone at the end of the season and I am 100% OK with that. But we still have a season to play. I am much more interested in how we play at the end of the season not the beginning!
  23. The good newsw is the D is legit. People can say what they want but thed bad fields they have been given and no pts to support and thy keep Buf to 16 so far even if they give up 14 more as they get really tired and the D has done enoguh to win. But anyone paying attnetion had to know there will be days like this. Sam is a rookie. The Oline is weak. Sam will learn and the Oline can be fixed. It's jsut one of those days. Gibson may be done here. He is not fixing his fumbles. All esle still lthe same. D is playing well. O is a work in progress.
  24. Rookie being a rokie. He will learn from it. This was always gonig to be tough even if they played perfect. ANd they are not playing perfect. Hold them to 3 here and it can maybe still be a game. A TD here and it's over.
  25. People need to relax. No problem going for it tere. Leaves them a really long field. If they make it it's huge. So it didn't work. Love the aggression
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