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Everything posted by goskins10

  1. https://commanderswire.usatoday.com/2023/11/29/washington-commanders-qb-sam-howell-and-lions-oc-ben-johnson/ from Nov 29th would suggerst you have bad information. But if you have a reference that says otherwise I would be very interested. From the article above this looks to be a coveted job. Also, Ben Johnson wwent to Carolina like Sam. May not make a difference cbut there is already a connection. While the Commanders currently operate under the coach-centric model with Rivera acting as general manager overseeing all football operations, that’s not expected to be the case moving forward. New Washington owner Josh Harris will likely hire a new general manager, and the job should be coveted.
  2. Just that easy. That will be there all day long. Just depends how often they want to hit it.
  3. If the offense was playing lights out and putting up 30 on a regular basis then Ok maybe. And in fairness the offenses woes are not all on EB. A better OC likkely could have gotten more out what is there. But more important to me is that if you are moving on the from Ron (which they are) and EB is not your next HC (which he should never be), then clean house. No left overs.
  4. I was excited about the chance for EB to come here and be the OC. But even then was not sure about HC. He has done nothing for me to want him here next year. I am not nearly as down on him as some others are. However, he has certainly not wowed me either. So, clean house. Kick them all to the curb. I think Sam is resilient enough for another offense. Especially since there will be a clear committment of at least a few years. I am making the assumption Sam is our QB next year. I think he has done enough unless we somehow can get Maye or WIlliams without selling the farm. Even then, it's not a smal dunk. Draft picks are always risky. Howell you know what you have. With a better game plan and some support on the Oline resulting in a legitimate run game and a legitimate threat at TE, he could be special. Either way, hard pass on EB as HC. Move them all out. Hire a GM who brings in his own HC and let them build the roster and coaching staff.
  5. Terrible sequence after 3rd and 1. EB needs to walk home with jack. Both are idiots.
  6. Jack Del Rio needs to walk home and then be fired immediately when he gets there.
  7. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Hope you have a great day and enjoy your friends and family or solitude if that’s your preference !!
  8. I think it's more perception now than reality. Or thier true painis from corporate greed not anything policy related. The primary driver on household finances is gas prices and they are back down to near covid levels and wages are up. But people would rather complain about paying 30 cents more for some milk than see they have $30 more in thier paycheck. Bidens policies, and in fairness Trumps have very little impact if any on what your companie decideds to charge you for insurance. The marketplace (ACA) prices are about the same from what I can tell (I have 2 people in my household that use the marketplace). My company choose not to raise premiums again for the 3rd year in a row. Housing prices are up as are interst rates. But waiting to get into the areas with the best schools are not a below poverty line issue. Not even a lower middle class issue. I get her rant. But she provided no specifics nor solutions. Just whining. And she ignored the macro. Should not ignore either.
  9. I agree with this. I just wish people would stick to facts. I do not like everything Biden has done. He mangled Afganistan. I am not in toal agreement with how has handled Ukriane. Our leaders have to be able to take criticizm. And I refuse to believe some fair complaints will be enough to get the idiot elected. if it is, then he was likely getting elected anyway. But she is issuing talking points without any data to support. And again, the idea that if you support our intersts over seas it directly impacts our support at home is not very intelligent. Last but not least, what policies woud she like to see adopted? This is my bigger problem with most celbrities from btoh sides. They have a platform great. But whining with no solutions is not useful.
  10. Yes she is wrong. She is falling for the right wing talking points of one impacts the other. Sending aid to the Ukraine and Isreal does not take away money to help Americans. The republican congress are the ones who are doing that if anything. They want no social programs, prefering to give rich people tax breaks. More importantly, I mean this as an honest question, please explain how the economy is bad? Unemplotment back below pre-covid. GDP well above most any of Trumps Qs including and esepcially pre-covid. Real Estate still moving. Gas back to precovid levels. Yea, so a few things, maybe even many things, cost more. But along with employment, wages are up. Those are due to supply and demand and an economy quickly recovering from Covid. It's funny, the Rs complained the economy rebounded too slow under Obama from Ws recession. Now we are recovering too fast from Trump's poor economy due to Covid. I keep hearing how bad the economy is. But dealerships can't keep enough cars on lots. Housing inventory remain seriously low, unemployment is low, GDP is high. Gas is to precovid levels. I paid $3.12/gl for premium. Regular was like $2.69. Wages are. BTW Deficit spending is down and on it's way to back below $1T after trump sent it soaring. He added almost as much in 4 yrs as Obama did in 8. She is parroting the right wing talking points of **** everyone else just take care of Americans. But the fact is that we cannot just fold into a shell and ignore the rest fo the world. Both Ukraine and Isreal are strategic partners. Not to mention giving them money is not taking away from Americans. More importantly, I am not hearing from her or any of the right wingers with this parroting line what policies they want to see changed.
  11. I worked in dealerships in a different life. I am aware of the get them in low and then upsell them. That is completely different than adding unnesseary and hidden fees, although car dealerships do some of that too and it's also wrong. Advertizing the most base vehicle for sale then upselling you on better features is definitly buyer beware. But the collusion for charging $125 processing fee on tickets to a concerts whose tickets only cost $100 is different. And then they add a locator fee and a location fee and even more. SInce all of them do it you end up having to pay those fees. Where with getting upsold on a car you still have the choice to get that base car. I know, I have had more than on customer come in on an ad and get that car even though it's stripped down.The dealership has to be able to provide that vehicle in the ad to at least one person (then they can say it old out). The tickets are not available at the advertized price no matter what. As stated above it's more about translarency than actually seeing lower prices.
  12. Profits are not really gonig anywhere, not in huge numbers any way. They will simply raise thier prices. The difference is that now you can do a more fair comparison when shopping for those items. Ultimately the prices may come down some but due to more fair competition, so more indirectly from removing the fees than directly. Don't get me wrong, I am all for this becoming law. So irritated to try and buy say some tickets, see a decent price, only to get to the final pay page (cause they never tell you sooner), that the price is doubled or worse due to these garbage fees. But the whining above by companies is the precursur to them blaming the adminstration for higher prices when they are not higher. They just increased the transparency. In the end the new price will likely not be a lot different. But right wing pill pitch this as "more inflation" by the Biden administration and thier followers will believe it becuase, well they are stupid.
  13. It will be interesting to see how the players on the team respond to better coaching. I am not one who believes in miracles. But we do have some pretty telented players. They are just not being set up for success. On offense the main culprit is the oline but TE is also a major problem. On D it's the DC who still thinks it's 1960. Not saying most if not all couldn't be improved on but as a team I think they can be much more competitive than they have shown. They show glimpses. Get a HC that can reach these guys then lets see what we have.
  14. You listen to a lot more of that than I do so I will cede to your interpretation. But maybe it was a bit of both. Anyway, Ron has earned it. He had a good chance this year to give a glimpse of what a non-Dan RR team could look like. But he has regressed IMO from past year and seems to be 100% ubnaplogetic. It's a bit frustrating, esepcially for someone like me who really was glad when he was hired. Oh well. it will be moot by black Monday πŸ™‚
  15. It's literally the most consistently successfulk model for football organizations there is. Nothing is an absolute so of course it does not work out all the time. That is not the model's fault it is the people in it. Where as the alternative modles have an abysmal record. It kind of baffles me that you owuld say you are not if it works when again it's leiterally the most successful model. I did not take it as him trolling Ron as much as comisrating with him. It's not exactly a secret Ron is gone at the end of the year, and he should be./ But while he has certainly made it easier, the organizational structure and being Dan.s team has made it way worse. Not directled at anyone, more a general statement: As for if they keep Sam or not, I will support whatever direction the new regime goes. I would find it a bit dissapointing if they did not even look hard at Sam even if they get rid of EB (which I think they almost have to and I am one of the few who like him). But it is what it is. As long as they have a plan and it's solid plan. Again we need a GM who hires a HC. Thise two work together to build the vision of the team and implement it. Sam has so many positives traits. And yea he makes few bonehead decisions here and there but the facts is even the best QB's do. They are in fact human. I do not want to see EB as HC. He may develop but he needs a few years as OC. A new HC is unlikely to want to keep EB as OC preferring to clean house. But we will see. As bad as it was today (I think I finally hate NY more than dallast!) at least no tension the rest of the season. We will win a few games but mostly lose. And then the first offseason under Harris will begin.
  16. Hmm.. I am so not into the Allen over Howell argument in that it is way too soon. I like me some Sam and hope he continues to grow. He has a lot of potential. But Allen has already proven to be elite over a number of season not just a few games. But a bit confused about where these stats came from. I have Allen with a QBR of 67.9 his first season (2018) and 85.3 his second (2019). Howells 2023 QBR based on NFL.com is 91.5. Let me be clear I am NOT saying this makes any argument that Howell is better. I already said you have to take the guy that's been successful in the league for 6 seasons over a guy who has 10 starts. But let's get the stats right if we are doing a stat comparison. Edit - OK you are using QBR vs QB Rating. But to be fair they are close - 47.7 (Sam) vs 48.8 (Josh). That is literally the only passing metric (and i have no idea how) that Allen shows better than Sam. TD/IInt ratio, Comp % (66 to 52!), yds, comp. Only thing I can see is QBR counts sacks with a high % contirbution. Also, Allen had 10 TDs and 12 Int. He got better in 2019 and 2020 but over the last 2 plus season he has 40 int over 43 gmes. So his interceptions are not a new thing. I saw him compared to Farve and that's a prertty good comparison, although I think Allen is a better athlete and has the running capability Farve didn't. Now if I got it wrong, please provide the data and I will take it back. My stats came from NFL.com. Sam Howell Josh Allen.
  17. ere is a link to the White House infrastructure project map. It starts with the high level projects but then you can drill down to each project. Pete B quoted 35,000 infrastructure projects (WH site says 40,000). Is that number real? No way to really tell but there are a lot even if it's not 35,000. Click on the WH link --> https://www.whitehouse.gov/build/ Click on Maps of Progress on the right list. Scroll down and click view intertactive map. It's pretty awesome.
  18. Yea, I was trying to confirm. Still good to post. I will keep looking for validation. If it's BS then we can label as such.
  19. Yes, this is a good place for this! And pretty interesting news! Thanks for posting!
  20. The problem here is not the new law. It is the greed of the PBMs who have increased bogus performance fees from $9M in 2010 to $12.6B in 2021 based on the article you provided. These fees are supported by insurers as they say it lets' them charge lower premiums. I read that as we can hide making more money by less trasnparency of where you pay it, direct premiums or hidden costs passed on by pharmasists due to fees charged by these greedy PBMs. Middlemen are rarely benificial for the end user. This is certianly true here. Efforts to limit the fees and the other issues with PBMs - spread pricing - where they reimburse the pharmacy less than they get paid by the pharmasutical company and pocketing the difference have been gonig on for years. Here is very good article providing better context than the click bait title from what you posted. It was wirtten in Sept 2022. https://www.whitecase.com/insight-alert/2022-drug-pricing-update-states-continue-legislative-push-even-congress-passes-long "Also, states increasingly have sought to impact drug prices by regulating PBMs and their practices. Notably, New York recently passed legislation requiring PBMs to register with and obtain licensing from the State Department of Financial Services, potentially setting the stage for further regulation.5 Failure to comply with these requirements may result in the PBM receiving cease and desist orders as well as incurring financial penalties.6 The new legislation likewise imposes additional duties and obligations on PBMs, such as providing a process to appeal, investigate, and ultimately resolve disputes raised by pharmacies regarding multi-source generic drug reimbursements.7 Other laws, such as Virginia's S.B 426, require managed care organizations to include in their contracts with PBMs provisions prohibiting so-called spread pricing, whereby the PBM pays the pharmacy less for the prescription drug than it charges health plans with the PBM retaining the difference.8"
  21. I was curious what playoff discussion there could be. The loss to the Bears should have been the major clue this team is not getting to the POs with a miricle. Then losing yesterday ut even miricles out of reach. We should probably win this week. But is there a win after that? Maybe the Rams but we have to go to LA. Hard to win across the country. Maybe the Jets? But thier D is pretty stout and our D is ****. So let's give us that 2 jsut to be kind. The rest are losses. We are not beating dallas. They beat teams they are better than and they are better than us. Realaly in almost every postioin except punter and maybe interior dline. Oddly enough Sam may end up better than Dak but right now he is not. Pollard > than any of ours. Our TEs are not good and thier Oline is much better than ours. In terms of D all I can say is Micah Parsons. I agree with those that say the rest of the season is abot developing Sam, and that includes if he is getting killed taking him out. No more 8 or 9 sack games. Sorry Jacoby but that's the life of a back-up. Go take the beatings. Not sure this coaching staff is that aware. But one can hope.
  22. Great ****ing defense! Just leave JDR in Seattle! Sam is for real! Need to build around him. Get him a real TE and a better Oline. Good try Sam! Next year you will have more help.
  23. Let me know when you all get to the 60s! It's a whole new world of hurt! Just saying'!
  24. Thank you! I was about to do something very similar. But you beat me to it and said it better than I would have. Just to build on this: The only way we should be looking at the top 2 picks is if we have one of them, or maybe, just maybe if we are 3 or 4. For that to happen, the following teams would have to pass us: 1 - 8 - Carolina and Arizona 2 - 7 - Giants and NE 3 - 7 - Bears 3 - 6 - Rams 3 - 5 - Titans, Broncos, Green Bay, Tampa Bay 4 - 5 - Atalnta since we beat them they pick higher. Of those, while we lost to the Bears and Giants, we beat AZ, Atl, aa NE and the Broncos. I get that demonstrates we have only basically beaten ****, they are worse than us. The chances of all those teams winning enough games to pass us and us losing enoguh games is virtually nonexistent at this point. Teams are who they are. So right now we are 12th. Lets say we get to 6th. From #6 to #2 in 2012 the team traded 2 additional #1s inculding 2012 #6 and the 2012 2nd. BTW - Salt on the wound 2014 turned out to be #2. Had we just drafted Cousins to would not have needed a QB and well you can do your own what ifs from there. If you want to get to #1 then it gets even more expensive, and as SIP said, that's even if anyone will trade with us! Those currently ahead of us likely needing a QB would be NY,NE, TB amd Atl at the very least. Some of the others like the Rams and even AZ may be in need. So if any of those team are in that 5 above us - exztermely likely - then the price gets even higher. And that all assumes Sam ****'s the bed. So far he has shown very good growth as the season goes on. His last 2 games have been his last - although you could also argue that when the line started at least playing like and NFL line, not like they just finished rec league football. But still, he is seeing the field better and avoiding so many sacks. A sign of maturing. I will admit I like Sam. But not just his numbers. I like the attitude, I like his approach. I like all the intangibles that I can see. And the team seems to like him too. He has ise in his blood viens, a cannon for an arm that's poretty accurate and a very short memory. I new regime kicking him to the curb just to do so would be a red flag for me. Point is you martgage the future. If Sam ****s the bed the rest of the season then I guess you probably have to look at it. But even then it may likely cost you way more than you handle and that's assuming there is a seller. Roll with Sam in 2024. Get some quality Oline and TE stud if you can maybe a big physical WR #2. See what the kid does. We can talk defesce on another thread.
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